ONTARIG LECISLATUSE, gtlh ! THIRD PARUAMENT----SECONS SESSiGA, | o nannnasatifipvenamcemen ' TUuEsDAY, Feb. 6. ' The Speaker took the ohalr at thrae o'aloock. PETITIONS. The following petitions were :mm!:d :-- Mr, Soott--Of Nicol Kingsmill / a/, also of W, C. Campbel!, ¢ al, also of Samuel Stern / al, all of Toronto, severally praying for the incorporation of the People's Gas Compavy, with all the powers enjoyed by the Conmumera' Gas Company, Mr. Coutts--Of the Town Council of Chat. bam, for amendmente to the Municipal Act with respect to Housss of Refuge, Mr, Coutts--Of the Oanada Company, for amerdments to the Muaniolpal Drainage Act. Mr. Coutts--Of Trustees of School Sechion No. 7, Dover East; also of Trustees of School Bection No. 1, TUbury; also of Trus. tees of School Bection No. 5, Dover Eas§, for amendmeont to the EA4ucation Bill, Mr, McCraney--Of N. H. Stevens e/ «l, of Harwich; also of R. A. Tompkias «/ «l, of Blecheim, praying for aid to the Eo and ' Huron Railway. EXPLANATION. Mr. LAUDER rsid that ho observed that in the minutes of the mecting of the Pablic Aoccunts Commiiteo, beld this morning, it was stated that the Commiitse had adjourn. sd for want of a quorum. Hoe had entered the Committee--rcom this morning about &wonty micutes afser ten, and had found that the Chairman was in his seat, while beslde im were Mesirs Ballantygne, Cibseon, and Striker, The 'Lreasurer was in the adjolao. Ing room and the merm ber for Harmilton was at the door, He (Mr Lander} had old thore In the room to concider him prosent, so that lthere might be a quorum,. He had then l gone to the ocat--reem for a shorkt tHme, and the Committeo had adjourned--assord: Ing to the clerk's micutes--for want of a xa:nm He was proceeding to read from micutes of the Committee when Mr, FRASER rald that the hon, gentle: man was clearly ont of order in bringing be-- fore the Hous«e a part of the proosedings of the Committee without the order of'tho Cemmiitee, Mr. SPEAEEL held that no allurlon sould be made to the proceodings of a Select Coemmittee until it has reported. It has been held that even a motton upon rotice, arraign. Ing the condust of a Committee before it has made !*s report, is !n;;uhr: 62 Han., 819; also 99 Har., 1,3i7. The rols upon thissub. oo is baard upen a etasdiocg rule of the L'a.MHomoIOomnonl,wMoh in terms | Is only ?)uublo to Seleot Committecs or Bllls, This :rule, however, bas beea fre: quently held to apply to all Ssleot CommiIt. | bees, as in the care of a Committes on iron-- slads : 193 Han., 1,124 | INCORPORATION OF CHAI3TIAN CHURCKH, Mr, WIDDIFIELD moved the third4 read. Ing ot the Bill for the incorporation of the E:'xhxuoo of the Ciriastian Charch in Oc« O Mr, MOWAT se!d that he had caretolly «xamined the Bil, and bad fourd that there were certain powers conferred by it which , weuld ke imporsible under the Ganeral Act The wmokion waz carrled, and the B read a thid time, THIJRD READING3, The following Bills were rsad the third E'me ard passed:-- | Mr. Macdougall (S!moe)--To Incorp»rate | The Nisgara and S§t Catharines Bdlxu::& and | Bteamboat Company. | Mr. Scott--To iscorgorate the Willlam Hall, Peterbcrough, Protestant FPoor Trusk Mr, Scolt--Rerpectisng the Haron and Quebes Rellway Company, | AMENDMENT OF ACTS OF LAST BESSION,. | On the motion of Mr. MOWAT, the Blll | to amcnd ard repeal certain enacstments of | the lait session of the Logislaturs of this Province was referred back to Commitbos, amendcd, reported, and oononrred in MORTGAGES AND SALES OF PER.| gUNAL PROPERrY, i Mr, MOWAT moved the second roading | of the Bill rerpocting mortgages and sales of | personal properiy, | The Bill was read the second time. I