Ramilbon. Hamilton, 26d Fob . 1877. «qomenenmenenemtnconos080ct ronmemribnenennedneeiien: e cop e ommemmnionmmmm arentememnmmmnmmnnennemettennmenetnteme imemeten ie cmetmms e aatt A "* | »tatle to construot that portlon of the road* way ured by it ot the sarae waterial as that \ of | with which the Corporation decided to pave [3 the atrect, | Di Oa the motion belog drafted and put to es ' she Committeo, 1t was declatred carsled by a f 's | mejority. Mr. J. D. Epvoear wiched ta say, e | on bebalt of the Toronto Sireet Rallap 6 Otmiuy. that the onuly kind of pavemen® . «hich tbhey objected to was store * blsok," | & which was so very expensive that bo prars De we mile of a double ~rack with is would oust $35,000. He then proce: ded t» ap--sk o! the e yrogoral submitted to the Board of Works, h Mr. SHxaxLYy, the Clty Eogtorer, on betog | W »tked bis opivion,said that boulder pavemant I ia considered objectionable save on fsollass, | ||| Block stone would cost «hous $4, wosd $2, |_ e b=ulder $1 10, and oobble 90 couts per equars | . yard. ; j The Commibtee then proce«ded to disonss | & the various sections of the Bill, and pesses! | (/ the compeneation clause, to the effect ts\ /WM of | when the Corporation decsides to lay dowa a | . 0 | sew pavement in place of ore (not hoater, | _ cobble, or macadam) beretnafter constractsd. hoi ¥ | or peid for by the Company, the Company | | shaii be entitled to the vaiue of the shen 6x« : isting pavement as fixed by arblirators, tho i certificate of the City Eogineer to decide j when a pavement is worn ous. ul > } nmmmmmmmmmmemnmmmmmmmmmnni@mmmemmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmen j