The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1877, p. 2

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e se 9M e e zky oC +. * o 4 ns o I ts T oged. Kok w 7 e 's ir queat bad been held. 8» , maiter into consideration, . 'a'.'.".."&m".ma. :lt Sobyler was m'.ot f j Mr, DAWBON, la witbdrawinog the C an fnquest had been held, tho details h | motfon, rald the Dowinion Government was which would be given in the roturn whis | a very emy laxélord. 1 had been ask ed for. | _ The motion was withdrawn, GRAND MANITOULIN ::Ll::::- it £ SUITB IN OHANOERY. Mr. DAWSON, in moving for a return | f L Bs P abas mr l Th mad | i H HACDOUOALT Anting ttat a se rp m"db':'on Plling ap with set: | great Ceal of what he desired, and that the had of late 'l;o"' the older dhh'oil of Oa-- | reat of the Information cculd not easily be o k. i bers were, no doubt, | obtained, withdrew his motion in reference m'?; :lgm geographical position of | to suits pendicg in the Ccurt ot Chanorry, the le'and, "It lay away out in Lake Huron, | TBE ORANGE BILL, fovalahe of Galms. tC ad pie w | _ Mr, MERRICK moved ""That the fiith ow maly a buurme mite to trane | report of the Starding Commistee on Private 1nd h Tany val Tty tnble" The prighh | Bitle be referred back to said Committes, aod in many parts vory for kable for th ie with instruotlona to doslare the prsamble who bad gone there aticd with. m Leew. proven of the Bill to incorporate the Loyal | Industry, and had °:':m Inatitations otf Orapge Asscolation of Ostario Wost and the | ledge of tha l:ul .l"."d formsd four Loysl Orange Asrociation of Oafaric Ontarto, . They mave hool ; Rast,." He remarked thet whon this moa. municipaliiics and bad !anrl'cell 2:." _A 125. | sure hsd come up in the pxt, the Ar anive propis. Aecyowit v.; f"'. §orvey--Gonsral had cald thero war a fooailns pcoph-; llfiaym::l:"n o:::;r,':" | General Act under which Incorporation asu'd peoulinr r' y by the Ontario cr Dom!in. be obtsired, but this session soveral special ::'&':,'::3:1.,{ ...,..nh fact, to :-:. Aocts bad been allowed to pass on the ground #xtent, repudiat:d by both, This arose from that the General Act was not sufficleat. Bhe lands telog .a:t'nhm'.a by the Domin-- When firss the Orange Bills were broughs up lon Goverrment, while the island was a part they were rozervcd, though a Bill was pasasd ot Ontario. The tands were coded Indian for the incorporation of the Christian Bro-- Landr, and the Dominion Government did there in the same stsslon. The House had 4 e he funds at its d! aflirmed the prinolple that theze Assootlations fieel. ow s ts e .od lud'. should obtain incorporation, When the pu:'l. fm > 'm&?;. fi g.".:: | general Blil was introduced, it was tahtod on 4 uc Js did nosh! bavanse | out that the Ocrange body could not bscome hiins of _ Onter ferst by uis D | | Incorporated uncer {t, and the country had she lands were saministersd by the I i the | aince shown thatit desired the special 'Aot to ments of ibe Dowlnlon, se that, b:twunutaa is passtd, ~ s sontendad th.tpl.: THL mot s paotvine § 0) uie y ui 6e amnvige's Abobe d junt for the Private Billa' Commilitee to throw armment whatever, end, what was ¢ gi-l;: i out the Bill instead of allowing the House Tbke conminu;:;. 'mlm\';:nr::':l'u Ida;;: : to vote on the measure, Though 1% was pos. eie in o ie | alble that the Asoclation might bo fagor. under the care of the Dominton Goverament, | porated under the General Aot, the exgendt-- aud the Dapartment of the Interlor was par-- '9:" tgquind was 1608 at w"'""u' To pra Mcularly carefol in 1}s management of :ha vent the incorporation. The organ ot the Todlans, There were sohools atall the In Government had stated that it would amount ; dlan ectilements on the Mauiltoulin, Islad, to $80,000 or $90,000. Whether this was y and these e m"'g' !:o oln;g: * correot or zot, the cost would ba very large. zealous mils:lon«rles, who, ':ll. hivg He cited the varicus provisions of t%he Ast | P dexominatiors belonging, were equally ":n- which would entall a large amount of cont to couraged by the Government and they each lodge in the country, He ertimated were all doing their best to briog the native the expense at about $15 a lodge, whiob, it § races forward in the march of olvllln':lon. there wera 1 200 lodgor, woulg amoust to The Domlsion Government bad, also, ohart. $18,000. The organ of the Government had, ered stesmerr, in conneciion with the postal ~writh great rearon, eatimated the cont at & service, $wo of which called at the 'Kom of -- | muo® ~ larger 'um. List _ year _ it Manitowanirg and Gone Bsy, and z'hnd was slated that ths Orangemen did proved to be extremsly usefal hhfla To nct desire incorporation, but the patl-- ] the ocmmunlostion betwesen the srent | tlons preteated this year from 30,000 paits of the island, There was no """h[ ' Orargemcn showed that that was not trae, ation whatever for the administration o The 5overnmonl had pursued the policy of jusiice, farther than the J"dg. .umeuonoa | . | aldiog cbkaiitable inati:utions, and whis As-- or $wice during aummer,from Saait Si, ie | roolation was a charltable instisation which and held ocurts at lhnltomlngd "ld alded its dissressed members. _ The Com-- LWMMe Corrent There was not a slogle misaioner of Puablic Works had stated that lawyor from one ond of the lsland to the this was a poilsico religlous or stlon ; olher, nor an cilicor cf the law nor a look: when he opp:s+d the Bills at tle t'mmo.whon up, but the people were law--abiding and preature was brought o bear on the Govern-- orime of a serlous charaoter war almost ua: ment to reserve them. _ Several of the sup» known, In wlater, the prople wers enkit<ly Orters of the Government had boen cleoted out cff from all intercourse with the olviliz 24 t' the votee of Orangemen, so thsre was world otherwiso than such as was affrded lttle in _ the contfentlon _ that . it by a mail suppored to make it: appearancs was a politiccl orgartzation, _ In 1837 three Himes a mouth, but which was soms: the prescut Promi:r and the 'Hon, (:oorge times three morthy wlfhon\ being beard Brown had voted in favour of the incorpora of. In bis (Mr, Dawson's) belle! roprosenta: tion of those soclotles, and Tirk Grosz" had ' tlon in this House was the only oure for the strongly supported i. The majority of the | evile which Alzome laboured under. members of this Hure were wiilizo to vote That vast distr!o*, as he had often palated for these Bills but for the pressure brought out, was equal ia extent to all Ontario ; be-- | to bear by the Minleser of Pablilo Worke. aldes, !# was cousisutly growing in import | The sympath'os of the Attorney.Gentral were ance, and it was unfair an1 unressonable with the mensure, and be ought to apply the that such an oxtert of tomtu&'should have rame prinoiple to this Bill as to others which but cre representative in the Looal Logts. bad parscd this House, Soms honourable lature or !n the D Wr'" P ""':"'"'v! #> members were uu!orhn":hly more inolined ' Mr, PARDEE said he bad not previo to eupport a party than to support she : been aware that the population sand the M{ Iinterests of tke pcuatry, but there were ' vantrges of this Ialand wire so large, The some hon. gentlenion who usually eup. \ Dominicn had charge of this Leland as Indi{an poit:d the CGovernment who had acted ' lazds ; but if it were right that this House nobly in regard to this mearure, and the ' should voto fer money for Oolon{zation Roads ovuntry owed an obligation to the hoo. mou-- i in this I;lndfl ho wlodl:l: be DNN?II: ber for Btormont for his advosacy of the B:ll. fo propore !4, He would, however, requ Mr. SPRAKER pointed cut that the further Information on the snbject, _ Thore + i 0*'*# P was no corres,ondence to bring down. g :vctdhg of the resolution was not exaotly |_ Mr. MACDOUGALL (Slmeoc) thought | | wum"umamcx 18 be fin1 2564 th the Local Goverpment should correspond | C n pee iA Eald he hal used the same with the Dominion in reference to the lands | form which had becn adopted in the patk, There was now a divided re: ponalbility, | __Mr. ROBINSON said he had loug suppo--t which was to be depreorted, ced the Bill when it was opposed by the late Mr. SINCLAIR erpressed himsel! in Mr, John Hiidgard Cameron, and adrocated favour of tho Ontarlo Government acquirlag UL the Reform party, He had u--ged the Indian lavdr, snd ke belleved there bia brother ~Orapgemen to _ bring °is would be no difficulty in the way of the Pro-- before the _ first " Ontarlo Leglslature, vince buying out the Indiau title from the but he oculd never get thom %o bring Domicion Government,. | it up Jhm the a?:rnmni'ahlch the ('J;n- Mr, LYON did not know of asy seotlon | ::::. m;'::. '.l:'.::.' tho"B'('l'!"wu :: which bad been scitled hy . a _better tifficuls to get up that it took years to pra. class "d 'p:op(l; than .:.umhulk':"" pare !t. (Largbhter) Yot, when it was He hoped the Goverement w the brought forward, 1t oonhlnoz_ou!_r three or M

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