-_--- tIN rmmum SESSIOI. ----i---. m'DL', 30th Tani, 1817. Aitor rector, TERRITORIAL DISTRIOI'B. Ir. MOWAI', in no tho ooccud rend- In oi the Bill ,'i':'tt'lri1"t,tg' torrit trio! dio- Md oi tic-hon, orr Bound. nod Thundor Bar, cud the provI'oionol county oi Edi")... "le that " t'ltt I cltho toroitorioo oi Ma oho ond Erma mod Jaw-ll! to We» fpgegzer.t'gt,"glt hntbrthoroho cicouvo ncohoprooooodthotiniuturo the wholooithooo torrltcrioo APY, holonz to 1tteerogtntrttttNttttite ion Pt'lu,'att Itwo'o oioo prone-Id tho! it. ipeeidiaer ttit", ohonld hoollowod to oxohnngo w oasesnottter,and thattheDtektitet Coutpoccoduro in thooo torritcrioo ohculd boo-iniIoted with thot in "in! ports ot tho Provinco. Thoro woro nono othol minor provisional. Tho Bill woo rood tho oocond tint. THE LIQUOR LICENSE BILL, l Kr. CROOKS moved thoooocnd "ad'arg at tho Bill to omnd tho Aoto ooopoctin. tho Iolo oi iormootod or opiritncuo liquoro. Ho oxplolnod that tho Act did not pronoun tutti-o with tho principl- oi tho Acto - in iovoo, Tho toudonoy oi ugh. trotoo and jutlooo hod boon to circunto ho tho oporotton oi tho Act inotood of giving it n lihonl intupowotion. m pronto" h mootdiiiicultioo oi thot notqu which hod noioou. but thoro woro iurthor onondcuonto which covorod othor qnootiooo ohout which thooooooluod to ho Iaget doubts. A proctico Iconod to how provoilod undo: which cholnioh nod druggioto had corrlod on tho ooio oi intoxicating liquor-o. on It tho&woro excludod iron: tho provioicno oi Act. It won proponod to compo! thou: tooutorin thoir bah tho moo oi thooo who ohtoiuod ulcoholic liqucr'o iron thorn.to- tttg, with tho medicol cottidcotoo roqoirod . ouch conoo. The gaunt Bill oloo propoood to provide cumin moon- oi ooorch which worn cocontiol if tho prod. oiono oi coy lioonoo low worn to ho teg,tttr, corriod out. Thoy won in loco quioitotinl thou tho proviniouo d tho Act oorriod in England undor tho ouopiooo oi tho Cour-mono. which ohtr'uod - by tho amt oi tho hoor intoroot. Author pro- viotcuoi tho But woo to Ionic tho low ot Ohm tho ion oi the outiro Product. An ue.hadetrt.tteed,in1t-qutttot, odo clic- hy Ohtoi J notico Dropor, thot tho oa. hrio Liconoo Low did not only in thooo notion when tho Act of 1864 won in iota. Ho propoui to make that oloor. Tho ro- luroo, which mold ohortly ho in tho pontoo- oiou ot tho Homo. ohoood coucluoivoly thot thin Act had hour: to o vory oouoidcrohio ox- tont disc livo no u romodiol monouro. A voty recent deliver-no: of tho Gonorol A-omhly oi tho Church ot 8cotlond had odoptod tho viow thot the roduction of tom " plum-o of drinking diminiohod In. imponnco. In 1876, 2977 tovorno wan licono-doocwntnot-c with 1459 in 1875', out 794 ohopo on compsrod with 1.267 in 1876, Tho "port, which won now in typo nod would ho brought down in n doy or too, ohowrd how tho Oommkoiouoro ond tho n. Itr,'hg had ondoovoulod to - into Watt lunchloory provided nodor tho Act Tho rognloiiouo impcoed ou tho Iconoctcro and ill. inltluotlono to tho Conuhloooro ohowod that tho whole obj: It a tho Govornuont woo not to loy down ony orhitrory limit, but to orrivo " o cmludou which would moot tho roqulrolnouto oi oooh loooll- ty. Tho object ot tho Gonvnmont ho! ham to roduco tho amount of intolnporonco by curtailing t: ought ot liconooo nod by gnu t on y to poncho ot good ohorootor who won tit to ho outruisd with ' tho corryin. on ot ouch o huoinooo. Tho Li. conoo Ocmmhoionoro hod to roturn to tho Toooonry D-meat iull portionluo In rot and to tho licooooo U.ued-tl" doto ot tho iegtietatton, tho noon oi tho opplicont. tho vropoot oi tto inopoctor, how tho motlzr was diopoood trt, ond other porticnlnro. Tho roe port would chow that thooo wot no ionodo- ticu toe tho otntolltont thot tho Act had bean 'oorrlod out in nny political conoo. Tho ovil niintompor-uu woo no oncrntcut tut both puti- a should unito to oombot it Tho poop]. at lb 'ntut - the people of "up ohnootto wovo now trying to poppio with