I " air)?" 'w" "i' _ . / T b r, . . JI , , . gm" L: -e" min Boo ir; when a the Lucid-hm. O" ought I You ~11" non. But-t. Batt, col-allotm- - ' to he ohlo to become oondidotoe. It did ttl 'le,': 'ttPts, for?" Jlll'g,'t, (itl'lt'l'hdl'llll'; Io- V olwoyo iollowothot repreooototion a', h I mm... mu. Fm?" 2ephd'fg',t flltttt , reouit oi taxman. ior It pron-i lt" a; Groin-I. amt. me ','a'2g,'fMl',tflllt. (may. ' I had not "tfiioUgrt "or", to IPI, 'Sd' '2t"iel'l.t,Jtl'ltdff.g, chowon. Melee. Koo- 'ww . th-tiiietion "_Oired m the u" no. Meredith. 1'd'l'llr, Monk, Moon. "323' l , , had not the Hail to vote though 'tl'. O'Dono'hno. O'dullinu. 2f."h Rrpli,lt'dtit rr v' m taxed. It it"; 31min. 'li igStit"rtat'8rurlelt_ ','r"lltlt'ei'llll'fTr: w l, ' come women now o I ' ' o Wettt . T T voting for oohool truotoel, therefore the! l t v5"?in?r¥e% (an?! 3220134333 ggtl'et , _ ' new be ollowed to "lt 1tt'e,ed,'l, iiii'G rugs", nobinoou. Mina. Wudituid.--U. i . ut thin vor not I " ( ' I u ' ta',' {lemon now 1d'll'h hemli oi the The null motionooomdod woo oorrlod 5! privilege of voting for oohool truoteoo woo the on the tune dlvliion. , y "tangent orgumont ogoinot the Bill. He. AMENDMENT? or THE MUNICIPAL I hoped the Home would vote very decidedly ACT. b not" ttte "mm- or: SPRINGER moved the oeoond reeling ', ' - Mr. LAUDEB ooid that he would hove r ot the Bill to mend the Attt Tttl'",,,',),': _ ; voted for the Bill he}: only owned" un Municipnl Ioolltutiouo oi commill h" lt k a menu women out! qtitoo, ' obiett '" to "ma the "we: w fOOVt. b' / Mr. MILLER end Mr. ROSEVEAR ooid legoo would hove to ottrrotruet Nttn tt i P-', that they "'0 in tu "tno position " the 300 hot in width over o otrooin. I mentor foe Eoet Grey ', Aiter tome dioounion, , . , f I on". SINCLAIR ooid thot he woo in Mr BEACON "id that If m. Bill went.) . ' ' - l - oi the which!" "'0"be . ammistee every member would have name i g . i an Bill, but thought the ieonohioo ohouio mu. .meudmeut to ouggeot. I: i " not be intend upon ooy 018" " tur did not woo better that lone muniolpolltieo , amend it, He moved in mend-out that should tmffee . little thou thot they ' I . tho Bill be reed thin doy three month; ohculd be continuolIy tinkering the low. Jil / Mr. CLARKE (NttefoM oontondod. In N Mr, SPRINGER told the grievonoo oi " 1 ply to tho oboervotiono cl tho Connolooionor which he oomphshttd woo . "Hmm one in cl P0530 Wake, tttat it "' better to ttogU many countiee, end it oertoiniy denuded I with the. s','nt'tu'"lt2t "at: 'tht'. mono remvdy. l, nutter, t on . " men , "P .- Mr, BrRBoP/mer mioning to the iilffi. N l t "in Th. 'ttttttrt' M B" would hoiihely f ouieiu: which oarooionolly orooe ttndtr tho ' ' " 1m" the thin mtd of u" wedge grfth " roeent Act, oold thot oome onendnont oi ' , E gatd to outdo newbie lunovotlouo woo no T. I". woo "Wm", denuded. I ' ' mower to o queotion oi right nod duty. the pl I " ts , member for Addiogton hod remedied thot in . Mr. BAXI'IR hoped tmonl pol-oi o i ' T hie opinion the right otunp of o ropreeonto- of tho yrooont low wuioh tho ooontioo , i "v. '0 a" flu uh. who AiortdU to hoe do nopontlblo ttte all hm". . "I y V i meetio (mice; but women in st",,? equal length would not he in with. q I and thtllld be " treoto I will)". Mr, FIRMS "td "It m m a It ttus "tood "aMog " ttttgeUd county would wont o oyeoiol "undone" a ' ho wolf tdt',',t".tt " t','t"le,g to the low It it were once interfered with. . o o: to own on noun-r women . captain 'lh'2'lJd that hell I loo! woo hotter t2ftg'dl"" how! the low would not V - than no breed. " , l - on. (mums: "id he iovoured thr prin- t Mi, 01331011 1,thtt"it" 3215mm - . _" , alpha of the Bill, oud would vote tor ito .1" act: earn "' r, T, the t t _ "and reading. The loot that the women tt b0 dtt man - L ted. ' -r , had not oiled for the manure woo no reouoc we" l u "0 O " ocnoo t o 1, why it ohfuld not pool. l, Alter tenorko by Mr. Blehnrdoon end ' Mr. WILSON nu he would rote Mr. 39'"- -- .g M" egoinot the Bill, even it unendid no Mr. MOWAT? mood tint it woo not E one mover had propoeod. This oouru dooirohle to be oonotoutly mending l _ woe dioloted to him, not " much by o d: tho muniolpol low. but no there \4 Ill. to benitit the mate portion ot the tttttn- had bun . nnmhr of "mil .mmamu". muniiy " from the belief that by to doing clone the loot coneolldotion. It might be well " would be "ttrg In ttut hoot interoote ot on tho eve of onother, to nooks ouch ohongeo i) ohm for . hom the ironehioo woo now no might be pretty generody deolred with. l i .cmebt. laser, but) All tito" who httt . out interfering with tho principle ot tho l mytiirg to do with election couteote knew present low. that there woo very much in connection with After lurthor dleouoololt the motion woo , theminwhiohthey would not (Intro to oee curried the Bill woo rend the oooond time te', "V" rttheeggu'1','g,tl,t, (I): 2' and TGia to I eeloot Committee. , o oer oonoenee o co 0 women n no I . -, .1," C heiog o 2,1"d'l.uLT,l eon. for they were o; Mr. MOWAT tttttved tor " odyournntent w, . ' i , highly honoured or they themeolveo could ot the Home. , deoiro. The women themolvoo did not look K PUBLIC AOCOUN N FOR 1876. 7 . l "bonito-05M ' ' Mr. CAMERON and when the Public _ ' r . Me, BABRooid It thoBlil hod been olnllor Aeoounto of 1876 would be bolero the " to the one introduced loot union he would Econ. J hm supported it 1 on CROOKS ooid the motorlpt hod been C 3 ' a . Mr. MACDOUGALL Simone) oold that t In the printer'o houdo on loudly. m 3 i . WW. he had "pporkd "'0 Bill ot tant ". l knew that tho printer-o were very hordiy ' ii . mall. had $39ng 2ly',','t vt,', lit 'l' proeoed with work ot preoent. - C,' ouonon "on pr nope. t . , p, r. wooooiremed, ',',1'ht'dt tint by the "1.. ' EerNSION 0mm Faustino . , a I ot the Home ho ond othoro in the nine pooi- I Mr. CAMERON ooid " thought thot o . t tion would hove to vote ogoloot the I monouro ot ouch import-nae " thio would ' . mood reading. m woo at the tone ', havotteeastturught worthy of opiooointhe .) ' l tine otroogly in lovcur ol oonloo- 1 Ueuteomt-Governor'o Speech- on wet the 'N - t i ring the ironchioo upon widowo old I oooowith the proposed Bill in regordtotho fi' , i annealed women, on tae no muoicipol oleo- ironohloe ion formero' non-ttouta not he do- , . ( ticno were ooneorned. Edam? o loto 'd','?,', St "flunk Itt. ' on. CLARKE (Norfolk) ooid ml to n- " . "mm" "m to rop'p ' il. - iievo hon, gentlemen iron their rothoo owh- 2,fh,,f2g,t' ttl 'i2hrpt'e,l"d, no , . word pooition hewoild withdrew the Bill. oionon b ":1. . ti. y t detail m: ' Mr. ROBINSON ooid hothou ht that u. , q" 'tneo ' . I though, not of very grout importonoo. ohouid a Mae " . "-1- had mouth to doU the I»! of be ilnolly oottlod before the introduction ot I . "venting M omt h"..- m "' h ta. the manure. The Bill night poooihiy he in- _ l 1'IQ 'ar"", of "3th "ll-"MN troduced to-uoorrow, though it woo not likely I f ' onehioo upon -gud '"m to he brought down until Hominy. , on. OREIGHTON mode more further ob. 2'he no". ndjournod " 11 o'clock I l tiht'Tat with: 2trt'edtet: . a ' o we not home veo - l m." " 1'2dllld'a't'd, I... an}! muons or HOHON. ii " oienor ot Public Worho had the other night Mr. Milur--0a Fridoy tg.xt-thtntnttt" _ contended that the Government ought to oi the Whole on Bill (No. 42),:eopeotlug ,, hove voteoou their patty in Toronto if the Credit Volley Boilwoy 1htrntpanr-wt0 i that property were to: 's, move to odd often the qrttrN'udditittna1 - i Mr. FRASER ooid ho had not ouggeoted MO," in line 22 oi oootlcn 2, the iollowing '.-- ' g that ther ohonld hove vetoo for nunielpol "Inwhioh coco it shall be " the diuretion T f Connoiilon or menthol-l ot the Luioloturo, oi the Council ot the Municipolity to tubinlt , . but only thot they ohould hove o vote on by. e lay-low to the vote ot the quolliied oleotoro, - l" iowo in roierenco to the lone of debentureo Ill "tsept " heroin Provided." _ l The House then divided, end the enema. Mr, Prion-Ott Monday nezt-Bllt on- " w'.' lint woo oar+d--Y-, 67t Noye, It, . tituled on lot to mend the dot reopooting it , lino ionooo ', l u .