. Huron Rallway Company.--Mr, Ularke (Norfolk. ) Respecting the Cobourg, Peterborongb, and Marmora Reliway and Milning Com-- listle sympathy with the Orangemen. Duou:,od p.l:om Roman COatholos, h's sympathy was csatura'ly with tham, but he protested against the attemp} to give one claes of the community rights which were denled another class, It was useleas disgulr-- isg the faot that the opposition to the Bill same from the RomanCatholios. Was there ary reason for thoh:&)'sdlu? Was 1t a matter of religlous t It s9, then by the declaration on the face of the statute thY were bound to give the Crmm exaoly the same reorgnition thoy glven the Raman Catholion, If the Orange body was termeod a political association, it could be sa'd the law did rok know political bodiles, He sdmitted that tke Roaman Catho'lecs ware, pany. by the Ulergy Reservre had -mhd' with as much force to the Orange y as to any other body of Christians, Ia the eye of other Lody of Ubristians, la tha eye of the law all theee bodles were looked ujan as 10 many benevolent assoclations, and ilars much as the Roman Catholios had besn accorded the fullest righta of &lbllo worshlp ":'lln.!o with Pnhnhn&:,n uu:' A notubm':: lhem to oppose loglala! wou sther bodies on an equality with ihonugvn He did not look upon this mattar as a pounds, ahlilltns1, and pence questlion, but from a but :o soon as accorded to Roman Cathollos n this House n e ceviqritive of Shis Link bet uin i caok on ul muast go round to e back deor to o¥tale inonrpory ey were no 1atisfied in that manuer; that they repre-- sented important seetions of the oonnuf:y. and would never be satlefied tlll the Loglala: ture had done them justice in this respect The prizciple of nlzdou a equality afll cmed abllltn;s, and penese «l'uflu, but from a higher satandpolat, Politically he had Respectirg the villageo of Pork Eigin.-- Mr. Bholdr? j we Respecting the Plckering Harbour and Read Joint Stook Company.--Mr, Brown, To legallze a survey iz the township of Matilda,-- Mr, Broder, suo Vivuinsiauces auan dA W3 UT o8 should claim the same rights as lu: boen accorded to Roman Cathollos by this Huse Huron to sell certain lands in the Townshlp ot Warwick. --Mr. Mersdith : Respecting the Bothwell (O,W.) Land and P:troleum Company.--Mr, McUOraney, To swmpawer the Townlhlg' of Ad:laide to zonvey cortrln lands,-- Mr, MoDougall (UMid leaex) account of the notlcoe in the (@:' The matter of expente, however, was one of minor importance. The promoters of the Blll folt strongly in the qursilon, and da-- alred to get an Aot of Parliament direct He bhad been informed that the goneral Bill had been introduced for the very purpose of meeting this case, He had no doubt that it had subserved very ussful purposes ia enabling benevolent and simllar nocietios to obtain incorporation, Bat the Geoneral Bill was prepared for the special end of avolding o'd.lgot recoognition of the Orange bady by the clroumstances than that ths3 Rupcu'.in&flu Toronto Sireet Rallway Company, --Mr. Cameron, Reepecting tha 8t. Catharines Sireet Ral'-- v ay ("::!pny.--"r. Hodglas, To Incerporate Alma College as S Thomar --Mr, Wilson, Respectirg the Muaisipality o! Shaalab, --Mr, Dawson, To Incorporate the Canadian Iadustrial Fzhibition Company, --Mr, Cameron, Respecting the City of Toronto, the To-- mto'%ator Works, and other matiers -- Mr, Bell. Resproting S%. Pani's Oburch at Ns ¥vmar-- ket.--Mr. Widd!ifield.: To enable the Corporation of Cobourg to sid orrtain manufacturing «stablishmsats.-- ¥r. Hargrait: TBE ORANGE BILL3, Mr, BETHUN &, in resumiog hls speesci, sald that sizce the Attorney (isneral had made his atatement he had not had tims to caloulate what the expercses of Onnga Iacor. poration would be under the Bill. So far as he could reo, the only expoenses necosaltated flor the subordiuate lodges would be on Respecting tke Municipallty of Sault S%s, Marie,-- Mr, Dawson, The fcllowlug Bilis wore read the secoond To anthor!ze the Synod of the Dioossa o' was more natural under they _ atiomp political etrategy, had nos d.iloov:;wn v Thke Catholics raid they hadi ns otj:;!u:i to the incorporation under the general Blll. How, then, conld they bavs any re. asounable o) jsotion to a spsolal Bill Paoogalz. Ing the cx!ztence of the O rauge boady. _ Of one thing ho was certain, this agitation would g0 0n, and would only be oa'msd by tho reoognition of the slghts the Orange. men swero honsstly entitled to, °1. was alleged that thors zdevances waore meorely ssatimeantal onar; bal i} weas wall | known {h:at these were the hardes} to bear,. Ho fearsd that many wore dsterred from sapporting the Bill for fear cf Incarring the pdispilcamrco of the Romaa Catholles, bas 14 was rot right that ary msmber of the Howme shu'd bs thus infi 1cnrol, When (Le measure was fi'at presonted to 4e House ho had felt 1§ to be his du? t sug-- port It, ard subsequent rifl:ction had ojm-- vinced him that by continuteg his sup port ke was aimply doing an act of jatloe, No more vistous polioy could c ror be introduoced | than class leglslation--a pelioy of which the Anornoy-auonl sesmed to be the exgo-- nent in his spsech, Hoe would feol it imposiUle to work out B.itish lastliajons aslde by a'ideo with Romau Cathoilesism if the Houre allowed itcelt to bs dic» takd to in this way, Tha Romaa Cathollos were, doub'less, honest tn their antegoriem, and felt that Ozavgel:sm abhculd bo stamped out, Ths momeont, ho. ever, they: stepped bryond the lins that | ; separated the clvil from the religtor: do-- ; mein, every Proteatant was houad to casck their advazrss, and pu} a utop to that speoles of latlaldstion. _ What -- was intImidation of elookors o:rmparsd _ with | the _ intlmidation _ of _ this _ Hours. | Hehoped the mearure would pars that night, and If not, he trusteAa the Orangemen would | contnus the!r agitation, (Applause ) They might dopend upon it that if ths mersure were Coleated, thoza who had exsrted thels power to ensuro its defeat weuld not beaitato to uzo i4 sgelast measures of tinfold more importance, _ He roferred to the Soparate Sohool Bi--l as a1 instance of the way in which the Catholic vots was political Tke Cal csomaidered it was time for m person, irrespective of his rellglon, to vour as far as possible to chevk and comtrol thelr as-- on in this u-ri. His own opinion was, that the Church would be golog out of its proper sphere to aito:ri to interfere with politios, and he belleved that this mistake the Roman Cathollics were committing at the present time, In the Oharlevolx orte the whole of the Roman Cathol!lc Blshops ot (Quebec coombined in a parsorai tor 'ne .5\1'17.1- ance of their people, which was ilesued on the 22nd September, 1375. Sootlon 5 of the pastoral was devoted to indionting the park which the clergy was to take in politlcs, I; atated that the priest and bishop might raise and declared that tx'oh on a certiain side was a s!n, and Mable to the consure of the Churoh, Ha referred to Blshop Langevin's racent mardenmnt as an instance of ecolesiaatical interference with purely secular majters, P 00 L 5 0 02yA noOu, Aine Orevgemen desired zcothing better than a first--class grievanoe, and the result of tie present agitation was but to augment their aumbers, The moment ana has' a .4. ""C Catholicsr, _ although _ a T;rgc '% J;:: portion of their lalty bhad not the ad 'llg.h{t'ni objeotic n h'atb'o Aot of Incorporation, T 70 M ma m a m aclul c ave P un ECV EITTV '-I' reason hke deemed It his duty to proteat sgainat giviog superior advantages to the Catholic tody than thosegranted to Protestant bodies. The Attorney--CGeneral stated that he thought the Om&om should on patrlotle grounds submit to ircorporation under the genoral Bil}, because the Roman Cathollos bad a strong fnungl on the question which made a special Bill offensive, "If this poist were granted, it would be ofl'orh1 & great encouragement to the Cathollos to in: orease their demands, for the hlistory of 26 oleailaaticlem showed that the more was con> ceded to them the &l'fl became their de-- mands. The Orange body had existed for yoars in this country, but no danger had been ap-- preherded from that fact; but the momen t it was altompted to hoorflonh thom, 14 was maid they wore a political body. _ The opghocl'tfon came frorm _ the _ Ryman Dathall as aWiL.sly ' C tem _ pubt an end to all clvil 'or :.A.A- l..k.l......:l ILI.L:"'_'E .th" '."! One could casily see upon the civil domaln, thea he