The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Feb 1877, p. 5

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= * s ~'_'3j'.. se SA _}_V#j " .,_r; Be > t--"{; f e C | it en n 0sn f . aew s se e % | \ vhion world use agitation h'tio | read a seoond time. " country ard m be productive of more _ _ Mr, KOWAT moved the adjournment o | Iun:xn good. The &fll Bchools, as the & the House, [ | feeders of tha Urniversitles and the moaus | _ The Houze adj :urmed at 11:30 p.m. t of high class oduos\lo:fivnu of Provincial + ; emenmsies importance, and should bs very largely + NOTICES OF MOTION, maintained by liberal governmontal grants e {" Mr, FERRIS said it it were onos undar. Mr, Widdifisl4--Oa Tharsday aext--Bill t stood that the High Schools were to bs to amend the Ac\ to readjart the repressa-- | largely suppo:ted by Provinolal grauts there Sation In the Loglclative Assembly, 1874, k | wc;hl be a High School in every village and Mr, Broder--On Friday next--Order of the U j bamlet, Ho was in favour of the Gsvern-- House for a return showing the fines imposed ) ment contribcetirg onc--third, the corjuatles and collcted by the several Wood Rangers 6* cna--third, _ azsd _ the _ local _ mualol-- for trerpwz; when and where committed, 6 palities _ cre tbhird, _A provision of doring tfio years A,D. 1873, 1874. 1875, and : that kind wounld, he belloved, bae regarded 1876; by hm snd from whom orlleto;d; [ with general favour, Icho relse awount and when returned. 1 Mtr BOULTER thought thet oast fron ru Mr. Beli--When the House is lna | stould not be enforesd to an equal extent 1a Committee on Blll No, 42, mpom:' the $ || all parts of the coust'y. The Inrprsotors Credit Valley Rall way, will moveasauamend. | had fore much ia the way of secutriog ia-- went to clause 2, that the following bs in-- creased school accommodation, but they serted after the word * for," ia the 21 :t line: f ' | shou!ld Elecrim!zrato to some extent as to the "three hundred persozs in any olty,and fifty , ectual mqairomeits and thie wishou of the in auy other munlolpality,"" Also, ho t people He belisved the commi{tiees which E:."": afser the word * thereto," in the 28th ' pxep&'e" 'h' Q!Imh:l\fon" tor .h. lllle: & pro'id.d ".' "y .uohhbiil.' [ sccond clars last summer had been veory un 11 submitted, the Rall way Company shall do. | f reasonable, _ He believed eviry member porlt with the Treasurer of the munlolpality | is wonld ses the necomsisy of leaving a cortala a rum suffisient to pay the expenses incurred smount of disoretion in the hands of the in the submission and voting upon such by. . Gaverzment, and of lendisg his atsistance to | law as aforesald, which sald sum, in the 4 % make this measure all it cught to be. (Woar, | evcnt of the by--law having been approvad | hear,) of, ahall be refunded to said Company, bus Mr, RICHARDSON said the country &o:i not otherwise," "1:2' hn: been satisfied wl!\h.htho Is':l"' C n w e mmmmmammnillfmmense m comemmommmsmn placing the managemeont o e acation s P | Departmcnt in the brnds of a responsible PUBLIC AC UOUIE 8 CoOMMITTEE $]) 1 Minister, He thought the appolntment of Tuzspay, Feb. 6. < +4 m"l:?il'ruo?t)l"h' bad beon a step in the The Pablico Aocounts Committes moat this BP | | rig ol morning at ten c'clook, that hour,having bson $ Mr, DEACON thought county Inspectors | fixed by resolution at the last meetiog. Thera Nt | ought no? to Inter{fore in elections, Thlshai | were present Mesirs, Clarke (Obairman), | i | not teen done in his constituency, where, in | Ballantyne, Gibson, Siriker, and Wililams, t | | the elcciions of 1874, the Inspootor had bsen | After walting until 10:27 the Committse ad. : ar active poliiiolan, | jourred for waat of a quorum. $ Mr, COLE warmly approved of that olause neememnareemmemmnmmmmemmmmtemmeme B | ( of the Bill waich propored to pay the toach-- l 4 --~. 4 ers quarterly. O:her omplmu were c>m-- & pclled row--a--days to adopt system and he saw no reason why trustses ahould | ' be _ an _ exceptlion o this rale, | | Hs thought the rate to be paid in different | ' | sections for sohool maintenancs should be & ) equalized as much as posaible. | C Mr, HARGRAFT thought that thsra | [ 1 | skould be a larger proportion of the malate. | $J | | nance of High gohooll paild by the towns in .' § | | which Abey were situated than by the rural | . | gectlons, *~ _ | _ Mr. CREIGHTON oongratulsted the | it | Miolater of Education upon the interert he Ey manifested ia our schools since assumiog the Al duties of that position, and made several A k auggestions in regard to the Bill for the P -- Minister's cons!Goraslon, 4 < & Mr, MERRICK rsaid he should like to . 4 « have some farther informatlon from the \ 4 | Minister in ré;asd to the formation of Q | Townahip Boards, : & { _ _Mr, OAMERON *#a'4A ba thought the Mia-- ister of Ed4uocation skould> feel flattered by | the compl!iments that.,pad boen paid him | duricg the debate Iiwuubm of the Oppo. s sitlion. _ When he had introducsd a School a gu;::l- !eflorh lnld b:::l bu.;'n;:i bfitho thon pposition in so 1i a opls e agreoed % with the member for Stormont that the é fl countles shou!d not pay an equal amount m .* with the Province for the support «$ of High Schocls, Thers was not y much zow in _ the present Bi'l, : its several provisions baing ohlcfl{ amend. ' ments to the ex'siog Aot, Ho should re: } j joise If the latter were rendered mors pir: f feot. | Mr, CROOKS expressed bis thanks to the p Houss for ~the many va'uable suggestlions $ | offered to bim by mombers, and explained B\ | seme of tha provisions to which objsction 8 . had been taken _He proposed to explain | more fally the different points railsed when . the Bili gok into Committee, 'The experi-- ment of county Model Schools had been tried in effect at Ottawa, where the clty Pablic P | B Echcols ssrved as Model Sohools in conneo. E: tion with the Normal Sohool, and the result iL .} R : had keen bighly suosessfal. Hs belleved a 3 ; | good Eeal of the irritation erlstlog in f a rural sobool zco'ions hai arisen from a too 4 rig'd adberence to the rogulationy, He | ¥$ | pointed out that many of the regulations | =/ | whick had bsen complained of as severe + K! | were these of the Counotll of Public Instrac-- is } | Mor, and were not imposed by statuts, The i\ # | intention cf the Bill was to ronder these f | regu'ations more fl--xible by giviog wider ' ' di.oretlonary power than was now enjoyed '| Ha hoped there would be a full disoussion of v | the measure in Committee, ' _ The motlon was then carried, and the Bill | § he \

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