o %/ s # 4 o. $ the volun system as exbhibite "os Iyen for the most thorough invasrigation, ' -- mnh bt.l'{c'chznlu' Imfltutu,ub:: .t:: e Mr, FERRIS raid that he bslieved the \ sX nlt be was not by any means cortain that Depos'itosy to be an important auxiilary to s uk the benefits derived Lom Mechanios' Instt. our sehool rystem, and one which couid rot o 2 tutes were at all commenturate with the be Cispensod with advantageously, The ; y amount expended upon them. He referred member for Stormont had taken the ground ce to the reports published 1a some of the that the booksellera' interests wete béfore F4 451 : newspapers regarding the fisances of the Ds-- those of the children of the country, 'The s Eo y l | pository, and said that there was every bcokerellers would gain is the end by the | recessary check upon the receiphte and ex-- : onitivaiion of the literary tastes of the pao-- s k | ; penditures of that branch of the Dazart: p'e through the distrluution of sae Deposit-- hk I -- Bs oaslids o re Faapt. | ' ghly examined an found to Mr. DEROCHK sopported the vieas ex» k Bs | | :."WWY. As a Reformar he conceded ere® ty the momber for Stormoni. He | xR 0. | principlecontended for by the bookseilers, E:d lonpg been of opinion that the Dapo-- ; %#3 | that th X & n p yo Bhs. CA | | t.d:,"'.hgo nelpmment rhould hos undericks sito y should be abolistsd. The 4is. } | | tm 'h:' could be as efficiently performed rem'zation of the proper kind cf lite. i c | ' Tire n""l" oourse of--trade; but there ratm e among the youth of the country was ul us uheet matters--and it was possible that oer ainly a desirable object, but the cuertion i * is might be ore of ihem--in which it might was whether the object might not be ssooro-- & be ol atene Government o en » t pithed in another aud & better #ey, Es w k. CC \ projection to the people, could not see the necerslty of keeping up a | w s . | Mr, BETHUNE said he belleved that the 1 rge ataff of officlals for the purpose when it s : s l ~§ | Minister of Education bad thoroughly Isoked might be done as well by the regalar trade. 1e . --' | {nto the questilor. The importation of bocks, Mr. GIBSON sald that he had at one time . wae ; | however, had wonderfully increased rinos en prejudiced againat the Depository, but 1853, and that being the case they wight he was beginning to regard i+ with a good @\ wole raturally look to the competislon of Look: deal of favour, 'The books could be suppiled ~f o ] sellers to prevent a monopoly, He would at a far cheapsr rate than by the book: Neh:"t ) I l:}:ht:h .e"B bbok e:lr)porlmnl l.rlod n:l,f 3:pamlng sellers. i T Siene n oo k > 20 epartment, a t ware a 6 N | found that a monogly was the resull the ":' 'i)om:royn ::;ou':ld'.:od ':::'"" ?: ks | Department could be restored. The chook would ' semurs She Government "If they | q s 5 -- e | upon the character of the books could ba ex: Ts | BA | Avil'p h abolished it He did not think the | | t M | ercised just as well by Eurohu!ng from the trade could supply the right kind ot | l yA bookseliers a1 from the Depository, All | books as cheapl f'.h. Wg &id, ie * ~ that was necessay was to furnish a liss of | PY ny 4 | Peer . x t desirable text--books to the trado, and they Mr. LONG thought that the book--storos N. o2 | would be aupplied, 'The Govearnment wouid should now be allowed to supply the books § .. cHo | save a considerable sum, which was of im instead of the Government, 3/ t es | poriarce in there days of economy, Mr, COLE said he hoped that next session | i) . tT s For instance, the um to be voted was over the Minister of Education would be able to K '¥ C | $9,000, and then thero was to be trkon Into inform the House whether the bookseliers ; account the capital sunk, In the olty of throughout the oonnlr{ were in the hab't of Ees pe-- i 5. | Lordon the Schcol Board had entire control selling the books required in the sohkools as :: ~Meel :« of the purchase of b:oks, baut the necessi'y cheaply as the Depository, He supported § | for this was apparent, as the schools wers the continuanse of the Depository for the [3 i numercus, azxd it was desirable that the present. w/D> i s | books and apy=ratus should be purchased by Mr, MERRICK said that neatly all the J ,i"! 'Alk | one h..ao 'ne traditions of the Education ln'ro'm. who had 8'"' 20 m a* all i 2s .) / | Department world naturaily be in sympathy were in favour of reraining the Depository. Bs i. R: 1 with the retaining of the Depository, Tae The only agitation against it had been, i _3' o > hee? | Depository fixed the prices of the text--books, he believed, by the g,,k..u,,,. If the 4 '% 5 | and the bookseliers complalned that they Depository were done away with, they would e * Y3 | could rot compete at the figares seloctod. scon find the bookseillers raising the prices. i@" * At a _ time when so much . was The general feeling of the country was in 4'«? &, © k | b:ln'gh "1'}, '?:'" :?'"":'l_ 4 "'; *""Q"' favour of retaining the Depository. (88, c ts | o e Province, migh e we'l | hel y }{% : + | to encouraye the tookseller by makiong the pnrl:; ?:&IE.EI::;!:."::'.""::I'&"' the ; m _0 f | experimerts he had sauggested. O! course engaged in the book trade, he was in favour ' * 2 \ | the Depository conld not be abclished hantily, of retaining the Depository, as there were f t oae, He intended, before cononurrence was askad, very many books "K":'h"' articles which t f e ' to teat the sense of the House by calling for could be supplied by the Depository and (ide a divicion on the matter, could uot be supplied by the booksellers, es Mr, LAUDER said that this question h«1 Mr, MERRICK. pointed out that al-- . + h ;' been argued sesston after se@sion. Tase Tres though the member for Lennox and | ~al B | | curer bud thoroughly iaventigeted the mas. Addizgton _ opposed the Depository, +. f | | ter, and bad coms to the concinusion sthat it the -- Teachera® Association of those . i | would be witeat to leave is where it stocd countles had parsed a resolation in itsfavour, ' M P for the present, Hoe was not so cortals that That was a pretly good index to the feeling 2 ol | the booksellers wou'd not take advenatage of of the people in that section, He notlced, . the aboiition of the Depository. A sugges« also, that the hon, gentleman's owa name s :4 | tlon from the Treasurer to graCuaily bring appeared as assenting to the resolution. ::. _' h ' about the Oh"gfi In¢cioated would meet his Mr. DEROCHE sald that a M"flg of 9 | approval. that Assoolation at which such a resolution 9 § . Mz. MOWAT sald that the hon, memjar had been passed had not been held to his uy {or Stormont sppeared to be under the in knowledge, and furthermore, his name had f t pression that the Dopoaitory cort ihe cous-- been appended to it without his knowleodge | . 2 % | %ry $10. 000 a year, This sum, howevor,was or consent. C > | plased in tho estimates as the expendituars; The Committee then rose and reported, 1 h \ | but the receipts did not appear. . 'The Trea: and it being six o'clock, the Speaker left the & | rurer bad examined Into the mattar, and bad. obair, J ;f.-f empleyed im hm;":; '"""fl':" b"";'t" °£ After recens, j the book trade, and the romult was sot fort . ro + ;,i in the special 'npori which bhad jast bsen | THE OREDIT VALLEY RAILWAY. ' i€) brought down. The raport showed the ex-- | The House went into Committese on the l pond%tuxe. charges o! management, and rates | Bill respecting the Credit Valley Rallway, ? 1 ¢ of the Depository, The amount o€profiits de. | Mr. BELL moved, in amendment to the ~ 4 | rived from the sales was $4,000 in 1863, second clause, that the following be added | and in 1875, $7,000, All expenses | aiter the word '"for," in the 21st lm * s «ol were -- taken _ luto account _ except | ""three kundred persons in any clty 6 of -- rental, MHemight polot out that the whole | filtly persons in any cther munloipality," m amount of the saies of the Dopository was a | Also, to insert after the word "theroto" in on ' mere fraction compared with the book trade | the 28th' ine, * Provided that before any of the country, Last year the Education | such by--law is submitted, the Rallway Com-- f Department porchased something like $32,-- Pap P"'K'" deposit with the treasurer of the | 000 worth ot books, while the trade Importa« | mnnldnll'y a sum sufficlent to pay the ex-- : | ttons in Upper Canada amounted to $580,000, penses incurred in the submission and votiog 3 | The desire of the Government was so afford | upon such by--law as aforerald, which said l | every possible facility for books being ob. sum, in the event of the by--law having been ' l tained all over the country at a remsouable | approved of, shall be refunded bo the said $E rate, at a prop'r time, and of a proper klad Company, but not otherwise," ~€ His hen, friend the Treasurer msked for . 2iF, MILLER moved au ..m"m. is L :::',:':: ;:' :.":p::.:n"m.d. ','m"f.'."ffl: the l.mtndmul making it five haundred per. $ | satlefied that the hou. member fo: Stormon sons in cities, three hundred in towns, and /d i Ems 11 be given. 50 persons in other municipalities, He ue f would admit that thas tm« shou & atated that he had ' m The House {clt that this Dapartment, which on to the not abandoned his opyo---- PRis ; + bad existed so long, should not be awoept lno:: m.p;lmlohofthomfl. and would VA . away without the falless opportanity being 38 t on the third reading. . e Mr, CAMERON po--nted out that the 1 & h k uc