evident that the secsion would not be much further prolonged, and thought is objsotion-- able that matters of such importance as rail-- way mea: ures ususlly were should be brought in so late, Hoe also atked the Provinoclal Secretary If he had yet recolved the refurns respectizsg Horrres fiom the varlous coun'y municipalities, Mr. MOWAT sald 1t was his Intentlon to Introducs supplemcntary ostimates during this week, proebsbly on Taursday ; and also that it was quite likely that there would bs railway legisiation this session. ; _ Mr, WOOD said that he bad recolved the | returpr, and wou!d present thom this week, t _ The House then agjourned at 11;10 p.m, NOTICE OF MOTION,. Mr, Hatklo will move on the third rord: | Irg of Biil (No,. 83) respectliag KFermented . anud Sqtbitouous Liquors, to have said Bill rs. ocmmit*ed to the Committeo of the Whole House to have such changes made thorela as will enable ccuncils ot munlolpalities to appoint theilr own lospeotors, and to dis: < pecse with tho Commisilorers and Inspes-- tors now appolnted by his Honeur in Coun: oll urder the authority of 39 Vio., oup. 26 Mr., Wilkon, on third readiog of Bill JNo. €9) to Incorporate the People»s Gas Com:-- paby, will move to nmomf the saime by inserting in the cleventh lizns of the lmz- eighth seotlon thercof after the wor ** any" the followirg words, *' and provided, furthcr, that within thirty deys from the glvirg of any such notloe the munlolpal e«cunoil of the corporation within the jarle-- Clotien of which the Company desires to ocmm«noe or carry cn avy ol the works wentiocnc4 or referred to in any such notlos may pats a by lsw probhibliing cr regulating the commenro'ng or carrying of such intend. d works, which by--law sha!l be in forose unt!l repealed cor amendcd; but it no such bg-low be parsed within such thirty days the Company msey proceed with the Intend-- ed works." amemmmmemnnniienieniliffptim memmmmmmmmemenmmmene PUBLIC ACCOURTS COMMITTEE Tursoay, Feb. 13, Th's Commiliteo met at 10 this morn» Irg. Present--Mesars Clark (Wellingtor), Chba'rtman, Gibson, R:ss, Striker, and Wii. lMems, No members of the Oppoiition or further aocesaion to the Goverament strongth }avirg arrived at 10:19, the Commibteo ad. jourred for want of a quorum., neenirccamer--menmenee