esrmcsuces + e o e es . y ol T9 .:1"«""' * § :2 3 % * P nds ' %. alna' uk ¥, qo % ; the necmssity or propristy of ": °11° '::5;:1 g:l::.o::" J.',":.:Z'u".'fi. :o':::l:l.:g.;hfig Commistee to exqu're cithsr iato the in e other matters con would serve thsm in gooi szisad as -- maps;ement o', or any »» an electlion ory, The honouravle momber | nected with, the Contral Prtson, for Eaat Toronto bad pretended that 11 & the character oronto bad pro * was ' 1t * Mr BELL seld he bslleved irces hnd in the interesis of bumaunity an4 no§ for po. 5 of the newsp p--r la whica 'h"::l"" and littcal purposes that he sought for an io. | 1 appesred _ was _ both mendaslous o l qu'ry ; but if so the very same tecling shouldA | K sensational, asd it there was oc | bave prevent.d him from fAingtng such | | o other authorlty than that pllfil l ' charges as ho bad agslast zo cffisiont aud ' those or any otner statements ha cou m | able an cflicer as the Inspeotor of A:ylams, f rearon for farther erquiry, He con Leven | It the hon. gectieman had been actuatsd by however,that th-- ro was, nfficlent groun ""' | the high motives which be claimed he woula i in the Provincial Seoretary's R--port t T on:| not bave attempgt:d to filch from such an of. | Commiiteo of iav s*igai »n, ss cams of oru . | ficer his goo6 name in the manincr he had ; $ elty were admisted in that report. for he musts have known that Mr. Langmatr Mr. O'sULLIVAN sail4 that ho would was a man of too much integcity to ba gullety | § bave put off his motion lo order that the doa» | of asy ruch conduct as brad beon charged . ux eots prov i--<ad by the Goveroment mighs | againet bim in order to shlsld the Gavera. ' be before the Houie, on!ly thar theso papers ment, He(Ur. Fraser) wishsd to remind were so long d«lsyed. Hs rep»ated som s of bim alzo that the Inspector of A:;lams had bis charges of oru--lty, mnd said he was in nok been appointed to his office by the pre. favour of using the lash but not of u:iag 1§ to ent Goverpment, bus that was of listle im. a degree appro«c'zg barbarity. poitanoe compared with the fa0l that he was Mr, CREIGHATON thought the hon mem:-- oue who bad always proved himsei? to ba an | e ber for Braut nag throwa soo much sid4icals borest man avrd a capable officer. (Hear, hear ) §! upn the matter. He bop:d that poliste: | If it bed been shown tras the Goverumsnt, had vo is fluense in the invernal dirclpline of | alter bemioyg theso rumours regarlleg the ~_| the prieron _ Hs constd--red tha lavesitgatlona | stato of sff.irs fa the Contral Prl:on, hai was not full eaough t3 satla'y the Housa or been anxicus to szpprces an loquiry or slow the cotntry, in moving io tho matter, thore might have Mr, WILSON thought that thso who had been come fouada'ion for the appoluiment of | * __| conducted the examication should bes hel4 to a Commiitee, Bat just »s sovn as they had be beyor d suspicion, anud b--lieved thas the {na: heard the chargen the Government had made ¢ veatization was a fais and Imperiial ons. H+a a thorough, complete, and acsurate investt-- ( elflfl"tll!d Do .' mp..r)' "lh the '.fl\lfimln '.'loncy I. h.d OOOIIPM sae P"ov'fld.l sfl- who broughs this motion, seeing thas be had orstery's time for nearly thres woeeks ; he | not presented evidence to show that the bad o'ten gone to the IPrlson at 10 in the motion was werranted, ko ro'erred to the mornicg sad worked untii m dnight, Wasat invest!pation _ iuto the _ co--ndast _ of ; reaton was there for supp»cing tha; an laver-- McCardlees in regard to the Model Farm, | tigation condnoted by a m:--mber of the Gov. ard _ said that on -- that _ occasion ; ernment, at which every man who could give \ the Opposition bad held MoCardiess up to the tafl:'ncry was presert and put usdar oath, Hou e as a higuly--deserviog and very mush she uld nt be a thorougband s.#s's tory on+? | perrecuted iuciv.dual, _ His evidengs had at It was cbjsoted tnat the lav skization' t:ok tire® b. en put forward withous qasstlon, bat plece in the pre:ece of th» Warden. Ij %e time came when thoes genaviemen io tas was the timt time h: hai hsard it stated as House who had espomed his cause becams a privo'ple of the h--u,. ; ntleman that a man ' keastily ashamed of themselves, _ (Hoar, ahcu'd be tried bshind tis back, 4 bear ) Eo fwod't;umoh would be tha ro-- Mr, CAMERON ra'd he sat as a juJg», f t sult in the present instauos, +. P F Mr. BRODER held that Shcro was good j _age, " 83BR ralf he 414 mot alt as a , E grour d for re lnvutlgl';lo: byh & i:.:;nft:::::; Mr, CAMERON said to Wardon sat b:. -- tary Commiitee, even if they bad n | (A h Y b..{. for such a course than the Proviccial :!l:lo.l)'::tog'::'t}!?].:, etary lastoad of at Beoretary's report. , Mr, FRASER sald it now appeared that Mr, O'SULLLVAN wichsd to sy, 1a bon. gentlemen wanted a Committee besause re'erence to some remarks he hid praviously Copta'n Prince committed the terrible offencoe -- | mace, that be had no intentlon of acculag of "ritting beatde the Provinclal Seoretary." ' the Commissioner of Public Works of b:i ag (Laughter ) Taoe hon msmber had better responiible in ary way for wrong Coing ia move an amendment to the ameond. I the Central Prison, | ment calling for aa or quiry a1 otoa | | § * Mr. BAXTERsaid be bal ro sympathy | whetbher the Warden "sat beaido the,Provin« wich thore who advcoated a ginge:ly troar olal Secrotary," (Hear, hear.) It happened, ment of bardened ortmtoals I; was a very however, that be did nox. The hon, member common thi--g for these lazy orlminals «o for Eart Toronto had taik--d in nizi prius fatten vpon mme food wiish w.s provided fo-- atyle about the pror fellow who was fastenad § f tbem in the various prf.ons, and he had ns to the ring for 72 hours Hs believed this | doubt tbat the victuals given the prisoners 11 was ore O'Skaughoemy, and hls hop. friend ) the Centra) P ison were g< od enough for the n from King«ton Geclered that a grester rmcal : He cou'd seo no necessity for appolating a never balied from that o'ty. Aft=r his gua-- Committee, mt lems before the evidence libmert%, bowever, be turned out to be one of | | f taken by the Commision was brought the beat conducted mon in the prisoa. (Hear, ¢ down, | best.) The wan abous whom the hm. gen-- § 1 3854 |__Mr, CAMERON sald, with referense to | Keman made t3e greateat dificalit, wea < | the charge that a coromr had been refased | Siedman, whbho had resigaed becsusa the -- | admission {nto the C:ntr.l Prison, that it it | Provicolal Beoretary fouod that hs h.d I was untrue it sheuld bave been explioltly | boen ennecersar 1y severo. lt war nos ; dericd by the Provincial Becretary, The | dented that in some ocass: pwhips ons of a evidence of criminals was aliowed in Courts | couler blood, t?zrauih &A loees qhisiont of%ficcr, of Law, and is was no answer to the preseat | might rot have soted as Btaémar. hat dos: & obarges to say that the evidence was that of | But it most ho recolleored that in this prison | f | dhohurd oriminals, With rogard to Bsau-- | woere over 309 of the woret characters in the | 8 mont, if be had been gullty of stcaling the | Provinoe ot O atarto, I; war nos almply the | ] morey of prisoners, why had not the Govera. | man who stoie a loat of bread, as tho hocr | | mert brought him to ponishment? It would | gentleman bad satd, to save a starvicg wile ' $ : :" a ';""'::."hl'! d'""lk"':: the °fi&"": who was sent there, but far worse crimi{nale, | 3 wou'ld make charges agaios | € | Mn::tlor officers, even up -n'::o znnr- toli::. l?A'\(E'E:ON---I'hoy ought to be sont ' | auce that their evideroe wou'd nct affsot MA n Pn | , their atanding, knowirg that it sush charges Mr, FRASER said the hon, gentlomana | f were made their future services might bs was now biawing tho jadges for sendiog those | render:d very uncom'fortabie. There war a men to the Contral P:ison. Men were there | feelivg in the country that thera had be in who had bseu in gaol many times, and many | , gross c:uelty practised in the Institutton, who bad been alsordy in the Penitentiary, | § ard even a partial epquiry bafore the clore It there was one thing more necessary than | ' of the session would be bester than allowlag anotker in deallvg with such men with a E such a feeling as bn had mentloned to con: | smail otaff of guaroe, it was that there should ) 1 tior ~ The report of she Iurprotor of Asylams ' be strict difsotpline, (Hear, hear.) Hs had »ho..ed that Mr. Largmulr was destrous | heerd complaints made that the guards woere t "@ the bai condust ef some of the armed with rifl:s and revolvers when on Ctticlals 0. .he iostitation, and went very far [ duty, What, be aked, would become of the | to substantlate the charge which had bsen seventcen or eightsen guards in the Prison it | wato. Tke Opposttion had no de:rire o the prisoners did nos uudersteand that they vake golisical capital out of the matter, but had weapons ? There would ba insubordiaa-- it the Government refased an lavestigatioa, tion within an hour, as there was when ths | ; on thcir sboulders would be the r:sp»nsl. men believed this maudiina sympathy exisssd | Hlity, for criminals who were bester f:d, bette: | | _ M« FRASER said $tat it was very evident ol thed, and bottor hsued than the ordlaary = : that the Opposition were vary anxious that poor populailon of this conatry. And yet | Sly mighs h«ve an incomplete lnvestigation here _ were rome of the psopla's ' | when the end of the sesston arrived, so that represormta'ives, . instord of _ suapportlag .