The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1877, p. 1

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is o outihe s« < ° 4 C P p iE o o. ronpuins Bill renpoo\bs the Administration of Ertatse &8 ym j x, b E of Intestates dying without kaown relatives CKTARIE LECISLATURE in Qatarlo, * * Mr. CAMERON moved tho reference of prvana»p~* R the Bill to;n b;' the Xmmlo.t:lth l': a==} struotions to anm en rovidleg that the | 'mn PmM'Em SECOKY SESSI"" Government shall not ll:-.tertou with the | hss e t io. i4 roperty of sny other li:teatates than thoso Maxpayr, Fob. 19. _ K.vlag o krown releatives, The Speaker took the ohalr at 3 o'clock | har, MOWAT contosded that it was the THIRD EEADINGS. duty of tre Government to preserve t:s , property of intestmies and praovert its bolrg The followilog Bills were rsad the third wasted when the h--irs cou'd no§ be . time and pased:;-- readlly communio--ted with, and n» one wis | To evable the COorpsration e! Cohourg to preeat to lock sf#er their Interests. Ts | ald certain manufacturing eatablishmen:s-- evil was one whio . h d very trsquently come ' Mr, Hargraft, under his notice as Aitor=ey--General, | To lIancorpozate the clty of Brantlord--Mr. The House divide? on the aemendment, Hardy, which war lost :--Yo--n, 25; N--y», 43. CITy OF TORONTO BILL, Goydwt;'t'temc'r'. lz;u nBBultora B:lod;t, C:}mo! my «. Mr. BELL moved the Houss iato Com-- i. Macdon lmerst -- MHeMonon Waine 'miltee of the Whole upon the Bill reapecting §°'ek, uonk,nufl(oukyn(,) )'0''"i:.'.'dfi'o,; the City of 'l'c;lronto, the Toro-:ohwm «[Eesex), l'xl:otw. BR savear Wigle--25. 5 thor mat explala NAys,--Mossrs,. Appleby, Sailaotyu artor, x;ot'fl :;:l':dm.:t' .wt'::' to ,lb. flsd. in Bsethuno;, Bllbo% Bulfilld'czux»holm" (fi'flkc (N t« ' accordance with an agreement which had ericis Ponh. Fraim: o in i. nitioes, dnet, | been come to between the Corporation and Hardy. 'Hargraft, Havkin H«, Hodgi»s, ' Huntar, | &he represontatives of the two Gas C:m-- Lane, Lyon, McCraney. Maas!: Miller, Mow--s Pu--C Pig (ne prnagieg" Pak in The Houre wont Into Committso on the Wil'lama, Wil on, Wou'--43. 4 gll),' and adopted the proposed, 'amend. Tho Bill was theon resd the third time, cnte. ¥ * M ';d hHO?Gn:S ;n o'v'od d"'h.mfinh"'g f TORONTO STRIIB,!E'(& YRA!LWAY COM. * ov or the elecvion a Mayor o * C Erouio gy the Couns!!, remerking that if it Mr, CAMERON moved the House Into wasw righs for the County Connolis to eleot Commiitee of the Wrote on the B' rexpact» their providing officer from amoung them-- Ing the Torouto Siress R:tiway Company. } ssives, no objection crnld be t«kon to the Mr, FRASER sook the polnt of ordsr City Counncil having the seme privilego, The | that the emendwests proporsd wore in ex Epeskor of the Lugislative X-lumbly was cees of the notice given in th« Oaiarlo Ga-- | elscted by the members of the Houss, and zeite and local papers, ioasmuoh as they pro the nuiversal practice smong delibarative poked the iubrtituslon of & cliause for oa: amomblics secemeod to bo the sams, which !t was proposed :o resaal, wherean the ¥Mr. BELL said the lew at one tims pro-- notloe only atated the Iorention of propselag vided for the eisoticn of the Mayor by the sz amonémeant far the repeal of a sub--sectloa City Council, but the alturation hai bsen In the prerent A~t, mage in accordancte with the pstition of the Mr, CAMERON esld thet the practloo of clizors. No psiit on from *the people hat ths House had been tha* Biuls wight be oom--« aver boon mszdoior a retarn to the old plel'e!gv cbesged from thelr orlginalshape as uestem, elnd 1% w;;ulfl ba dngerohul atated in the notioe : ; to acceds to the wishes of ths Mr, PARDEE sald that the tatepSlon 0! | City Counoll where theie did not agres with the rub--section whivh is was poponed to . those of the citizaay, substliuto for the one to bs repsalsd was | NX Mr, ROB{NRON oppoged the amondmeat, oply io make olear whas woald be tho forse | Mr. O'DONOGHUE oonel4ered 1t would of the Act withont the present ea>--seotlon ® be unfair to the peopls to trake away from or tha one which it wa: proposod to pui in | them the right of slociing thoir own Mayor. lis piace. | The people kad nok art 4 the Houss for this Mr, BETHUNE sal? taat the iatentlion of { legisletion, and is would be wroug to pars the rule of the Hou:s which h24 been rofor-- | the reeciation red bo was to givs thoso fatarsste' in Bille | = Mr. MAODCUGALL (3imoce} oou'd sce full opportunity of disonssiog taem pro aad wo asvalopy b» kwuen the elcolion of a Mayor com la the present cose, soers bad been of m city and tbat of whe Warden cf a the fullest disoussion 0: D h«lf of both pxr-- county, Tho oply argumont that wolgaed tlos, If ky & teotn'oa! 0~jso i m of this kind with him was that advansed s:ating thet a a Bill could be th:o#n out at the clsso of batter clasa of mon woold te eleoted to tho the scsslom, tien the sooser the ru's was COounoll if the old spastem were raturned to. A donse away with the baiser, (Heay, har) Batk vo evil had been shown to ariso from the Mr EELL khopod that tho vory fall presor® syskom, and it wonl* t*srsforo bo in-- | disoutsion o! the Bil In the Reliway Com-- , ¢xzedient to psss the a«m--nom«n6. n-lttlse i8 would not be tbrnkwa oat oa sush K M1, OROOK3 as!d be was oroa an objection as ts ons takon ty tae Con-- responaiblo for L....;' :;g .,\':; ,rg,::,,:l::: wmissloner of Pablto Works, He tr00ght the pystem. _ The COity Counoit mighs elect a Houre shoold have power &0 criee gae sus-- | Mayor who dl4 not porsses th. confileno» pcm:iin of a rule in sach cases as tho pre-- / of the commun'ity, while undor the preseas cent, :!lha that cfficer wonld be geoncrally the Mr FRASER said that whon rules wers olee of the mojority ol the citiz:as, Tas carefully fremed tzoy shanld bo ob:e:v d. law bad not been long snouzh under teat to For bis own perg, he bag ta zon the obj--0'i m decife whothor lt 0id work wall or not. wikthoat any snggestion fro n, or con«uisation * It elsoted by tha Counoll tho Mayor would with asy one _ He peltevel ths Bill he kflmul to favour the interects of the was unjast to the Railway Compauy, and be-- i particular ward he reprosented. Heving thas would oppose is as every stago, . Mr. CAMERON rald he did not think * ":' '°: 2 would de his duty to do #o, & a iDrge once given to the people A r. CDOUGALL (Simoos) remarked abhould Eo teken away til ib wasshown i Shat the vory samne obj-ol(t m &1 Zh.- taken was abused, by the hou. Commissioner of Pablic Works Mrs. HODC:IN3 said the Councll were the might be taken againat at loast two thirds of ropresontatives of the poople, and that boly | the Bills prsslog through the Hou«n. as had potitioned for th« cbasgs _ As to tha : fully that propo: tlon were aliored in ecsea> functions the Mayor bad to discharge thoy Slal partlonlara in passing through the Stand-- were rimply those of a prorl4ing officer, wmg Uommlitees, The motion was oarried by 30 io 29. .,,R:.?"""fi"",;";:"';:" agree with The miktee r orked . member auth Simocs that tho with lmm-:: hose Snd 'top the BHil :21:':;:. _ll hkenhtto: ;Ato d"l;)fmg l.'r: 7 ® isstanoes in tho journ the ab-- PEOPLE 3 GASY COM?ANY. lgom b'b' faken at this .'m I do not Tha BHomo went Into Commlttss of the hink, however, i$ is for the Spesaker to tike Whole on tho Bill to incorporate the Poo-- upon bimvel! the responsiallity of sending »a plo's Gas Company. ; Bill beok to the Commiitso on Ssaudiag Mr, BELL moved an amondment to the Orders. Thas would ba a vary sorlous :e-- cff:ot that the provisio»« of the Bilt »hou!4 uponaril i 1y indeed, aud one which I will not be subject to clauso 13 <f the B'li respecving meeume, uslese it wors clearly foroad upon tke oity o! Tornto, the Toroato Water. me, 'the Bpoaker may docide upsa tho works, and other matiors, m":p::i:'l'f:'vl':f'; uf-..d is tedionts ;\h _ 8 for the House t~ order Thoe Bill was reput l with lt_l:«?dmant!. in a oase like this, The Spsakor revm::« to ESTATES OF INTE3TATE3, m care which ocoumed in Marob, 1865, re-- On the motion for the third readiag of the -spn\!ag the Ooboury and Peserbora' Rall way, when, the Speaser beving pol~t--d ont

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