The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1877, p. 6

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f Nb * .'f».w /:'?' A * y!!! * 5> 4 s uc' Hated at the asw:eplcg condemnation of their ' /'A ah"f. goE'A.nOO.Nl .':':p'w,:'""db:! :h ::1?:"" action laat uuloup by the press of the coun. and of the member for East Toronto in re-- by, Alter fully consl@erling tha matter, * tracivg the step he bad taken last session. though his views as to the amaliness of the | He could mot supporst the motlon of tho compeneation were uuchanged, he, in defor. member for South Brant, as it wa: tnoe to the sentiments of the country as they a question which not ouly affected presen} bad been expresscd, propased to support the | but future rapresentailves He was propared Governm:int in the matier,. He would vots *1 to stand by the course he had taken last see-- for the amenrdmest of the hon. member for | alon, and J his constituants did not consider Brant, though he did not suppose it worli ' his services worth $800 they oruld get som» carry, becausoe he belisved that 1t was a move one 6iss to serve them in the rl&kht dircction, Pablic rentiment # Mr. ROS3 f should be brovught to bear on the questlion of | ud approved cf the proposed re-- | whether the time Lad nokt come when there | uctlon, as he balleved it had been rather | was a euflicient number of able men ready to ;nu-ly, al uu'my bo',lnnlns of a new serve in the Leglslatcre without remunera-- arliament, to ralse the indomaity.. Had Mon. He reoogniz:d the pross au the reflex the 'h:""': m taken ; urlng nlt.lh. last | of public oglcion, and believed that they had ::np : i .'ll:h :u:'o;: Ion. dm:h. oml;::; ' ml:o & :;:m.ka io ic ceasing the lodemanity ' remion, \ had been cxpress:d through the newspapers ® adv: rsely t?atho hc:enog. and it wf- ptho Mr. ?%SSIE pro;enhd ;"l'" "'; °::'d ; Futy of the House to respect that opinlon, fuct «i thcee mempars Mad hnow. Dhs 6 | think dowan on the action they bad taken last ses He did aot think the corruption in the | aic H dmired" the comiust o! l United Statos was due to the inadeq 1a0y of | he Lo '*'hed ----Ab lin o & tbe salarles of men, bat to sas cou. "'".l Y¥ !?t th M ned ; m:n' '"m 0 f itant imputation of corrupt motlves by the ' stand ty what they had done last sercion, press and by public mea, | For his part bhe could not afford to give his ' A Kr, BZLL sald that he for one would not | '°"";" "'," noshln?.dnnd"w "lff': "'10;3 ra'race the ocu'so he had taken last sseston | T ho on bo ul Pa Lk 1 | with regard to this matior. _ Its would sup. | not gst S600, he woull Iathir vote fo: perk the prosent iademanity, P* | aboliahing the ln:!emnlty .ltrt:getlm. Mr. WIDDIFIELD said that individaally | sns i h Poparnes. ormene | 50 'n'l. ln'{::onrhot dolnl aw:z.wll: thol:.n; | ind Cammeron, o n * 10 emnity evher, and proteste e M auch terms "g buncombe and c'ap lumplng | ?&EABDX 3 amendment was then pu' spplied to the motlon of the momber for se f Scuth Brant, I{ the motlon had not been The iItem then pasted. mado he (Mr, WiddiGeld) iatended moving The Committee ro:e and reported, P a rloilar one, | Mr. MOWAT moved the afjourament of R| Mr, DA WSON Il:ld t\u:lhsbvlnlno\ one of the Hcuse, | . tko:e who signed the round robin last year, i .5 | | buat having acquiesoed in 'the movement he The House a¢) mr:f:'.:t 1250 4 m. | oomidm: that he was equally responsible KOpICES OF MOPION. | with otbu:i Hi\s eo:::t ":h': 'I:.d nsve®, E:o | e f ; his knowledge, 0° jo ied to crease. Hoe | Mr. Loog--Oa Monday nerb--Seleot Coa-- P --| had no reason to b.lieve that the leaders of wittee to rc ive ndyoonnldot the repre: | the Hous«,either on the Opprsiticn cr Min: sentations which deputations appolnted by f latezrlal side, in proposing to rsduce the in: Ahe Osurty Councils of the counties o!f Sim-- 4 dermnity to the formir stacdard, were nyt oce ard York and the Councll of the olty of aotuated by a desire to meot the public Toronto, deailre to make with referance to sentiment as exprossed through the prew, the corst:ruction ot the Huron and Ontario ind he § for o:c we:'d Tmppm t&o | Ship Canal, otea ane . the Tremsuror, e | 4* --= mno: spprove of the motlon of his | Mr.d RBiex'er--Oa Mondsy next--Bil to hon, frend from South Braat to do away amend the Aot relaticg to the pracHcs of with the iodemulsy altogether. It lookad eee thd surgury . and ho. stndy . of f §00 i!ke a plece o! petulance--it did not look null 09 2+ s y! likea thoa calm erpression of wisdom to be | Mr, Lauder-- 04 Morday next--Order of , looked for in gentlJemen arpiring to gaide the the Hovutre csuring to be laid before the ' * helm of State (L--ughter) And what | House a atatement sho wing all moneys which ' would b: the effeos otf such a meamvare} | have remained unol«tmed one year and up | Simply to ciroomssribs the chotse of the wards io the Courtsa of Qasen's B:nch, Com-- elesotors to mere mon of wealth. Hon. mem mon Pleas, ard the Court of Chansery in | bers who objsot to aoy indemailty could very this Provinos. Showlog in detail the numes: f erally leave their sharos in the Treomury. of the parti--s, or causes, to whae credit the | HL | (Hest, bear, snd laughter.) Why .ho&l sald moneys are respsc.ively standing, é they seek to impose their crude notlons on Mr, Koan--Whken the House goes into | | tbls House asd on the ccusatry at large * Commiitee cf the Whole upen Blil (No. 7) ' J (Hear, hear.) " respeoting to Town of O.tllts," wiil move |° E. 1 * Mr. BOULTER did not believe that the to add the following clause at} he end of saii | | opinion of the country had been pronouncsd Bill: -- | ) upon t is quesiion, but merely the views of( 4, This Aot shall not orme Into operation 8 a fow nowspaper writers who did not, in hle unless and untll the said extersion of ths jadgment, represent the public miad. He lUimite of the Towa of Ortliia shall be sanc-- | should vote againat the motlon, flfon.d 'I:iy B m; j'nlt;ty :t the nt;?lyortl g! th; ; the aforesalda gortions of the townehips of Sout | sounty ware neabrapt, ns $oulh mowbers Orilita, who stall vote upon sald question a\ ' would give th--ir services for nothiag; but a vobe to be takan in the following manner, l f when the country was prosperous, they had praying that such vota may be taker:-- 1 to consider what was right to themeelves as (1 ) Uptn a pstision praylog that Isuch | 1 | well as to their constituents, He did not vote msy bo b:ken ai,nod by at least ton of ; thisck the whole of the press were agalost tho sala townrhips to be so annexed, and } them. Bat even if so, was their aotlon to be being presented to the Rseve of tha united | governed by the press! It that wore the townships of Or lila and Match: dasb, it sha 1 8 ' case, they shoold have passed the be the Asty of the sid Reeve fo:thwith to OQrange Bills last evening (spplause), or call &r ;sther the Ccunoil of siil townihips, " ahould vote down the farmers' sone' fran: who shall with<ut delay pass a by --la x, fixlog 4 ohise, but to whish the press was opposed a time and pl.¢«s within the sald tecritery to I He was prepared to ray that he wonld not be anncxed as aforesaid, and appo'ntirs the E I serve his country for notbing so long as his returnirg officer for the takirg of said vot:s, f | country was able to pay bio. snd reguiating the manuer of saking thereo!, ¢ * Mr, CODE considerad $300 listle enough and the r.turnisg cffirer shall record ths '- for Indemnity. He would vote agalost bosh zamtis of those ratepsyors who .vote elihse s . the motlons of the hon member for Brant icr or aga'n't the said annoeratioa to th: t | ard of the Treasurer. He freely afmitted town of O«ills, as the care msy be. that the Opposition were as responsible for (2 ) Notloce of the time and place for taking the Incresie <f Indemnity ay wore the sup-- such vote shall be given by pub ication there-- ¢ * porters of the Governxent, aud he was of for wo weeks in some newspaper pub. M ready to defend that icovcase. Mabed in the town of Ortilia. ; . 3 Mr. RO38 sald that the reason he had (3 ) To care the said Council of the rald m' the letter which hal been township shall fall or neglecok to pass such :'"'::" J to night was -- becusts. . ths m.w within thres weeke after a petivion ' London Herall "bad _ mtated -- that | the 1 have been presontsd to the rall Reove, - increrso was duo to the members :l:l!'l?"uh:h"u"t shall be the du:{uol t:; ; supporting the Government, He had been place ::d"nl:v' :&2:'2.:::"' oh.v.oto i particularly guarded in that lethir not to and to give "u"{h.m, as uforeshi 4. $ place any member in a faise position Hs (4 ) All expenses connected with the pars | had on'!y dq; :on' ::';'l"l"&"d to his owa Ing of the siid by.--lew and the takir '-v.og.tho' Te n a - siid vote sball be psyable by the Oorpora-- \' n Mr. BETHUNE said he had been hami{-- Mon of the town ofp(.)';fllh. gike vap* | t || * i ® e e T o k . ;

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