The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1877, p. 3

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| .+ & . i < 5 f 4 u* x s . f se* -- f ~yfif. & S c' - o es iBE <«] | E& were the most convinoling proofe of the caro-- * _ exaotly estimate ib To ilincirating the & ' ' fulmess with which theso estimates wore tepefite derived _ from the Canadias ', P * | framed. He then explained how and under Alsplay, he polcted out that I4 provel ts . , what clroumatances these ovar--cxpanditares the world that Canadian cheoess was superior f 3 | cocurred. _ He referred indignantly to the to that of the United Stator. This was ad. . $ remarke of the previous speakerupon thoir mit'ed by Prof. Arnold, ors of the jurors, P having «xceeded the gvant to cover the expoa. : He asked war this resuls of no benefit ' diture in representing Ontarlo rultably at ! | It was true that the people supplisd the a P h!lndcghh. and said that the manner in | | meterlale for the Canada exhibit, but with-- j which Ontarlo had been represented had | | ovt Goverrment ssslstarcs that exhibls $ | vhhh'wm sending their thousands for our | | _ _Mr. WOOD -(-}1: the hglroni objsct i1 ex * : k dollars. hibitlog at the Coutennial was to show io ---- _ Mr. FRASEER said that the Opposition \ the world CaBada's ablllty to pay whatever 3 f f had during their term of cifice rather a novel | capital it drew from other sources, and so f ' % plan of keeping their bocke. I{ tney appro-- | gain the oonfidence of Bsitish and other ; . priated $20,000 fur public buildings, and ex: | capitaHets. No botter way could bhavs b:en $ | prnded $60,000, they d'd no'k charge this §o ?lgll for demonstrating this then by iliu:. & unforescen and unprovided, but '5:lpp°d in to traticg the commeraia'ac'ivity of the country. ' the Treagury, with no constitational sauction If the Government had xpent twice the sam < . good, bad, or indifferent, The ouly expen. on this objeck they would have recelrad the . f diture cbarged to unforessen an4 unprovided syrotlon of the people. : was that kind of expendituce for which there Mr. HODGINS akowed that the average | was no gract, He analyzed the expenditure ratlo the total expenditme bors to the , oi the prt Admlnht:::on, oi aramil volumse of businers In the years 18693 &o 1871 g that ""a expenditure ": what properly was 8} per cent , while in the years 1872--75, f R come under unforeseen unprovided ex-- 'undu khe prevent Government, th« ratlo § creded by a conniderable sum that | er cent loss th 4 acked by the present Administratl was 74 per cent., or one prr cent loss thar 3 i o o nnder the Adm!nistration of Mr, Sandfisl4 F hlr. HACDOIJ"QALL (Simosc) sald tkas Macona'd. Trese faots wounld show who f i 'u':'"{ t:. a]ooflon was made §o an were the bert ficmnolers Ho moved in a id 4. n o * oarameut ths han. goutle: amendment to the amerdmean's that ail tha -- | men offered the exsuse that thoy Iz.d the words after '"'that" be struck out and the d t preocdent supplied by the provious Cvern. following Inserted: '""And the House is of '~ ~ .';:::ft g:m:.":: ".h:l' m'::':' opinion that the experlence of former Gov-- the 'l'r;uur, boach'u had o;nd!.:m:od th: ernments shows that the aum asked for is + | previous Government for vioiating the con: '.'.?:'"dnbda""" public service, the rame te d wtitutlon, That being the case, the Govern-- Mr%RASEP- o'lted the figures to prove ment could sot jusilify themusives by hia amertion that there bad been a steafy referring to the action of the prsvious Inorenee in 1871 over the ex vanli--ure in 1369 3 Government,. Hoe did not believa la making us sahia) « & The only Department in which there wae a 3 = c'ose :stima'es if the money was sxper daod a wan ta the Crown Liands, an4 That s urder another .hezd. The sum for thls h'". ooa"utnd ed was scoomp'ished through the | epeclal sppropriation lhnnld,' howsvezs, be dismissal of a large utaff ot uscless offio(sle, § ' | |redurall to the logses pumiblc palck Af Mr, LAUDER easerted that bis statament 3 | ; is 'Z? newice bto Mibee ;dhrgo '": l"' right, and said that the rotoras bore f [E ": ;;c, f.otb a sxpen. : "" sns him ount in raying that the expe=sitare whe= 4 || npronee sinman 42 mogu 4 " uon'g | uader the control of the Exsoutive showad a I N therefore cui;oaed 'oim)va lhredac\l'm o Soorcare | | the isem, Ia referclog to the lags ex o 3 + ud mark 1 ¥ || penditure in connection with the Contenalal , :':o &'Ag POL Gl"A!Ir'I; ?o:'.":'_',{'_f f!'.'; ';."{l"g || Exhltiticn, ho did not thiak the country , 'P" at mt CVS, AF C 2qS IGHOW 1| > would feel fnoliced tohen-.!orn it, 'l'hednp- "gn" ':l;n;- PME cBA / Aell. _ S wlb | r. priation uead not hava bsen exoceded, | | c oo a C onl t' M outle AEdentre ' :ndptt;'" was uo jssiifostion for the over« , Deacou, Flosher: %":-'in';'.'x(i::: Inuder, Loug, Rr. | | expenditure. e o mnulZered that the vo Don (M1 t\ Mandanmall ({<imana\l MaRaq | ln?hh quertion should be givos firsspr:otive ;&fi,&xfim(,";'{}fw{gfi \| ' of party, and ss it was extremely undusirable T * * * «a give an ludepeunfest op!nalon on items NAYS. -- Mozars. Appleby, Biliantyne, Barter of supply. He moved In ameadmeant that Bethune, Bishop, mmmwm Uiarke (Nor ibe resolutise be uok concurred in, but that to D) Clarke ?w.nmgto- ), Cole, Crooks, Carrie, the sald soum be re®une4 to $20.000, so that g::n.::n', "a',':;':'.' 'g"'.:.'"':'".m'- ;'.',';:;"mb&:';' ze large sum of $50,000 may nok bs laf# to Hodelns, Hupter, Lare, Lyon, McCraney. McGowan bo expended at tho sols dirscotion of the McM«hon Massle Miller, Mowat, O'Dsnogane, Exeoutive Govern» ent * } a ';'.'."t P""":-mx"hg";l".':! 'a".-":"';"&""';m:: , Ma MEI'LLER puinted out that the c? C | folo, Wwitiews, Waoese. Wwooé--A@,"_ _ _ * _ l tenulal Exbhtbtion wea one for the whole e u: s | wor'd, and thes Uanadias ex'iiblk attraoted B 8'"\:":1-:?: ;.:':h::m;. Sjater the astention of ali ocunsrles, an4 the eff:ct hlt:h 'w" 4 11:05 2 k f bed already ib--mifitos thoe sraidie ol tas * ve mEX $s Nike f } country, But for that exhivision, Oansda ® NEA s !' would beve rersaiued usknowo to m--y NOTVICES OF MOTION, ' countries, or » ecnteundei with <hs Abkrney.General Mowat yives notlos of a | , United State®, l':tn Im possible to fo:ozes | B1 to smerd the Temperance Aot, 1864 -- tho exast «xpenlituce ia cvansstion with | communmmnnmmemenn--mcemumue | such sn exblnitica, HMo considerah that the | ' ' um epat was. yery --small . (Heat) PUBLIC ACOOU®NTS OOMMITTEE. | Canada was now looked apon as one of the e || * commercial comatriks of the worl4, _ Ho» Wapxespar, Feb, 14, gentleman opporite laid great stress on the | _ Ihis Committee met at 10 a m, Mr. - cver-- expentiiure, bat sais nothing abou* the | Olayke (Wellingto:) in the ohatr. I $204,000 urcxpendcd, John Mcorisonu, whulesale groosr, being f * Mr, CURRIE pointed oul theat uader the awors, deposed : prsront Goverpment the unforssoon end aa-- To Mr. Louder--We first supplisd the provided dsvered not on'!ly itema coha--gaavio Government in 1875 ; Mr. Langmoulr first I to this fand, but also exseas of approp:{ation, oamso Into our store ; the first ordast fo: sbe U $ Last year the sum expended on * un'--ess0on | Oertral Pri.on wras for $147 ; in 1875 «e " and unprovided " proper was ouly $3.000, supplied §$634 69 to the Central Prisoo, walsh fi the balarce beisg for cxoces of appropria was all ood4er:a hy Mr. Short, Bure--r ; we ; tion, upplied firss in 1875 to the Lunatto Asylam; | Mr, CAMERON contended that !} was Mr. _ Largmuir came iato cur store ; theerergy o! the meocbanios cf the country | I éIld not krow him ; I did not tbat caused Cana¢a to make so ore@itable a | see Mr, Wood or any member of the Govern-- displey at the Phiiadelphia Exposiioc, and : ment on the Inb{m of supplies; I shink we pok the $15,000 of the Government, Ts sent gocds in mber last to Orlllia ; no Treasurer, in his formear spoeech, salid thbat other place outride of Toronto to my know-- ' the Government proposed only to take ohars= ledge ; Ithink Mr, Langmair always bays ; of the departments ar the ex'uibitloa which perrovrally when the order is over a fow | were nos undertaken by the D--mlston burdied dollars; the total amount of our | Governmenrt, viz., the roprosentation of art ralea fjor 1875 to the Government was «nd the minseral resources of the conntr;. $4,5090 18 ; to. 1876, $5 509 76 Notwithstarding this, the eupporters of the To the Coairmen--We never solicited the l Government were olaiming oredit for th» asoount at all ; a cash buyer cou!A not have whole display,. done any bettor by us then the Govarnment I Me, BALLANTYNE cons{idored that a did. NGovernment that comt not be srausted wish To Mr. Gibson --I don'k thisk that l the expendlture of $50,000, ought notk to be the Governmenrt would be suppited trurted with the admi--istration of the affaire | cheeper by confracting at the begliu: of the country, He ahould therafore vote tor ning of tho season at fixed prices for the orlginal motion With resard to the ex-- wout would be required ; groosrles have P pardisure for the Centenuial Exuibition, no iegulsr brands ; I take the Govern. bha belteved that it was imposcible t~ \ + * Witl ie eerhrmecacrcamaiens w ht l .

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