The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Feb 1877, p. 1

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w Mr, CROOK3 said that the id:a of tho I s U ONTARIO LECISLATURE P T A Snlicn wars siigmiih as fote lh: A Bolence was to establish an instita-- e #% :oh counld afford training in physical ethams :: rmanes Amontmeneats B120 ~SECOND i be an 05]sotl ARLIAMENT----SECON) SESSI0 . of ::;i!nh would be as ob?lnflo:ototg 021.3 scheme, as invoiving an expondi'ure TUZSDAY, ¥eb, 13; not justified bi:h. resuit. Areferencs to a 6 :A memocranéum he had submitted would sho The SBpeaker took the chalr ab 3:15 p.m. | ::n't':t'gu'dm:lmh of studies in whlo'h REPORT3 OF COMMITTEEY, geated b,.lsn:' wo':ula'::b:l:t'l fl.hlklizd al. / Mr., Clarke (w.m.m) presented the with the orcisary gepartments of unlvu:ll:; | third report of the Printing Commitie, io in ees Soveh erene Teveer Shne fous ovalse | THIRD READING3, Tys the fesirusting of thare sindeole dorsony 'The Bllls were read the third of obbaining lnform:.flon"l: ':;:m doh i solen. uon en o Th Aniegy mt Roiioes on claby 'mm + ol:lrlo Mm&- catural bistory .I:g botany. This tho::.tlotl Canada--Mr, Gmnhlm. piacop urch in lntmouo; do:!ulddbo supplementsd by the Bupoo"\:l ::no nl.!.oull)u COatholle Eplscopal !:ndonu wonfl ob:rl.nm::'"o:zfe::'tl t:: mlr. W DBfama, e Dlocese of Hamilton-- .l::::lo'fion that could not fail to ba advazm. To Iec * 0s m?o')::r?:nndd Echibitlon I': nglnyotgkusr. l:iaodoupll (3imeor), m' C 6 To sa'd there might be stadents . Engiery soxs raanonm® See ce it raeah »nlos R ;, ve readiog of the Bui to gi :o:é:gfl. :? fnoond Students might come from th:y 1;;:1.::1":; %o farmera' sous in certain cases, d': h'ogng other schools, There was a wide--spread and4 , already fally cxplained tho purport o: ol:d grmowing yhake to broviss bogh "'m WA Bill, ar d did not, therefore, fi.'d loofl-: l'"h teachers to bscoms botter uoquanted ' any extended remarks at the present tims, rfbyeloal solence, ard ba able to perform In Committee be wouli suggest §wo or cxperiments in those sclencos ot which thry threo verbal amendmen's, beyond which he WV iarer on us ) popirs nnlght gnowlsfiue. had ro alterations to propore. He did nost | tw ::'h'"" Ijn *fi [ Aty purpcse a% this stage to follow the objec: | t; lx'ml un Noi t amel Mona made to the Biil in regard to lHralid t eir moguirements in a great measure Its provisions to a cortain olass, as these ols .omtho foor obaire of | kte Univeralty jeotlors might be ral:ed to the franohise as h latkd with the aim of the proprsed 18 at pressnut ptood. nv?l&::dg::'g'ongt ;h:ir &ul:'?:m"u P onsE Mr, MACDOUGALL (3imoos nuk this Sshoul Prrownd io f&:. ':umber ttl)r E-f-t 'l'o(ronto hzd.:' ;l.l:l?l' ::::ll;-. '?r:lt:o;:l:'hb:r?::e;od';:;l 'pl::p::ito yropose in rf.rence to this Bill As ma'lcal clazees wa t that gentleman was not presen was row ten timss as griat the oraer would not bs pressed. Whe hoped ;:llto:n%: ::';:z "\l?m tog'o t "11;? oo many uo Thke order was a'lowed to stand. Practical Sciezsoo, H:. t:cmf:g: f&'?:gcf; SUKOOL OF PRACTICAL SOIENSE, harie it war sadecer ies rop ie On the motlon of Mr. CROOK3, the would cnly from yoar to°;:-r'hb?o:lhi:amm Hcure resolved itselt into Committee of ths to acknowledge the utllity of this soh 37 by \V?oa. on the following resolution:-- armlating 1t, ho r "That this House doth appro h Mr. ME Order of the L eatenant a?:nvr.n:r! .i: "'dfixfl%g:%li'?:;'"é."hg cofisporing Couroil, dated the third day ot February ss a profession, and to fl'l)x :henglmwdng' 1877, respsoting the Sohool of Psaoctloal Sol. of the latter the Soh lu !i'r ols ence, which O.:der and the mccompauyl establlahed. The e ho t yrrng <-- ho memorandam thercia referred to is as !:f- to dis pron: ns properly Iy Frotdin $28,000, while 1t oost $35.000, The Houe "The Committeo of Councoll have had u1-- had _ every year characterized 'u'hh:! fl:'r d.r corrideration the annexed memorandam gurelas urjastifiable on any grounds ':: t of the honouratls the Mintater of Ed4uostlion ever; He argued that the School of Pr '!l respectirg the * School of Practloal Sclence,' cal Bolence skould be l--cated in the Oxllflng.o s dated the 30ih day of January, 1877, in premiscs if it were found neceesary or adv. which, under the circumstazo's therein mon. hTonl to the country to have such a loho?i.. ticmed, he recommends that, with the ap-- It itfwere aftcrwards found impracloabl proval of the Legtslative Arsembly, your he was convinced it would be, the exll.i.ln" Honout wil! be pleased to sanction the sale of building could be Cispoced of, and the am % the mcty mqaired by the 'School of pald into the Exch--quer, He eald 1t w::fa Prac Solence ' to the Toronto *Me-- coat several thou.anod dollars to educite chanlos' Institute,' for the purposses of the each atudcnt, axd called for more convins-- | Institute, for the sum of twents--sight thou-- Ing arguments of the resorsity of ah ? sand dollars, in oash, and that out of the a school before he could ondonoytho' o LM the sum of twonty thousand dol. sal. Ho raid that 1t was the ou!iompt?lpo p rs to spplied in building a physlcal labora-- before the House plans and specifications m try nee: the Uzsiveral'y, and that the real-- any propocal of such a ns!ure bafore kln"t Eue, hm the sum of cight thousand dollars, for any appropriation of mone H" § te for the purchase of the necessary poscd to amak this House if it wu'. re e gr:o apparatus, and that the anunual appropziation countenance ruch an -mozrlmgn pa:-:h of the Leglalature for the maintenance of such plans being uced, and oxpuu' d%':' the 'Bchool of Practical Sclance' (aot ex:-- istention of mam motlon in o o:ltlo. eceding $5,600) be 301!06 towards the to such an expendisare, PP C salarie: of the propored lastructors in en« Mr, LAUDER sald that gineerlsg, the asai:tant in chemilstry, the liskment of the School of T :::l. 7 e 175 Atiendant in mlceralogy, and for fncldental bad been <xpended i tod it vas fow rpenses. repored ho sell it for §28 100. The wigha **The Comu.{t'ce beg to advise that thesald &knl!on of the Soho:l of 'Toohno'f: C Ofll'll:l recommendation be appreved of by your afford practical Instruction, based on prss: Hon--ur, and that the farther recommenda-- tloal exgeriments made in th Feveave of tions ard iuggestions contained in the professors, to staudents ln. pmenor:not memoranduam satorerald, for the condust of > and to -- cduoste . the nfl:m:;u s the said *School of Prec'ioal Solence,' bs by mears _of evening ol w in x m.'woved of b' your Honour." ence, Ho did zol .h%.k :h.:: the x,rlt. Mr, MACDOU 3ALL (Slnm) did n>t be-- itudents of the UI!VOI'I"' would attend the licve that the yourg men who went to the lectures of the aingle professor it was pro-- University would feel disposed to avail posed to ergage, He objected to the appro: ihexso'ves of this partloalar school auy more pilation because no 'P'dgi"m were given 'han ordisary atudents availed themselves of the new building. It cost the country if the Sshocl of Practloal Solence under the $12,467 last year for the malntenanos of criginal rtate of things. If the sp:clal pur-- the University College, and'it was now pro-- roge fcr which the buildiog was intended posed to add $5,600 to i's ordinary ex gdl' falled 1t would be adapted to no other par» ture under the Treasurer's scheme. H? con-- ;ose, lHo wiuld not take upon himsell the tended that the country would not sanction responalbility of makiog any serflous objeo. this extra _ charge upon the eonsolidated tlon to the B.l}, tut he trusted the G>vern-- revenue, University College iteelf failed to ment would pau:s beforo des!diag t3 haza d abtraot the young meon of the country as it the experiment should do. and he deprecated further expense

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