The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1877, p. 2

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less than one hudmt-'!l be ntltll-ul. :o receive from unappro moneys e hands of the 'rn-l:uru of this Provines, a sum zot to excoeed ozse thousand dollars in any one year, on the like conditions as the Fruit Growera' Assooclation of Ontario, AGRICULTURAL BILL, The House wont into Commitise of the Whole upon the Bill for the. encouragoment of Agrioulture, Hort!calture, Arts, and Manulactures, which was advanced a stage j FARMERY' SON3' FRANOHISE, 4 o pemormt n (romie gros se a of vo armore soms in cortain r:'nu. The Bill was as soms in cortain cises, The Bill was, as amended, advanued a stage and ropui&. MUNICIPAL ELECPION3 Me, MOW AT, in moving the sscond read« ing of the Bill to cxiend the Voters' L'st: Aot to Munlcipal elsctions, said that the Mr, MO WAT said that to lo&hlno on the subjrsot would ba a hasty pr log. I nody Invention of the kind was broughs forward, it would no Sdoubt srouse publio atteatiocn Mr. MACDOUGALL (Simowx) dirsored the attention of the Goverpment to an inven: tion for taking the vores which, it was snld, had many merite, ons of which was that it would be impos:ible to ep»il a ballst paper, Bill had worked so well in Parliamentary eleotions that he thought is advisable to ox_t:nd _!!' to munlo!pal gfogtlm P o Mr, ROSSY +suggested that a list of the voters for sonoo! trustees should be addecd. Mr, HARDY said is required some in-- structicn to vots by ballot, He was agalost the enlargement of tha po'lling districts, Is bad been tr'sd ho# many votes could bs polled by the ballot under the most favour: able clroumstances, and the number had been found to be twenty par hour. Work men generally wore nawiliog to loss more than an hour in veting, and might complaln of a grievavos if sbut ont through over--pres. agre at the polling pleacas, Mr, MILLER oovaldorcd that the present bellot syrtem did not ersure sufficient se-- creoy. Tho voten woere cfien knows befors tha olose o# the poll, The Bill was read the sesond timo, :izeoung the reviad atatutos, and to pro for certain amaudments to tho la»» and to the Corsolidated Statutes, wsrs read the soror4 time and referred t» a Committes oconslat'ing cof Moesrs Cameron Currle, Frasor, MacJonugell (Simoo:), Waod, Bethuzse, Boalter,!( larke (Norfolk), Deac»s Dercohe, Ferris, Hard4y, Ross, Sootk, Gibson, Lauder, Miller, Merrick, Miradit}, din-- A1MUUUT y 412E°0C" $ bsterbctadatatctent Wipertibcindiatainnd 1 NERME: olair, and Hodg'ins. THE ESTATES OF INTE3TATE3 Mr. MOWAT moaved the'second reading of theBIUlI respectiog the admini\stration of ost ates of intestates dying without known relativas in Ontarto, Hoe explained that the Bill pro-- vided that where persons died without lsavy-- log a will and having no known relatives in the couniry, is will be the duty of a public officer appointed for the purpose t» take possession otf the eatate,. If it appeared that there woere no relatives the estate would fall tothsCreme . . _ C Mr. HODGINS thought that it was im-- rfllnt that some special ma«thod be devised or the admialatration of such euiats#, and adduced an instance _ _ ftdemk Mr. MACMAHON bris@y concurred with the presious speaker, an4 mentloned an io. stanpoe in which the delsy iz the preoent ma-- chinery was of bad offeot, Mr, MOW AT explalaed what he Imagined were tha causs of tho delay complained oi, The Bill was read a seoon4 time, NEW MEMBER, Mr. Calvio, momber elsot for Frontonac, was ictroduced by Mssers. Oameron and Boulter, and took his seat CONOURREN JE The House procerded to consider t a rero luglons rsported from the Commi{itee of Sup: l # P i[r. MERRICK moved, '"That the appro: rh\lon for the pay ment of a Di vislor Court nspector be struck out," Mr. OLARKE (Norfols) alluded to the *bald" report of the inspector, and pro-- duoced a report for the county of York which he called for, He clsed the figures and con-- &rasted the amounis of the claims, other amounrts sebticd out <f Court, and contended that the retarn w!loh -!':t hbe fldn! ...'"' THE STATUTSES, 01 the motion of Mr, MOWAT, the Pili« p_--,' CwCEWWnT , WERCWE WV PNMMMR MERTCTCCCCC :b.u until all those items wore lotrs-- duosd Into it -- The clerk of every Division Court shou!d show how cash suit was fically olosed. Had this bsen done for the last ris, _ Finlayson. Fleshor. _ Frasor, Glibsor, Hardy, Hargraft Hay, Hod;ims Huster, Lana Lvoen McOraney, McMahon, Mesie Miller, Mowst O Donoghue, Patterson (York) Paxton, Robinson Ross, Bertor, Sinclair. Anetsinger, -- Sprinzer, Btriker, Watterrorih, Widdifieid, Wililkms, Wil-- son, Wood--45. On the 48th reanlotion, raspseoticog the another officer of the kind. Mr. LAUDER sald that the Inspsctor culy acted upon an order of the Liout.--Gov. ernor in Counco!1, and had no pawer to later-- fore with the Clerk of the Oourt, He would pot probably be refused access to the books, pot g:«bobly be refused access $0 { but he had no statutory authority, YEAS--Mes:rs. Baker, Barr, Boll. Boulter, Brodeor, Brown, Camoron, Code, Coutts, Czeighton, Currie, Deacon, Deroche, Grange,Harkin, Keae, Laud«r, Lemg, 'MoDouzall (Middlesez). Maedeugall (Sim coe), MeGowap, McRae, Merrick, Monk Mostyn. O'Swillvac, Pattersog (Ewer), Preaston, Rishardson, Roseve.r, Scott, Toceley, Wigle,. Wils--34. NAys -- Meswe. Appleby, Ballant Barter, Bishop, Bonfield, Chishoim, Olnko'"zflortolt), Clarke (Wellington), Gole, @reaks, Dawson, Foar-- The amendm:int was lost on the followlag division :-- * Mr., MERRICK o)::fhlmd that mary of tkeo:e inatiturtons, atdéed by the Government, Mr LAUDER stated that the increase n' the grante to srotarias loatitations demanded explenation, The public mounry should ns* be banded over to denominations to maintaln M-o!n m. Lo8 C L L2 w & gravnte¢. for the sale of liquors in Oatarlo for 1875, with the names of the hcuses s> Moenpsed avnd other parktioulars 'The Speaker then left the chair, were not maraged in a at:ist manuner. _ It teing six o'clook, further disoussion of the resolution was gostyoned., The Bll resgpest'ng the Stratlood and Huron Rallway was passed through O:m mittes with ocrtain amerdmeats, CONCURRENOE, The ditoursion on the resolutlcns reported from tbhe Committes of Supply was rssuame4. Mr, WOOD sald it was most uaialr to find fault with the inrpection of the hoapitals and okarities. He quoted from the repart of tie Inspeotor to show that the management of the varlous hospltels and charltirs was on the whole ratiafactory, 'The reptaster asd books were well kept, and gave all the in'or: mation the Governmenrt r:quired, Tke resoluti n passed. A resolution that a sum nokt excsediag thirty .five thousand seven hundred do'liars to defray the exp:nses of miscellanecus expendi-- trre wars passed. _ _ ( t Oan a resolution that a sars nok exceediag fifty thousand dollars be granted to Hsr Majesty to defray unforescen and unprovided expenses. Mr, MACDOUGALL (Simooe) took excep-- tlon to the grear amouas tor such Indefiaits purposes,and la locking over the itemes c>ver-- ed under this head is last yoar's exponditurs, be thougbt that many of them should be covered by sp:c'fic grants, Hs thought the Government should consent to raducs the amcusut by bailf, Hesald4 that such a largs grant savoured of recklessness, _ _ _ Mr. HODGINS detended the coudusct of the Governmect in asking for $50,00°0. He said that they wished to keep withia ths amount, and thought that the amount asked for was not too much, Daring the ralyn 6f the previous Goverzment the amounts of 2p.-- pristion were largely exoceded in 1869 E;o8'29.328, and on another occarion by $32,-- 000--the appropriation in each caze being $20.000, The amoust thus spent was about tha same as now asked for, ar he sald the House wauld be unanioaous oxpu'lnz the Division Courts from the purts of the land. Mr, WOOD contendedl that tha repork of e Inspector showed the necemity for _ Mr, MERRICK supported tho viswz of Mr. Maodougall, _ _ _ C Mr, MOWAT erplained that this guni was not a grant for reoret service, and de-- fended the action of the Government in ask ing for a sum such as they antloipated would cover the expenditure, Mr. CAMERON went into fignures in re: spect of the over--expenditure, and complained of the carelessness with which he said the entinates were framed. He rald that what the members of the Reform stripe would bave charaoterised in his .f:rty as outrageous was pofi:gt'l!'g!'gh_t in their own party. | Mr CROOK S thought that the very isams which the bou. memter for East Torounto clted LIQUOR LICENSE RETURNS, Mr. WooG presented a return of all licensss PRIVATE BILLS, h reanlotion, raspsolicg the of $59,610 for hosplta's and

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