The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Feb 1877, p. 3

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* e i. m = C a en aeaes on e C ramerye § h ue lt ECC e o thithes s n Central Prison, the mode of punishment,and he was so drunk that every one observed ' other treatment therein practised ; n;.{ his condition, --There seemed to be no effort E dutles of the various officers eonneoted | made for the moral elevation of the prison-- $ therewith, with power to send for persons | ers. Hoe understood that before Bsedman 3 & and papers, and examire under cath," He had been nglvdlhd 1t was the custom to a o# contendcd that the House was bound to make furnish the Yourg Men's Ohristian Associa: <A a jull, fair, and impartial enxquiry into tion with a list of the prizoners as they were B Pss the mattirs alleged in referenve o the dlamlssed, in order that efforts might be made - | Central Prison. Re was not actuated by any for their moral welfare, but that had been t | feelivg of maundlin sentimentality. s be-- d@lacontinued after Stedman's appointment, ; ' lmeved law breakers should be fuly punished, A young man named Dillon had been struock : * >% but he believed it to be his duty to make this over the eye with a Jlarge stick and | f*~ motion, and it a. Committeo were granted, felled to the fAocor, He had then | ay thought he could bring zome stariling evi-- been confine4 In a dark cell and halt after: | y dence before it, He believed h4 coun!d estab-- wards been made to break atones, Leowis, a i e lish the fact that the punishments inflioted lunatle, who had been in the hablt of yel-- i ;'a bad degenerated into barbsrous cruel iss and lipg, was struok with a large iron beam zo ) 3X & torturer; that the food had,bsen often impare severely that he bore the marks when he h s and had hence led to dlsease and insubordi: was afterwards sent to the Lunatlo Asylum, i ga. l nation; that there had been jobbery in regard He referred to other alloged oruelties perge: W Es} 4 to the supplies; that among the guards there trated upon prisoners named Patterson. haf had been partiality and want of proper disol: | Comatcok, Finlayrson, O'Shaughnessy, and E plise; that there had beon a want others, Itwas true that an inquiry had Ps? of vigllance in preventiog erompes ; a been msde into those olroumataurcss, NS, refusal to allow frieads to see. the and published, ard he wished _ to prisoners when dylog; a refusal to send for say that bo cid not impugn in , | medical men and clergymen when priconers any way the Integrity of ths hou gentle-- | N wero dying, though uhey begged for them, men who had prerided over that enguiry, 9 % drunkenness on the'part of the Chisf Warden Bat it was not to be expeoted that an im« § and mapry cther matters, Partiality hj partiel trial counld be secured when the par-- L ~E € been shown by favouritism to some prisoners sops sgulost whom the charges wore made & E § ** ard extra and illegal purishment to others. were the judges, jarors, and prisozmers. What " * O PA Bome had been allowed to smoke and oth¢«s | was needed was a fair committes where:vi-- s * relused, and some to make bone mmg',.t } dence might be given without fear, favour, which were appropriated by the guardd, and | | or affeotion, The report which had vsen made & Sat others forbidden, _ The ohief guard had dar. wasr perhags in accordanse with the facts ; tled his vergeance so tar as to shave the heads ellcited; but the clroumetances ware mast a § k of those priaoners who were nok his fayour. upfavonrable for a full Investigation. An. I ites when they were about to leave as imals were proteoted by law agaiast crusliy, K -- - prison, so as to stamp them with and surely men onght to be mimilarly pro: C the brana of Cain when they woere teckcd. Hs felt that the erring morkals who | re--entering the world, The power were tent to a prison should not be out off _ of punishment seemed to have been loft al: from ail hops of reform. _ This matter was : most exclusively to the '"man Friday "--the no light one, and deserv.d the attention {of | * chief guard--and that was not surprising the country. + | seelng the general condition of the Ohlet Mr. WOOD sald that some timo 1= 1875 -- | 2 *4 Warden, _ If a prisoner threatened to venti-- the Prisan Inspector, actlicg under the f § late his treatment in the prison, this monster statute, held an Investigation into tke aff:irs f Py ." In homan form, this discipleof Nana Sahib, | of the Central Psison, Subsequont to that sitk { Stedman, treated him with extraordinaty | certain rumours and atatements of discharged e ' kinduness sbortly before his discharge, O'r | guards avd prisoners were ciroulated, and | / | man's wife had bestowed presents on St«: the Government authorised him (Mr., Wood) { E: ; men, in return for which her husband wi) to make an investigation. That invertiga-- [_.s allowed the laxury of growing whiskers, H# tion lasted two or three weeks, and goneralls f objected to a prison guard running races and from the morning to tem or eleven o'clook : i1 2 K. dancirg with the prisoners, and thon each pnight, and was of the most searching 3 § 4 beating _ them _ with _ a _ olub _ it | kind. He had felt the great responsiblifsy | & B s. A they _ did _ not _ please . him, The | reativg upon him, and had assared the | s & employment of men as muslo teachers and | guvards who might have foarad div-- | 2 B painters for the Warden's family was a mis-- | missal that the evidence given by } -- i apprepriation of priton labour, Daring two ; them -- should xob affect their poal-- f years or a little more forty--two guards had | tion,. -- These bwo investigations wore f the guards were uneble to gain the necsssary | ment, punishment, and dictary of the prison . experience, According to the information | Irecm its commencement to Oot--ber, 1876 $ 6 be had recsived eilther the physicias in at. | > (Hear, hear) The evidence covered 390 A & . .. tendance kad thamefully negleoted prison-- | pages of foolscap and was in the hands o! 3 6 <the | ers, or if the doctor was absont, than some the printers, and this motion ought falrly to w | § :. NE one else was to blams, Parthermore, he | _ > have been pratponed tiil:is was in the hand: . 1 | § 'unhrncod thn';::;r b::e prisonsr l:unr'll | of bon. members. | N Pss : . aoe McKivey, who a sa neglected, had | . All his feet | _ 3 pa ce | died, the Corover kad been refused ad mission | The hon. gentleman was s{ill on se & q fat ; ttby the order of the Warden. Ia other t'hho.:i:!: beicg six u'slock, the Spenker left i C cares patients who werse sufforlag from | WIF. | Pn t the incipient stegos of typhoid fever had | Alter recess, ;- i 4: bunheompolled to w'oxkt;l":unk(ng l\c::o', PRIVA TE BILLS, d and had been sovere M beoruse thoy found themaelves usable to work. He (\Ur The following B.lls prssed through Com-- 4 fw J ; O'Sullivar) was lnolined to thlak thas the mitteo:-- | 4 VR reatoa the Coroner bad been refussd ad: Mr. WiddifGe!4d--For the Incorporation of | i & ; h } migsion in the cave he had montloned was the Conferencs of the Christlan Church in ; 1 w | beocamre -- Mr. -- Biedman's atick _ had Canade. | ! o | been too froe'y _ used . amoog _ the Mr. Broder--Respecting St John's Church, i c prisoners. b.dMoKklivdoryh in Th' dy"!ug * Iroquols. ;-s | moments as thas a priess migat lacd i ' f he sent to him in order shat he might re-- N:';kg:'::;::: o('E':':: )W'E::g:oflng by--law L } C celve the sacrament of extreme anokion, Tais * £ the i J i bad been denied hiwm, and those who knew Mr, Long--To legalize a 0 the meaniog of that rite of the Romau county of Simooe, ' t ' Catkolio Churosh to its members would be Mr. Hardy--Respecting the Preabyberlan e ' .r able to sympathise with his lni!orl.ntu. A Church at Oclliia, | $ f certain newspaper organ had during ths lask Mr O'Donoghue--To amond the Water: . electlons urged that members of a certain Works Aot of the olty of 0 tawa, 28 teroa *3 C:::'": 'm d'::.:; ;h.:r'l; ":,"&P; Mr, Wigis--To incorporate the Loaming. e | y f &.nu.lonht In the present Gavarsment ; ton, Comber, and Lake St. Clair Railway | / U e but he thought that if McKUvey in his dying Oompany, , | : hours hbhad@ been asked his opinion Mr. Willlams--To incorporate the Stand« | : after be had been refused the conso'ations of | ard Fire and Marine Insurance Company, l i ol religilon, he wonld have said, * I( such be | Mr, Paxton--To awend the Acts relatliog | & our friends, then save me from them." ; to the Whitby and Port Porry Extension 'There was abundant evidence that the | | Railway Company, C Warden had both N tn:avegl o o. muitthce |\ _ Mr. McDougall (Middlesex)--To Incorp»-- % on duty; ano tNO ..;t.l:o =d m' ml | rate the Niagara and St, Catharines Rallroad ' man,would bimself{be aware _ 3 | and Steamboat Company. that cffence was regarded in the army, He * Mr. O To logall JY --law wad A van . Cameron s | (Mr., O'Salll ) believed that the prinolpal ooriah dbontu_ °"h¢°°l":":7 w a | + Cl object of m labour was the reclamation n de res 0| ay of Toronto. | § ce of .U.nx?' but how could they expect pri-- The following Bills were read the second | "E'i" a"" 200 bolgs them 1 its" nidiratond n 4 ; Xa4 | they bad before 1,, de | Mr. Wilson----To Incorporate the Mirsion. | :" ' that on onegpoasion the Warden attempted | ary Saohta of the rlll'.:thodhh Eplacopal to read the Soriptures to the prisoners when | Church in Canada, | | j |

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