The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Feb 1877, p. 2

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8 ks . 3 : i ® c s x e on nemgies -- ---- es _ m ' C9ee "_7: ..?w".-'.'\t * ~» s v y S "; *\ e ' P iig omee K (Xae : * ;', Y 20 C & r Poee Snantain «ol * meres :_'f" --= y . # # § x Age x\ "ag :'w h« Lh & 6 ' . s ' M : E; & # ~, -- P0 h c | to include a number of villag«s. fho'fllull | «ay obstrection in the wey of tha ;ah. m ~<~an t J I :":l' b:o: that the had bsen carrled | presont, -- He hoped, however, that it ::n:«: * k# | es !::,"'05 w:;hu'and in terests of the farm. : | receive zo more Government ald. «l3 $ | y any of whom had yet been paid | . Jix, MILLER ¢hought It wou'd bs bettor se i f or the munlo'pe'itics to give less | ; -\' & :3:"5::1'21&3 polgnltod out that thera was ; | Governm--nt more than thgoy now ;:e.'.? 1J & ntere urussprgins |_| (e2S | ptistafifeg mere | mentl * hk a C ruled the amendm | t : | lt g'o:.'"l:'! the mbo.n:b;: for Bouth Wel-- 5 | Mr. Reli and Mr. Fracer respectively ::.t':: t . § | uhy qy .30 pover, Uol Toy mnlikely thing 9 "order, on the ground that notloo of them had . . s counci! "to sghinlt "0'; ":ak a muniolpal kok b«en yiven. l' gtneraily obnoxtous, bsouable «hod Mrs. MUler's amendment was then put to | § : % Mr. MILLER replled. -- He polcted out the C om:inittes and lest, ~| $ 3 that it was proposed to allow m'D is to The record clause of the Bill was then t § ex<rclae more power than the coy m&p M adopted, and the Committse rose and re-- ; which was eleoted by the whio" people of yorled. ' 3 F tbe city, The promoters of a ty --law of this |__As the suggostisn of Mr, Mo the Blll ' 1 8 -- eE , kind thougbht nothiog o%f »pend!z;, $10,000 | was recomnmmitted to the x'nfi;'% mral [ P 3:;',08?4" carrsying 1+, and th: lax nnz | for the purpose of com!;ulns th: smo:.'i. 1 | + a * I in Follog on thess by iame o t 00940 s 2t .. . ze tA .. a 4| MA:.::,' 'i::?':,l'kdhzu&-!o:' of the subjsot by The House then '-:'lt;:ocfl'o OL'M. ' wos| Mss «rriock and Hunter, L1 | . . on . | __Mr. WOOD ra'd Couro'ls had frequent! 2oe aog * Incerpomste the Irinity Medtost | + _ e : opposed the view of the psople qt':mthl{ Sohoch ' t c .B muiter, He thougbt the Bill should pass , On the first clanso, | hk 3,; * a8 it flooa& with the proviso that the ex:-- Mr, CAMERON said he thought Shat be-- 1 U * pesces of the by law bsing submisted should , fore proceeding with this Blil the Committee ': t *\ ba &aposlhd by the parties submiliting it, should bave an expression of opin!>n upon it $ s ; r. BELL said he was propared to move by the Covernment, _ He hoped the inter-- | * | sn amordmect to that effaot, :';:'"l'h'hi"hv;;l Ufii'firl'y would not || i Mr, MERBEDITH pal oo y should this ane school | ' ; 'Ffi iagg * ( ths: this House 0 u'.!:ln :::';2:: :l:::y":o?o? :&;L'ffia-'flm'?" over ethere of dsable ut | § §a:** \ without the assent of tho'G | t resporded with tha provision.Ahat the Coun' Mr. CROOKS polated out that the Bil\ ' ; fi cil muss firat pass on a motlon for the voting would not aff.ot tho interests of the Uai-- | 4 > e cf money before the people of the olty could | versity of Toronto ia any shaps or form. [ ic 3e | £4 allowed to vote for i. | co'l'holflnl olaure haviog been adopted, the _\ p f ; Me: --| FRASER Hiw@t n | Committee rose and repors>4, 3 x on mn" Tave 'ONB.' :':n m?"fi}f ohfit belog aixr o'clook the Spsakor lefk the | ourne to subsit & A ; The City C ans'l m\:;nliefuw t: lnb:'"hl::. Atter reosss, $ :Ze::;' :oyfl.lo bn'o' t';aj ulty,l though tho EXPLANATION, 4 n 0o es people of Toronto | Mr., B F ~we /. wight be in fasour of it, It poormp\ 0p0.-:o- ap e;plafar.aENEAn. :lndnol::n d"u'dht o m.k-. w4 A Ih(': were emploved, they mikh: be more mate this moranicg ia Iu o:}ment et m 'S -- E* 9,'('»' fitably employ: d amony the tweort;--aigh* neme had app :.gud on Em: oiicim:fmi f > , y : , .l fmon thin smong the large numbar of Bili,of the oenienta of which he muss bs anyp-- & ¥ $y l. otors The Houso ooght ho gay they wou'd oaed to be i i uk > ,g,., ."3., ary Counoll t> atadin the way of ll:e did :nowa::::n:'ha E:::a';".l-d ::;;.o 'Bhltli ' .. wo f __| the cobmi.ston of a by Jaw wero, He hal totrotusedi t $ _ h e tasad ta-- B.ll a1s theta. .. se ?' . GiB3ON wes sirovgly opporod t the stance of the alereymon of the Diocese 0' h f c fl? :03:"'"h'?' ;& fitty nl"opu ers in the olty ot \ :")""'l:' '::&t" number of other gentlomen f f + vroito »hovuld ce th * elon Uh + p R by . Jaw. It was pofif:t'y :n:':?n';t&:tl'.mlrfth: Ch"geug' Blake 2'::::"(:5'h?'::'-;h;:'5 0\:;10:; ' ;: p ptumber were made proportionate in repard to to the Cherch of Enagland poople, however [ig is the rumber of ratepayers in a partloular c »n-- ho might state shat it wae perfeotly ucder Ta 6 rtitnoroy ho would be io fa our of 13, but at stood that they did nat desire to take any '5 r'fi'.?tk ke thould support the momber for P:;Vflozel which wore not g'ven to € ¢ tikoks. other commusions _A Pubil q f + * 34 K | _ Mr, ROS3 otj:cted to the precedeat which have been intrsduced but "f::r-o t!fidllm':::lg A A | $ E* A wculd be set by ahis gropossl. It was very tho Syrod h«d determinsd to apply for a | > | | se'dom that tho trus vots of & rmusiclp«lty P:Ivare Bill. an4 Mr Aikinmor, sns Secre. I § | w ; omrse out or a by--law of this kiod, and4 the tary-- Tremursr, thought ho had no option but a N & j yeople ought to be protected sgalnct tae | ax propate s Bii, which was placsd In his W Lev o marcayring of ra'l way promoters, o | (fl'ii,?:::i::o:.,.h!':g' ? !ntrr?duoo to the [\ )\ \ & n 1A i : f Mr. SNETSINGER eal§ he should cor. | Poblig Bil were miroonsed she mater | UA yO Ant E | tainly vote agaioat allowisg filky ratep»yere shonld not be pressed. Heviong been absens | °\ -- f f | to compel the Council t>o submit a by--law from the olty when the mattsr came up he ¥ -- #] | -- : to ald the Credit Valley Ralilwag, Somehow bid entrusted it to the hon, member for #y | * 2,4 -- members claimad that the !#so wou!ld be a | Addingtsn, The Committee 'this morsi ¥4 > | £" ' great binefis to the countr;; bat for bls pact bad considered that it was not in the l:' f t } P |\ he wishod that the whole affailr could be | to:e.ts of right leglalation that a Bill which | « > | Fe* , wiped out from the beginning (i{Hoar, hear ) wrs in tended to give pow:rs to one clare of . . E;: ;l:gu']:!.na;rpont a voto for any farther ' rcl'g{!oun :od les apart from any cihers shouald | E P . < ho! h »pany, 3 recefve the sanction of the House, He (U». | 9 9. Mr. CHISHOLM hopsd the Bill would Betbun: ) intended to move a raferencs t(nok ' 4 f yass with the amendment suggested by tho to Committoe to order #o0 arcsrbtain whasher | z;}f ; meraber for Wes: Torouto, Hethoughs thst M the principle miyh: not be extsnded t3 all * : 1t is was bree, as the mo --ber for Soath We! reli,ions bodtes _ Vise Chancelior Biake, | 9 4. Mygton bad sald, that osrtain farmers in his who wae much intercated in this matter, | i * (¥r. Ml...u'.) oonnig had not been pald for '-:u:*:wlem hed lmtn very wide avd || P thilier lan}, tho 3 this . | who took a great interes® io Charch msat || P do. wou.ld * bes . to "mp ortl ll.:;g °::l:l_ hat mekt a bgfiy oonneo:od with the %'hm § stre that would erable the Comjany of Ecgland, and it was then determioed that g 54t to discharge Lis obligations, _ A larze anmwber they should not ask for any | pri-- | f of binuses bad been prantod by rural mual vilges which should nokt be extend.« | ' \ , ciyalitios on the uoderatanding that To:oato ed _ to _ other _ relig'cus _ bodles . He | { j «h. uld contribute 14s sbsre, and it would be (Mr Bsthanse) had mst othar religlons | I s uc?sir to theas munloipalisies to defeat the | wug "i" u';l thoy bad ammun'e«!ll in hths view * j BUL thas to order to pargs treir churohes of un-- Mr. FRAYER euggested, In afdition t | wortby mombers there should ba nome powar ; (% : tbo amendment of the member for West To | | tat :koio;l.d:::'; on o;!h. Somu\im:l zl&'"fl' | , 'to, there should be a provision that 1 | k A eanon a Wwhy Sy #9 LbEAU A § 3 :tnry ':"y the pstition of 500 parsons lhoul; l | kie cloth and the body to which ho bslosged [| B f be "q'h.d to Qnmp.l the subm{ssion of a | Mr. MOWaT--I think the hon, msmber 6 % y b;-la;. 5an3 lo othe: Enulc!g;lltle:h the ;etl- | l;::'.lbcthr not dirouss the prinoiple of the | . & $ tion persons. e moved to that effsol. | U now. 1| ; Mr. MACMAGUON rald hbe was onme Mr. BETHUNE sali ho was merely statlog ! | : of those who hai _ rogarded _ the the cbj:ot of thts partlcular msasurs Te | Credi%$ Valley Railway _ achems _ a* wole objsct was to enable there enquirlcs *o I f an _ ucpeossrary one, and -- one -- that be msde under oath. sbeu'ld never bave recelved Govornment ali Mr, MOWAT said ho bad not rsou the 1 | ibe mansgement had been aoything bas article referred to, and did not know what is 4 , ecenomloal, Bat it would not be faler alts contained; but he considered such l:glalatlon | so large sn amourt had been grantad by ths entirely out of the queation. Thoy wore en-- J Goverenrent and the munilolpatities #5 plass doavouring to diciinish the number of oaths, f 1 and he thought is would be objsotionable in | NA .

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