The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Feb 1877, p. 10

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A V3 E.: r{ e § 7 L / Nomipc® . CY 01 § f " § * 3 l4 1". - #A. ,' the Government ia _ regwating this | . ment, aod said that hon,. members could not |-- prison, dolog their beat to laduoa revolt and | shield themrelves behind that roport it they t x tebelison and open dlsobsdicace, Tas Gov-- . _ | voted do@n the motfon, o 6: P ernment were bound to enforce striot discip. _.. | _ Mr, MEREDITH said he wished b fire -- . i l;:o. even thou,h cocaslosaily orusity migns | --*~*| the vote was teken to have an explicis an-- -- FE" i prectised. Hon. gentlsmen seamed so swer from the Provinctal Secretary,or--a1 he s P l'mgho that no guards should ever be gullty *A R observed that that geontloman was not now £ » # 0! indirozetion, 'IThey dis not find thas any in his seat--from avy other member of the k | olas: kopt alweys in osol blsod--uot even Government, bo a few questions in reference $ 4 4 i:mnn or schoolmaiter®, (Hear, heat ) to the conduct of Onvh?n Pricos, which was ¥ F i hon members think what ths previous a matter of ecnel¢erable importance, He A & Mves of these priscrers had b--ea. Probably wished to know if the Provincial Secretary v . | there was nok oze of them who would not had been aware at the time of the Investiga® | _ . freadily put a kaife lato hoa mombers, and tion that chargss of drunkenuness had besn | this was the class for which such extraordi-- made sgainst Uaptain Prince; whether he | * | bary rympathy was shown, Taeso mon frs-- wes incformed that that was one of the sub: | quently shammed siokoess, and it was jcots of Inquiry, and whether there was an | § 4 | | quite possiole that cases of actual slok-- irquiry made as to the foundation for these l \ nets rvight coour when it was thought charges. J ¥..2 @ | the u uei preterce was beaing adopted. How uk Mr. PARDEE sald he could not answer S | trequently bad private oltizsns fouad that a th:re quesiions categortoslly, bat he belisved $ docio: did not come for four bours after he the _ Provinolal _ Seoretary was _ mow : | was ssatfor? As to MsKelvin, he could perfcolly _ matisficd _ that _ there was ty \. qu'ifo underat»rd she fesitogs wisn which he no fcrndation for the oharges. _ He 9 | would d--sire to have his prieat by hn's bed-- (M«. Pardec) telleved the whols Govern-- $ | sidr, but he ocu d not unjeretand why the meut in dividusliy and ocllectively were sat-- , | hop, member for East Peterbaro' shoul 1 have Arficd that the obarges againat Capt. Prinos, | | drogged io such a itatemont as thas thore of baving been drunk on duty or elsewhere ; T | :l: a' Calio i0 mnn;nr of ihahGovmout. | were entirely foursdatlocless, * ' xk uk tbat the psor prisoner might say, * Ga4 Tho Houte then divi ; «e / tave m« from my friends as Court," That mout was oarried---Yud..aé-];l:: 2;""' 3 e meant, it it mernt anything, that he (Mr YRAS. -- Meesrs. App! 71 8 i § ', Frare:) knew the thing was done, aad Bt:hop, Bonneid c'e:.k:lzz::n,inhn)flt','l.::x':.' W':l"" f 23 ueglected the duty weich common hamarisy | tor) C le, Crooks, Dawson,#ivlsy.0n, p,...(, q,.::fi{ C ho '::ld fdo."" o ;:' Te panation | g.'z'"';f?".';,'fi "'-'::'Gl%f""'"fl; Hanter. Line. J ol made for exsept +« make polisical ompis»l | D morhue ~Prrase, Pamms aildtt ommb a nc sgainet hix (UM;. Fraser) and his frients? Sprfiger, Sirlker Watterworth rton. Sinolatr, E ' s (tiear, hoar ) Hs was surry so have to re-- li>ms, Wilson, Wooed--87. hith, _ Widdifeld, Wit-- | i | :;l to <h's, but he w\n(:ai not hhml, aubutls C }I:"%(: 'I'lu'q:i"g:r. %oll. Brodxot. Cameron, A 200 accisations», sar, haar.) _ He bo-- d u'tte, C n, Deacou, Kean, Lauder, M q ltevoen 1:o sucsh care ever did osour, beonuss, ::m'wlsmg.m"':uo{l'::m)n'(o::. it is ever d1d, some Oathollo cfficlal or some O'Sulltvan, Patterson (Risex), 'Prestom, Richardson, S ' | priest w oould bave ca'lcd his attentlon to is Beott, Tooley, Wigie--24, §\ | He m'g't almost say it was impssib'e that R The origlnal motion, as amended, was car-- i | Is shout ! have ocourred w.ihcus his kaowlog rlkd on the sawe divisicn. f * E2\ + of 1%, Vr, MOWAT moved the a"j>irnment of ' ; $ Me CAMERON--Was there an inquest? | the Honee, °_ $# Mr. FRASER said the hon gentlem sn | The House adjurned at 1 20 a.m. S wonted r0 surke the questlon He deniei C eumenemesememmememmemesaccc oc ~~~-- | that i1 was possible that by the neglityeace ' » of avy ore a oler,yman shou!ld not be | * broug: it 1i were prastbie to bring | 4 | him _ No ore in the House donbu% 4 at". «l sbat1'sush a case bad been brought to his a (Mr. F.osger's) a:tenotion oo would have seen T it thorougbly invertigated, and ho had that ) confi¢ez se in every one of his colieaguas that T be boli. sed th--y would have thorongh'!y in-- h ventlgated It, and that any cflislals guilty of ' such rcglizenoe would hevo gone by the . boar?, s they doserved to go (Loud cheers ) K+ B:aoment bad said that a coronsr was re-- d | uesd s¢mission, bat he did not say thare was no coroncr's inquest Ha (Mr, Fraser) | ' krew romping abous this matter, and had ' > 3 made no enquiry, bat the ch«rga amounted | ~"* s to no :. ore than tbhat some coroner was not i | | sduwit.tsd to hold the inquest. They f ~ Ne \ | bad, khowever, the rport of the In:-- I spector, statiog that an inqusst was 8 held, EKvenif no inquest was held, would s | ? 3 Committee be held to fnvertigate that? It ] & | tbe ti:inustion amouatsd to anythlog, it oA | would be that there bad bsea foul play t 4j amcurt'ng to murder, t 5 | y Air. CAMERCN--We kn# nolling about j * t | Mr. FRASER polated out that the only | Al professional wan propased to be puk on this | P Comnittee wes the momber for Loadon, a | & member of the Oppy: sitlon, so the compasision § 4 of the Committeo was not as favourable as the IA hon. m:--mber for Eatg Toroato had represent ed, Heresd the evidence of the priacipal *\ agert of the Young Men's Christian Aspoota: | tlor, sbow!ng that the religlous train-- l i Ing sfforded to the prisoners was as * ( much as coul4 posstoly be exgaokeA, | s c ies l and repeated that is was impossiole that | M. K--)vin could bave died orying in vain for | i a cler;y man, _ Hercouted the acsusation, | a | (Uhoe:s ) | | Mr. O°SULLIVAN again commenssd to | apeak, when s [ _* Mr, MILLER ross to a polatof order, and t | oa}l.:d attention to the fact that ths honoura: "a | b'e genileman hid alrsady addressed the & Hcoure four fimes, U Mr. O'SULLIV AN sald he only des're4 to ; $ make «n explenason, _ The organ of the 3 Comm'asioner ot Public Works claimed sup. ' portfor bim on the grouad that he was a f mem bir of sthe Go#roment, and that in the past Catholic interests had been negliested. C Mr SPEAKER oald this was not an expla: naticn s Mr. LAUDKER sa'd that the report of the evidenoe trken at the invest!'gation held the Provinolal Soonnrfihtd aot been plmz 3 voluntartiy b«fore the House by the Govern--. | t | f kemes o _ omm

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