A s four provisioos which j z ; } have got up. Ho had a:'.mf:'..f:',',': | by ihe mover of the rerolution for the < l advccate of the Orange Bll{ Ia casuva's! ns "ituarl _ . bgh& Incorporated undor ¥--| * foz it with members on thGovmmn!dh.' laennich on the Chamg arden [ s [ 1t had been cast up to him tka\ meabre on | @emonstration that the Orange Soclery | | ~V@ the athor side did not want the Bul, and he | could _ be _ so _ frcorporated _ without | . 1 ~OR had almost begua to fear there war some greater expense than under the apecial Bill. | | | brutk "In the ikitent. _ Lint your the These were atatements very different from ' | side held crnuousos absut the matier mir« ani by mordinter Shronkhont the P R and althoogn hke was one of the | mn\ry; but those who had been promoting | e § '::3.' supgporters of the Bll he was not this movement had been very suocomfal in to one of them, (H<>r, hear.) The | SaF0 tu simes mtarecer. Thev uind mdaon f teason for that was that he would have u | l;l.'d :'; theso meazurer, 'They had decaived : A thom bo bring the Bill fown im 'm: | not only what his hon. friend from Kingston h: and take a vote upon n.'.n".h." /A termed the rank and fileot the Orange ssy that all the mambers who unn.i"t'ht acoleties, but others in regard to whom i1 LoIl* s f the O:angemen «id rot want the Biil sat on am have beon more difficult o acsomplish B4 ) the Opposition aide of the House, and he was e deception, He obssrved they had decaired | @|| \al rather afrald the hon tleman who th" Lilond'who had jast spokes, and a ; F0 bad juut _ rat down m a -- hand h"m""flw in this country for which & | R"-- in that, (Cheers ): The Bill lat year was w a very high esteem and respact, and y JP x put back two nights in order to allow an bon with which he was almost entirely la unison, t memker to write down to his coostituency to had been also dec:ived, and had gOOII led to & ask to be relleved of bis voto. Au suppose that tho Inoorporation which this E. hor, geoVemwanu hbad said he would Biil propored to grant as a cont of £20 or £30 | I $ bave voted for the Bil If ho had | could no# be obtained under the Ganeral Aoi | m s been presect, but he had dizoovered aftter on-- | for less than $80,000 or $90,000. No# one | ar .. quiry that a msjority o! the O:rapgamen in werd of this was correot, and he was prepared | & his conatituency did not wast it He (Mr. to estabiith is to any one who would under. ¢ Robinson) knew prrhaps as mush of the stacd what the truth really war He Orangemen in that cvastituornoy as the hou. (Mr, Mowa!) bad ncver pretended to have ; mm did kimse!f, ani he had yet to the horssrof Orange Sovleties whish some $ thke mian there who sail he did not wanst k. gmt}emn felt, He hid always had a | the B:ill, ~The hon' gentleman had, ho wover, more kiz'dly fecling in regard to them than 8 . produced a lettor, and that letter was from other gen:iemen loaide the House and out of 4 & the Seorotary of the Conservative Asssola-- it had. {ome prinolples were laid down is ton of that cons'ituenoy, Another momjer tkte Corciitaution of that body which com--» I 3 had caid be bad a lotter stailog that the | mended themselves to every patriok and to ; . want the Bill, but this sesilon he the Orev;o sooleties by what he tound in ! IP | f , had presented potitiins from hle o>n-- their Constitution is was imposaible not to t | atitwents rtailrg that they did want have a kirdly feeling towards them. They 1 AE § | the BLL No matter what tho leaders--wno, deolared that "the Loyal Orange As: | | egainat the rules, dertred to make this a sceolation is formed by persons de-- P golmonl lnstitation--wight say, the rank and | trous of suppo:ting, to ths utmost of I | le did want the Bill, and would bring it | thelr power Abt 'Ehd'l" and practlce | i¥ forward year by year unt!l it was carried. of the Ch:lstien religton, to. maiotain the ) I 3 He beliaved they had a right to this Bill, and lawr and constitution of th@ "counizy, afford P || t would stand by it To show a little more of - araistsnos to distremssd mombars of the 1| P the md.fy 0' .". 'Qflshmfl oppnlh :0:'". .nd "hmm".uch lnd.bh f % p --(Crles of **O;cder")--he would withdraw | and kerevolent purpores as may tond to the i | 4 i the expression, but at the same time he bs-- | | due orderivg of religion and Christian chart. | || & o 0o MHeved it. (Checra ) List year when bhe patli | frand th; w o P im . A of law,order, and con-- 5 || e m to & gentloman in a !ood-us\nnl wey to nl::;naozt freedom," _ Qaalifications were . 0B i ~ support the Bill, he saldl be had a letter ('ron 00 ns i fidhpa-hh for ' 6 :¥ a county Grand Master of his consiituency t r';\'ngemds:.l--": o on lanmnann a P ® saylog that, as a Contervative expedica0y, cnt,mu.. bn.n ém.&""m' q2 epadom | Af N8 he thought it was better for bim to shirk :,t, g'm :o:bo in mau, 'The pric 1| 13 t the Bill (Loud cheers and ories of Name«.") i mafpler sccordance with the | &# » principics of the Order, bat in the view which 1 § e did not want to sive the name publioly, be took of them he had be $ | though bhe wou'!ld msution the name to any. tl? & :t o .: .l' ad : wp:l:'d bo say : one privately, (Criss of " Nams.") us o e vantages arlsing from . p Mr. MERRLI | insorporation were such as they wera entitled F. CK sald the bon. genatloman , | to pussese. Thus, in 1858, ia the old Parlia-- ought to give ths name it ho made the | mert of Canads, ho had voted for their | || § charge. | Incorporation, and here, in the first sersion 1 § X Mr, ROBINSON scld ho war'prapared to when he had the honour to ocoupy § 'Ff{ e prove bis charge, (Orles of *"Nam:.") biz prerent position, he had voted in g " P .. Weil. be would give It. Tae goanfleman was tho sazme way, though ail bis col-- + E> Mr. Baker, (Hear, hsar.) He was sorry leagr es diffared from him, and he still thought h. bo kad Obad O%a montion !% I% this body was entitled to Incorporation if 1t 1 ||a h was cdded to tho atatomant that ar dcaires it, The mode of insorporation, how: 9 ( * . a Cuaserralive ezpeciesor e sucu.d i ever, was another matter, If a goneral law ( § | sbirk tke vote, that the County Maater is | Lad been pasted under which the Orange: | |. | questloo would ses that the rank and file o* ' men cou'd obtain incorporation as sicaply | * 4 | the Orangemen were all right beforo another | ard as cfisctually as his hon, friend proposed | i Sag 9e eleoticn. -- (Laughter an4 cheer) Tha0p by the special Act, and the incorporation in } Cl | Banlliont hud brie calsnaw of th: that way did not exolte the hostile feelings i -- T | pesilion ha4k trled to make a ca'spa® & ch 'this L Ast hat olt I " ko | BIJ, asd but for_the prossnce ol ckhor whi epeot ohln t ex ::' [ is ce * | Orapgemen in the Bom! the hou. msmbor 'éo":"'h .".,ntfi::,g iltmn' tln? 'h.; | | f | yhe Md:":g:* 1t in did not oare whothor | sbould _ incorporate in that -- Inoffsnaive | j | is passe o it j | mapner. _ He thought it became them, as ol f C . ' Mr, MEERICK, amid orles of QOsder, | good sutj 'ols, as patriots, and as Ohristien ' ) derled the statement, | mrm, to take that courie rather than one t 99 Mr, EOBINSON sald one gent'oms&a | which would excite an enormous amount of y s had spoken in favour of snis Bili hoatile feeling. (Hoar, bear,) They all know s it fos two years who had once voted how these hoatile feeliogs had arison. They | 1 § B againat an _ Orapgeman holding even were the result of bistorical memorles of the i ( the menial cfice of a policeman in the clty most painful kind, No one who had studied * ho . of Torouto, The Orange Socloty cru'ld not history now dou'bted that the Romah Catho: incorporate under the present Bill In ilos of Ireland bad in former periods been b.. "~ Kington they had to colleot the rants of the the subj--ote of oruel and indefensible laws, F atores under their hall through a third party while in other counsies Protestants had / ard trust to his honour, 'The Premier was bad the samo thing to complain of, | E: & in favour of the principle of this Bil, but, | but now olvilizition had advanced, and lestead of the Sail followlog the head, ha the true prinolples of toleratlion were uader-- + a : bed to follow the till (Laughter.) Hs stcod, and in this oount_? these things had fas: | (Me. Roblesor) last night heard & strong entisely pessed away. The laws of Ireland | ' t Conservative and Orangeman, who was were now equal to all parties, but the | k K closely commeoted with one of the nows-- | memory cf those bad and orael days was 3. 3E ray that they wanted the Bill keps prerent to a vast portion of the population, s < paper®, ©37 % eleatlo and in some way or another they coanscted ' &' , ,,,..,....mpo.muuntm nox' otion hore Ieclingt "to ctent wi k % > a so that they might go t3 the country on it. ose Teelings some extent with the | k U Hear, hear.) 'The rack and fils, however, | Or:l;'(lo Acroclation. He hopsd these feelings [+ $ C acsized to bave the Bill passed, en C o ons Ae belleved to (:>@ ¢ | some extent they had passed away and || f Mr, MNOWAT said no doubt the oplaion | tbat in the future they would entirely [ $y exproncd by Lis hon friend from Kingston | pars away, but he mt.{l to the O:ange | S was ootrect, and that the sola obj:C} of shoze | bodies whether, If they counld obtsin | A5 who promoted the Bill In:ide and outs!de their objects in a way which would Ne the House was to promote & polisical pur-- ba favourable to the cordiality which should | t ¥ pose. Is could be 'casily Comonstrated that exiet between tham and this large portion of Ey | | there was no fourdation in the reasons glven | ||