The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Feb 1877, p. 5

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PH Wey simpler than by the proposed Bill, 1 rery ed were feowser, and the whole procsers was professioral man, every person acsustomed to reading the statuter, must admit this, In O'l:l w&-:loul advice was Mo:" &% ':o cther the papers were or e County Ocurt judge--a :l'g]!nr authority than a lawyer--would give advice without fee orreward, It the {1dgo considered the 'D'Nll regular he dreo s a certificateo to that Mr. MEREDITH--Bat supposing the County Judge takes the view that the Hon, the Commissioner of Pablic Works takes-- :::i gl\o organization is not a legal one--what n ? Mr, MOWAT sald he was sueprised at such a que:tion from his hoa, fslend the member from London, who was gensrally very reasorable in his om::lou, and who so seldom allowad party to move him except when he went to vote, (Laugh: ter ) The ubjection the membor referred to might azply to all our oor&m\!m. E,o was ture m Jadges vn; m party cons ations, an was sosly ocrtain that even suppoaicg his hoa. filend the Commizaloner of Public Works woere to be a judge he would have no dlflhuh{lh seylog whether the papers submitted to him corresponded with the Aoct or not. Mr, MEREDITH said he did not meavs that the jndac would be fafluenced by any im morive, but was supposing that he omou the conclualon in a proper way as the hon th:e Commissioner had done. Mr, MOWAT sald he could not assume that the jadge would gnrl:f"'l':: l(;' th:ll A':t gular papers were regular, / aner provl& that a copy of the declaration, cer. tified by the Proviuolal Secretary, should be prims facie evidencs of the facts alleged in the declaration, Under the proposed Acta subordinate lodge, in order to show that a lodge was incorpsrated, would have fiiteen oz twesty points to establisb, and to os-- tablish which witresses would perhaps have to be brought from all parts of the country. Ey the Seneral Aoct all that was required is the production of the certificate. Mr, MERAICK--That is on'y a pre-- "m'. Mr. MOWAT said the statement of his hon friend showed that he had elther never . read the Bill or had not been thicking when h; dld read it, '{'u (Lc::u}l Ast p:l.avldod : sixple process w the osrtilicntas 0 tho%mlnchl S:oretary could bs proved to be geraine, although thers might bs no ccorsion to take advantage of the provisloas Under the propesid Aoct an action would have to be brooght Tdul the tenaat or the tremeursr otf a lodgo to recover an amount, and all the plgcnhu that were pecessary for incorporation would havs to be | proved. _ He denled that it was through the | tkflaence of the bon. the Commilssioner of | Public Works that the Bill passed in 1873 was reserved, and stated that that gentle-- msn was nok in the Gavernment until some time aubsequently, The Orange Institation had exlated for a long Hime and had been ex-- tending wherever the English l:m was oo i o o o n c s d upcken, and thoy had been able to do this without any lnoorfinflon whatever. Their fslends had been power in Eogliend fre-- quently and they had never been incorporat-- ed there. Now Brunswilck was the ounly place where he had heard of insorporation. The societics which had taken advantage of the G:nerai Aot were the Ancient O:der of Foreaters, the Grand Lodge of Oatario O 44. fellows, d the Grand Lodge of Auclent Free and Accseptod Masons, Mr, MEREDITH stated that the Froe. masons incorporated wore a ssceding body, no§ the main body. _ Mr. MOWAT roplled that the fact of thete | Orangemen to got what they wanted b | a 53: to which the Catholics, who made l; | one fifth of our whole prvulation, would have no cbjsotlon, Some of the members of | this Legisiatare weuld not be in their pres: ent places if they had uoslPt Oatholioc votes. Would is bo very much if, in deferonce to that Lrgs boc'.{, the Orangemen would forego the speslal Act, whlc}uuono h:w :: & 2 Jn PW cc2 L.2 a -- blne difficulty sbowsd that the Aot was a aimple, an elaitic, and a petfecok ene. He stated that, righly or wrongly, the Ros-- man Oatholices ol_thlc.l'f'ovlnoo. bad a very atrovg approhension of Orange incorporation, under a agcdal Aokt Sapposing that to be alil wrong, bhowever, would it bs much tor the Protestants and Orangemen of this country u,lddtothh.nht as to incorporate un dur the Gsnoeral Act rather than by a rpecial Act? BHe thought it woLnlil P: a booan .t:.! i:. e e s o e 2 id other, &A hr:o body of cur oltizens thought chjsotlonsb'et He bad no doubs that the Act He t;lissd that by that Act what was €ersircd could be obtaised mors cheaply, mere rimply, and more efectually under the general Act, Mr. BETHUNE sald he gave the Attor: ney.General credit for bls candour in giving :I'n o'n:'uuotl:dw:: Q'l':'B'lll should not pase wou 0 ve to the Roam Cathollc body, M Mr, MOWAT--That is one reatou, Mr, BETRUNE wenat on ho say that this master had first bsea introduced fato the Assembly of the Proviuce of Canada in 1857 er 1858, It had been spparent that iss effect would be to emberrass both political partice, aod be bellicved that was tho reason why it pad not again been introduced until a comparatively receot perlod. Prominsnt gentlemen in the O--augs Order, eympatrhisiag politicay with Mr, Sandfc'd Mcodonald, bad not desired to embsrrazs bis Govern: ment, ard Mr. Macsd4ona'd, as a Roman Catholic, had doubticss very strong feel-- Irg on tho eutjsot but the more fact that bhis Orange iricnds had not chosen to embarrass him in that way was no rsason why the pressnt Government should not face the questlion, If there was noa other valld reason against acceding to the wishes of the Orangemen. _ He (Mr., SBothuoe) for his parkt felt rodifficuity in dea'icg with the ques: tlon, even it it had beenintroduced by a Conmservative ; for it wes a matter which stou'!d be dealt with on some 1~g!seal princt: ple, ~Ha approhesded that no more im:. prrtaul matter in _ rolatlon to pror perty And olvyil rights couldld b3s dsalt with by this Loglslatara, thar allayt=2 the exoltement which prevailsd semorg au icil i cnblal body in the communiiy if is was propsr to put au end to it by leglslation,. Thare was a good deal of force in what the Astorasy. General bad sald in refersnce to the s'ight expenss and trouble attendizg Incorparation under the goreral Blll. Ha (M:, Bathune) had made a computation of what the ex: pense would bs likely to ba under the ganeral Act. In the firat plase the declaration would require t3 be Grawa up with o31-- aiderable care so that the se:rvices o!f a profesailonal man wou'd 'ba nseded to Insure Its accuraocy, Ho estimated that the expense of procuring lggurpa!,uo? 33: imprersicn of the hon, snember for Kingston prevailled among O:argemen that they could not be Izcorporated sinder the Ganeral each fngc would tbe--puttiog it a% tha ' amaillest figure--about $3 25. Th's would reprezen't only about $1,000. ¥r, MERRICK ~--You msas $10,000, Mr. BETYAUNE sald that that was a con-- alderable sum even on the ssore of csonomy, i# there wal noth',nf' ols bohilnad. Bait he had so doubt that i# a body of marchants ware to ak for a partloular Ast of Incorporation and hou mombers hars to tell them that thoy should icossporate urider the Goxeral Aot, and the merohants rapliad tbhat that would cast them $8,00C0 or $10,000, If they ralid that by a Bpeclal Act #hey counld get through for $50 or $70, tho:s was not a member in tha chamber but worldl be In favour of their haviog the Spso!al As. The General Bill had beon introdacsi ar4 was thougst to havo beon asssntoi to. Ho had no doubt, after having givon the matter a good deal of consideration aad ia2: vestigating it as we'l as pessible, that, con: atitutlonaily and as a matter of law, 1t was very proporly reservad, as the Governo® General bad glvon no instructions as &5 the kind or character of the measures to be ra-- aserved. The Bill was ons, ihen!ani that had rightly come within the concideratlon of the Governor General Batk that dlfi:mltg bad been got rid of by the despatch whic declared thkat in _ {utars such a Bill _ was nokt to _ bs _ reserved When the po'ilions cams before the Pivate Bllls Committee they were thrown out, it he remembered asight, on the ground that a General B was pa--lng through the House under which they might incorporate, B1it as the Orangemen had.made their application before the Cisneral Aoct was passed, they had a right to consideration on that accwat. chalr, _ _ After reoess, The following Bills passed through Com-- mittee :-- To incorporate the Leamingtan, Comber, asd Lake St,. Clair Rallway Company.-- Mr., Wigle, * To Incorporate Tclaity Med'cal Sohool,-- Mr, wfl&.xd. id It bcing six o'clook the Speaker left the Respeotiog the Port Dover aud Like PRIVATE BILLSY,

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