ll;'»." w o _ * e l!_l ! .\l";. oi en ce . ,,_ra e 4 e 2 M oK Pss , . " lfi * < PR A Nmks Ees * un J e eea ie s ie 0 -- _ / Te '?""'u hese. h. s S reyae d ;:;&'i}"i.. k ;.'4,'& s ~ ~ on ; < n * Aniemeemnenst . esn oi "wal kon. g cnterded that the Bili in-- o o To To h. hn nleo cate .=. * To To sn eova ndiiih mh i o sn nere. N o soo8, ~*'ather was inclu cases 6 %e 3 » ,_ Boulter, where the mother had marsled again and the \--| DBoesor, Fieakat, Urenge: Harkin: Keen, Leudet, stepfather had a r.lg,ht to vote. It was oary Long, Macdougall (simooce), Mc@ewan, McRas, M»r-- to understand what confusion would be orea: r'ck, Monk, Pstterson (Basex), Preston, Richardson, ted if stepsons were included, and it would Rooth, Wilh=21. ta sufficient to point to a case where the step-- | _ NAy3.--Mossrs. Appleby,Barter, Bathune, Bis\op, father had a t e Bonfleld, Chisholm. Ciarke (NorLolk) Clarke (Wel-- ' at ons of his own,. It was urgsd Hagtom), Cole, Crooks, Currie, D. that the zon was not made lHable for ths T siru, Fhilayson, »#raver, C lbenk," uppumt oreay taxes, but section 4 did have this effec: 'l'ndy. !m.s':':fl.(l'!'m: l)lnlllmauehl:or: Mr. SCOTT atated that he bad said thas Mitler, M O'Donoghue, Pardeo, Paito. praciically the son pald no taxes. a (Yul%#m&%w;fir&a#. ::&. | + s . £pringer, S'riker, Wattor-- | td en mnvannnnn ie ries fos | sertion of section 5. The reason was tha y ~= | | some of the .....5'..- would be -m.::": The Houre then divided uzon the third | | year before the Aot came into force, while tudll:lfoof the Bill, which was carrled upon | others would not, and this section made the the following vote :-- ( | Aot come into forse at once in all the mual. NAyg.--Meosits. Baker, Barr, Boll, Boulter, Ccrodar, 1 [ e nds rmane tnnscaeapiee fn, o .' | for & or re-- ® » &. | vhion. Hon, gentlemen opposite had con-- ies Tok cadisace "Times,'" Heik mek | | tended that there had been no agltation in rogen, soot't Whinei?. Chees#) hh | . Te rmoby. the pertie, ho dnateds for i1 oo o uin elets Tefi | and that it lmr been sprupg upon th; Clarke (Wellingtem), Gele Orooks, Dawscn, n..o'én}, | ' Houso, and that the Government would | Forrls, _ Fin Frasor, Gibson. Graham I _ nok _ sllow time for the country gia&'d',.'., lc ask gfi"",'c:' l iss | to become uainted with its features, »sai0, Milier, 'Mostyn, 'u.m |o'1§;3.°snffl°.':: | i. Thomhon. m;?t ':or hlfdmx lhhd.l\hst tkia it:-"Pm (0 6 &l-i) wm.m:on. l:o:énu. | matter was no' uched a at all at the » v~ikil. r. . Bpringer, M _ meetings in the cvountry wp::n members of %"u::. 3:%'.?.'5'1""' wialses, Wisle, W inisms, § _ the Houre addressed the cl:otors. This he m _ denlied, and for his own part he took oc0a-- ; _\ Mr. OAMERON amked the Attorney. [ B ' slon to say at all the mastinge attended that | General when they mijht «xpoot the leglsla. | the time was ocming when the franchiss tlon upon railway matters, I _ would be given the farmer's son, and ths Mr. MOWAT said he expectad to present I _ assursance was received with approval, The the Raillway Bill on Monday next. I _ | w hadtwmnnu;! agen t:l.-. question at § Onk ihle. motlon of Mr. MOWAT, the y C on in ron! 0. a% 0 M t l :?."mmm ;'"';' ;h:t he"wu [s Fevont pesaker left the ohf}:'afit'm.oo a m. f | & and ple hlimsell! to vote for it, xh | while the propcll':ra':nd seconders otf t:e lc;fi.' NOTICES OF MOTION, < didates also pronouaosd in favour of the Bi _--~ ! If the hon.pmombu for Frontenas were in Ilornhd. Hop,. Aitorneg.--General Mowat--On his place that evening, he would have booen us m.l' vext--When the House goes lato a | obliged to vote againes the amendment it he "'l "l:% a resolution that cus of the 3 | kept falth with his constituents, The poople | curplus interest now accumulated upon the : | in the country had also spoken in Welliagton | moneys in, or Invested by the Court of Caan-- ~ | wpon this quertion. &;.. his hon, friend | cery, the sum of $1,104 45 be transferre4 to Fe | for South %Volungton was betore the people the oredit of the Treasurer of ths Province, 1 -- | seeking «l.otion, one of the features of his t: r; 'RP""' in makiog good certain dcfanits | $ plattorm was that be favoured the franchise of the late W. M., Wileon, Esquire, J adge of i o!} farmera' sons, _ Two constituonoles had the Court of the county of No:folk, and Real a . | Sherefore pronounced in favour of the mer: Representative under the Partition Aot, in | 3 | sure sinoe is war mooted. It . was and for the said county, -- Provided that the | f | mentioned in the Speecsh from the seid sum ahall be subjsok to any claims to | ? | The one, and ever --aluoe the press the same, or any partition thoreof, which | \| § | had _ disoussed 1t, and many of the hereafter msy be made and eaablishod by | 1 E organs of the Contervative party had been avy of the suitore of sald Cou:t, or any of ' | pleascd to advooate it, or ths ouly objection their representativer. | they made was that it did not go far exough. WHHHEUNNMUEKNNtmmammemamneas w |\ Ia 1874,in the leading organ of the O pposliion, § ', in an artlcle heailed * Rsvicion of the Vo: . o tor's Lists," dated Nov. 3r0d, the co »ferring of the franchise upon farmera' sons was advoont: < ed, The fact was that the Opposciiion were nok f ni'ling to tru1 bo the farmers to vote them s into ctfhioe. The Government conten4ed that the Bill was the log!loal aequenos of the income franchise, whicbh, prssed two zes < h rloss ago, gave votss to a class ba ¢ be found ptfluipslly In olkles anrd towne l The carnings of the farmer's son went into § the farm, and he remained the partnor of his ' 4 father with the vlew that nltimatsly he will 3 get his earnings back ofidm It paid in the \ shape of wages, he would probably earn more J than those enfranchisel by the Lacome Act, \ w The experience of what occurred in rural : cobstituencles--that bogus loases and other d wumnw to to get the fran: : justified the necasslty of the Bill There was a good deal of very hard swear: % lmudltmldcdnbh to put an end to 3 state of affairs by giving the right to R which the farmers' sons wore on & titled, The Houese and oruntry be-- » log so strongly in favour of the messure, he need say no more in its ad. 3 vmm hon, member for East Toronto $ was of killllng the Bill!, and had | adrcitly moved his amendment in order to | 3 allow mb':;l to v':u 'f:.r'l:i and d:;t exouse n themselves tay not op: 4 B ron the measure, tut nofiy advocated I is exteraion, He begged to remind houn. | n gentiemen that as the amendment would kill [ ' the Bill, they 'could not vote for the amend-- f ment if they wore in favour of giviog the | franchise to the sons of the farmers, | The Houre then divided upon the amond: | ment of the member for Eaat Toronto, which | t I n 0 in