to _ that of _ the Goperal _ _Bil, The 1peech of the hon, member for King. aton bad had a most dmngln,o:fl'uat oa the prospects of th's Bil A Bill for the Sparke' estats at Oitawa had b:en paszod becaise of the greater expense required If the Spcolal BUl was no% carrled, _ I(t this Blll was car-- rled !zcorporating the heads of the Institc-- toa, the subordinate lodges counld ba incor. poratid at little or no expenso. _ Hs advissd 1he Cove:nwent to put an end t» the :'fln- ticn by t:.:log the wind fout of tas aalls of the Oppoailtion, Mr. MASSIE said he was happy to say \hat he could give an indopeadent voto _ Ho represonted a _ oonstituency in which there was not a large number otf sliher Roman COathclion or Osange. mar, Ths master of the Orangemen was, he belloved, in his (Mr. Massla's) own em: ine Hours, To this he would roplg, Co nok kUl the Orangzemen with too much kindzsers, but let them cno0se tkeir own method. It could make no difference to the lioman Catholics in which way the ) :angemen wore incorporate4, In referring to sto difficnitles in the way of incorporation undor the Goneral Act, be atated that theo first sootion was worded in such a way as might leave yoem f'or doubt whoether is montl%nod :iu Orangsmen. He pointed out that it wo 3 be extremely inconvenient, if nok imposs!: ble, for the County Jadge to recelve a'deocia. ration s'gued in his presence by tho cffisers of the locges who waere generally ssatterod over the otuntry and mot together but once a year. He contorded thas the Icacimgat of the Sprolal Bill was proferable ylogpmer$§, but so little did they appoar to think of the matter that they had never aiked him sw3 thing about it and hal not rmqusated him to present thoir petitions. He had no feeling anutagonistioc to the Omgo tody oz tha IRoman Cathclie body. He thoughs is a pity that the honu. member for Stormont had dragged in the qusstlion of the hLelirg of Roman Catholios agalos} the Crarge body, Thore was no doubt thas Crarge bod{. Jhoro was no Gond? ida)} the Orange Institution had bsen a standing mepace againat the Romen Oathollcos for mapy yeatrs, and the effeot of this Bill would only be to sile up and keep allve the feeling. Hs adhbered to the view taken by the Attorney--Gersral--that there was no reason why the Orange body, if it were a charltable or bes:volent Institablon, shculd not be Iroorporated under the general Aol. Ho pohhd out that no difficulty would be found in the cases of the St. Andrew's and Calo-- donian Sooleties, of which he was a member, Is was prepared to sustain the Attorneg« Genstal, and was .rfloolly untrammelled. He was not ccerced one way or the other. The member for Stormont had said that he thought this might be theithin end of the wedge for the don'ruction of civil and religlous liberty. lc (Mr., Massic) "fi" the Pro-- teats ats of Ontario were quite able to delend ter _ nPade? Y var ol wiir anl k brut W dik w5 d invaded, Who could tell what the R>man Catho!isy might ba tc--morrow : It they bad the same power in Oatario as ia Qusbeo, 1t would be a calamity not only to the P.o-- teatants of Oatarlo but to the gmoral leity. 'I'L they could say to the House whether a the dictation woull incroass as the Roman Cathollos increased. Wl::n h: concelved that the libertles of his countrymon thrown into the balanceo a% a time when par-- tles were averly divido!. _ Ho did nok say that that BUL was wroug in prinolpls, but ° polated _ §o 1t as -- an Plag. traticn of The way in whiloh the powar he bad alinded to woald bs evar-- olzed, . In the history of tho past usurpation began very quletly, but the emcroachments continued till the Hbertics of tha prop'e wera h'MA Whae csc¥a a m 1 014. _ Mr, LAUDER ssl4 he bad noaver ssen any rsascna why this Biil should not pass. No cno member had yet sald that he bad beem convicced by the Attorney.--Gan. crai's speech that the General Act was bstter for the purposes of incorporation than the Speclial Aot. He (Mr, Lauder) feared very much that the Attorney--Goneral was being h fAuerocd against his better jJudgmont by tke Commissioner of PablMce Works, D4 sbe A»oxm CGeneral mean to say that if the Commirsicner of Pabile Works were act Ing as a County Court Jadgeo ha would be wliling to grant the certificate necessary to !ncorporation under the Act, a'fter what be had said regarding the Orauge body. The <«ffeot of rotul!:!g tke Bill wculd ba to acsade to'ske wishes of a amail minority, an4 to pay zo ittentlon to the deairzros of a large mejority, He regretted the poritlon taken by the member for Kipgston to--n'shs in chergleg the member for North Loecds with Inaluoeri'y, ard in rohlllnfip?lvah onver. satlon on the foor of tha Houss, .Hs (Mr. LLude:) muoch milstock the Ozangsmen 0t the country, if the y did not cril the hon. mem. bor for Kipgaton to rocscuat for what hs had rald to--aight, Mr, MACDOUGALL (3'mor») talled to soa that tko Attorney.--Genoral had maie out asufliolent ormse for ra'using the Spsolal BiUl. Tke yatltlanen for tha Blll hai crms to tha oonc!uslon that owing to the pecullar utum_ of thair organ'sition, the CHaneral Mr, BARR regretted that the Bill had been burked in the Commiitse, Ho dis-- claimed the imputation that the aupporters of the Blil asked for it to embarram the Govermnwoent or to make political capital, The Orangemen only asked that they should erjoy She privileges which wore extended to other bodies. He believed that the ic-- fluerce of certain membars of the Govern-- ment um tho Attorney--CGiazeral was io duclog to refuse the Ozange bodles an aot of justice, Those who opposed the Bill were rarponasible if the presert 11}.--feeling botween Orangemen and Catholios wora pac-- poluated in the countrp, ot;?orno each lodge, I% was certainly a little romarkable that durlng all the time that the Conservative 'z:t{nwon in power there had been no aglta favour of thls mermsure, but in justice, not only t> the O:argemen, but to themsslves an4 their fol-- lowears, the Government should put an sad to the agitation by passing the BilL would oait his vots in support of the Gov-- ernment; otherwise he shoul1 vote for the motlon, _ lnstead o! keeping this matter bargivg over the House and country is should be put an end to at onos and forever by granting speclal incorporation. Ths ef« feot of the Genoral Billl in hi« constitaenoy would be that the offisers of each lodge would bave to come an average of 100 miles to the County Judge of Simcoe in order t in ui a /B i aald TTE wors -- mW keon exterded with the view on the part of the leading members of tha laoskit1-- tion to make the ooutl:nonof of Muskoka thorougt'!'; Conservativa, In hle distrlo\ the Orange Lodges bad served a good oharl-- table puryore, _ Io his electlon he had pro-- mised to support this B'll, though he said ke would not do so if the fate of the Gov-- eranment dopend:d on it. If the voto was one upon x hich the oontinuance in offics o! the preotsnt Government depended, hs Mr MILLER said the membars for W est Bimoce and Algoma were Roman Catho'los, ard cooucled their mt_}rfliy much by viz. tue ot Orangoe votes. e Orangemena had usv:r hesitated to vote for a Cathollo Con. serval'veo in preference to a Probestant Re. former, Hecould underatand the oppraition of the Commilesioner of Publics Worke to the n otion without referonce to thafact that he was a Catholic, beosuse in Lseds aud Gren-- vils the Orangemon were bitter Conserra. tives to a man, while the Cathollos ware E'vided. In bis (Mr. Milsr's) constituency the Orargemon were mo:t.lx Reformers, but there the Oravuge lodgor been orlglinally & I w L s w Antadiran i v'-l" body for defence, (Loud cheers )' Hs, ara Pm:ahnt and a Procvbyterian, was not pre-- parcd bo leave his liberties in the hand: of the Orsngemen. _ It was the boaat of this free and fndopo: dent country that we gave evary man the right to worship God as his consclence dictated, and he was not alrald of the Romwan Catholion trylng to trample o::l MI:: rlg:t:.f Hodl?flcvc'dm::{l B 1i was o ought forward for po p nI -houls sustain the views of lhox':t'o:::;'- Genera!, (Chsers ) their rights independent of the Orang ard It would be a sorrg day fora C L O L0 PCYE PCR ACZCCETD, OV Cgcca ab 34 204 meey ywiz wighor: ThL Sac} ard it would be a sorry day for Canada when they had to depend upon ths O:ange for sccial