p 18 would rcein them, but they baf tatkon nT n TU RE. [ A | very good care l.ot"tn bth';.ylhe!: books n A In LEGlsu ' E progu ' ® ame ~ 13 . _ u: PAXTON -- wmil -- that -- the THIRD IPARLIAMENT----~SECONO SESSIOF. ' ; member for West Torsnto was !z uo positicn *--smencediimeaem to dctermine upon tos recolpts aad expondt-- (The following is the conclasion of Mon« ' :Il:u of the Strses Rallway Compasy, and R GSay's proceedings :) j . To ,,."""u:}."';d',';'{":'","3.';','&'::::}, the INQUEST AT THE CENTRAL PRISON,. | '":j . matter. ..,flr.h 0Al§EROI: lrkod"wmherlem- ht s Inqueat was held on the body of James "So) uriites shont the sgite at Yipenror foes Bkye or Sobyler, who died in the Contral F &' Individuale, waile tas rights and intersats of Lore 'h:x'x 21:;;875, .:ghl:n"'.:?fi: 2"" c over 70,000 Ishabitants of Toronto wers iqjeidinnpindi nc . sol complesely overlooked. He thought on» Mr. WOOD said that such an Inquest had ~ 4 very stro g rearon for wupporting the Bill been keld und that Dr., Do La Hooke was the | . PS $ was beoatss of the not vory creditable at-- «8orontr. W on snip m nan zuenusston or vion. . all such attempts, He would suppori the Mr, CLARKE (Norfolk) moved *' That the | F€ t _ ; origizal Bill, as he balloved it to be a simp!s Intereets of socisty at large require that | : | C ackof justise, aack 4 oviny Essociptioe, erpaaialiy in ts EP e n f f The amendrent was then put and carzled Ravourite hlgil among the psupu' popula-- | | [ es ; on a voto of 36 to 33. Blon of towns snd olties, therefere ba it re-- | | P 6 es The Bill as amended patsed through Com--« olved, That a Committee composed of the | | _ wmitteo. Honourable Messieurs Mowat and Cameron, ' 3 s and Mersicurs Ho{glcs, Bell, Miller, Lauder, i S# x ROCKWOOD AYYLUM, mnd the mover, be appoinicd to cxamine fut> | Y t F Mr, FRASER moved that to.morrow the the condition cf the pauper poor of this city, 1 4 e House go Into Committee on thefollowing wiith power to send for persons and papers, «i resolution :--** That a prop»ed cotntract be. with a view to such leglslative action j ¢ Bwsen this Province ug the Governmsent of as may be deemed spplicable to the case, 298 Uke Domindon of Causde,for the purohass by He sald he had | been . called some. | ' this Provil:cs of the Rockwood Asylum, do ;h:el'::.::p':om .{; mpn'knh:':hho!mot"!l'o: I 49 ° a 4 | .4 g:::::'. the oau_nnm of this House, """'ot'.'r" h.hma. it simply m":t ::. : | ~Ber . oronto were representative e b e < 0| JUDGE WILSON OF NORFOLK, E:por p:pgam of tl::' oom':rt;y &unll.yl C s regar matter, e univers m "2'"' Hi'n?oWA: "m .Oh:'--t!mmo: opinion of enlightened men was that to avold | y3 the following resolution :--* That out of the sl.mh&nd R,o;: t:dm olnawer it ht 1 c ie aurplus intercst now accumulated ugon the l gould only be fose by edu: C s $ % moneys in, or invested by, the Conrt of ::ng':l'um. "L:;m":m' m.&m':h"" J f Obancery, the sum of eleven hund4red and Nog l:u th': m:, sHO :;' 3 | "YEL tour dollers and forty--five certs ($1,104 45) Trmdve bommunitv, There was room for the -- M Ee ) be irronferred to the oredit of the Tressarer children of the vicious and , dissipated of the J l ) of the Province, to be applicd in making o Nt f 23 * _ good certain dotanits, of the late Wan, M 5o moor Rpeen ruvnid by singe mperaiive is | 4 s ileor, Feq , Judge of the County Court of : W';o:::;' which mfl afiolrl:r'n:m 101 * | ih>~ the county ot Norfolk, the real vax vdmbuun tke atreet Arab population of ) f tive asder the Partiilin Ao% in and for the us sllee Among the . fsntiog communit [ f sid county : Provided that the said sum o mier tion hon en vidioas mip. ' absh by welj:ot to any olaline 4o the same, Poiee. TL Tmilohant of fooee: | % or any yortion tkoreof, which herealfter miy Torles might form a feature in the soheme he f be made and established by any of the S aitois of the aif To of thel guzgested for the moral roformation of the j - C l s art, or any ® yousg of the class he alluded to. The varions | . B e representatives," Carrled. chbaritatle estsb isskments in exiatence in the t . 3 (The balsnoe of the roport is hil1 over ' olty 4id not rerch the pauper massos, and c y AD urtil tc--morrow.) . ltghht!n enactment was nccded to separate , wbi'dren of this class from dizsipated or f wlcious haunts, | NOTIOKS OF MOTION, Mr MOWAT bnidflu objeok sought by -- . Mi+, Boul'er--On Wednesfay nex'}----O:der &.an",m "Ag.:hu'x'::. p::l.od :: ".'r:.f § of the House for a raturnm of the oslleges and plon, is was soarcely posaible to do more | "e® ::blgt "l:::i:m :E.h';::e! ':o:.op'i':'g':!' Ihua' direct the aitont!ion of the House to the 1 , es » C r \ a anatter. f ¢ m'"fi;';f y siker mhnnhiont SOW My, CLARKE asordingly withdrow the | [7 afhiifa'cd to the sali Uaiveril'y; with a com-- * 1orlon, 1|44 * plote liss of the grac¢uates of lic Ualrer ty THE AUSTRALIAN EXHIBIIION, [| ie ::'1;?:::"'-' fi:fl':'fi: e .: nm'b:': Mr. GRAHAM moved _ *' For ocples of all & ; l ads, what pat of Canada, the college or the mm:!::::r:.: of (t):.ll% oh:l:tmig I p4 33 lss itution from which he went up to the 'She appolotment of a Comubriant 1 16 tb / e sald Universiiy for his degtree, the year in i ths Protines at the Aun:nm; F # which he becime an undergraduate of the mmu In making the motion, he ' Fiy : :/ University, saad the year in which h s gradu-- pointed out what a large amount of good th * abud; alko a liss of echolarships, certificntcs, yepresentation of 0.::'"" munf'a :nr f | prizes, cr other disinoiions sptclied in Rt these International Exhibitions effeoted i I 3 elsures XXiII ard XXIV of the abova mon. pn the prospects of the Provincs. The Pro-- P k Rorel Aciawardsd by the University of wWizos of Quebeo had a commissioner to 're-- 4; j 3 dniine is Mittame soticges, "ths me ia % it at the Avstralian Exhibition, and iJ attoxdauce at a collegos, the names f'm" II i s of the undergraduat s who otbulne:l::ch di{ :x" & be policy for Ontario to 'have one 1° 3' ' n avuees wole ind ey, 1 Nh *k Msz, WOOD said there had bsen connide 1| 1 S Mr. Hodglan--Oa Wednesday _ mex\-- rable correspondenos on the subjoot, The ] .b Order of the House for o:sln of_all corres. ommmmg:::::fi:::::.h%:mpfimfi 5 $ ponderce between Mr. Androw Norkon B 10ll voted ¢ toward N d members of t:o Govornment respsotlog un ot Tho Aurls A Hlliriey. Te , w baps al from the offise of ant 1 sentation at the Australian Exhibition, the r_ -- his remov ..:' C °fl.': n;":'il: Ti e Ontario Government did notconsider is ad« s\ Ohavpcery, D m"&z:' a ages w'sable or necessary to take action in a mat-- %2~ made him by sinmen Ser that affsoted trade and commerce, b E,f R Mr. Camer m--On motion to read Blll No. Tae rerolution was withdr % ' * §6, respec'ing the City of Toromto, a third P Eoi Bime, that he will move in ameodment that vOTERSY' LISTS. * °. sa'd Bil bo ncot now read a thi:d sims, but Mr, HODGINS asked permilarlon to move & b:at the same be roferrad back §o Committee the icference of his Voters' List Bill to a ot the Wholo Howie with lastrauation« to Belect Committee, the order having bsen a ..m;:btho' u':: bly :&rlklnf i'i the :la:;o jus'\ ca'led in his absence. i r.vidiog for election 0| ayor by ho Mr, CA MER b | '('on..ou of tha Cerporation. being ,gm.'.aofizh,j"m to the motfon <€ . athomanmentanbantnnants conten n sn 0 The moblon was allowed to stand over,. @ THE ASYLUMS. L Mr. OREIGHTON morsd for a "return