: e rmae y c ul " marks which would tind 6e damage the Gov-- | toning nBeetiar bntee] envatne, toas ie nec en en es io f while Berument might possibly derfuces P oi muoin of mamine purpettanet in Tos mained in the regiment, or bh'l;:olt to re-- Central Prizon, he (Mr. Wo:d) was inclined service might have "'""",,,.g hand the to thick that he knew liitle or notbing of ¥. o c nienh s c t / 8 Cintral Prison of what was the preciloo in any of the prisons charge sgainst bim 1. "'°°'7 t that the of the U..n.flsz.u.. or other countrics, having taken money, the "t: it ~"dé Had be taken the trouble to investivate t:e | ' money _ was missing, r e «t Him, discipiine at the prisons at Auburn, Buffalo, | i sied h"hi recelved 'th I he bad or in the State of Ohlo ? Did he know any-- | Utor, that it g'"nk.a'" \AY t lh: evidence thing of what punishment was isfl'cted in \\ "fi:i': a':'un received bf. to his theft in | theae lntl!nlhnl' ";d 0': ihb' °°=;'::rl¥'m:'; 3 * & e Eon tle ' "h' rao e t map Prg--arl vine 5. !'1' ':Silo::'l': | | (k'::.w V'V:to,d .l)mlo about the mattier, and y«t 1 to justify bim (Mr. Wood) in all he ho came forward to--night and charg:d that ' or done. (Hear, hear ) unhcard--of soke of oruelty had be n com. ' EDITH--What is the date of Ited in the Central Prison, Suoch a cour: c Mz HCEOR $ry prosooution ? | ml" zoarcaly fals--soarcely what cught to be p hi er 1t a blank form 'x oted fiom one occupying the po:iiil:n of f Mr. WOOD saild 't.'hom ocuviction :hpt bor, _ member for Bssst Toronto. filled up with an extr;o 1861." Wits refon O:zeeu) ' He koped the hon, gonsieman e d':t::.l":wt\h. uot.zn'ohy. the hou. mem-- (won'd amend bis moflonhlo ;m all "t" ov!l. exoe 9 e brought down, not only c i e ds o tm "ml :lnl::fl:l:odh:u:r?l f:,f;' g:hfidtob;lokdv.oy, bat t3 all othera . o pimvagge on * who tad dlcd at the Instlutlon, ; "u:' SPEAKER hoped the hon, ¢m:l¢m" o Mr. CAMERON rald the ho:l.m g'enf'lfm\fi | oo ooicn nain ag ml:u: Ng '::nbyo.r for o mv?nhoh (Mr, Ofx:nrmsha:' lou:uy pogs Torduse bad Prade h BNRREH opns'k osy "E¢ nak 2o9 n.llndofi to Captala Priccs | ' T eadrbones C mp.l'd"l:g"l?' .::::.r&%l; ' n arroms. hou::::, 'be n.lpon:iblo' ¥o: the 3 these Soaiget. --A1 ho Tos. qoniigtd | sruttty,. "He bad been sharged with a desire T imagined for a moment that the G:;v:;-:;m:: to find ;l;round of uttuktlwl Wg;":::l; hed the s}ig hteat fearof a fair :d ::h t:kvon. . wert He hu: l: ;b"!" .0 mfl"lgu arivn; | tigation, bhe was ';2 obl"";h!. Core crae i attack withou -'"%' "l°°dh hanbet dopninl : | 'H".'{l-l;":}).xo:'&y dealzed to oonceal, | :::e%"!":nmm':f' the public Institutlous, 1t | ap | | on t es ts n oo nc foF h i ior sacie l s Labiine. | they _ bs Iy : m cmor.. (Hear, hear.) | .' more about the man»agement of the ;': i":r:'a'ovunmn olaimcd was, that g:.t:.l.' Prison than the hon. gentleman ' ' * baving made a most unohlag ln'vio;::afl:z | theught. 'Whnt he cbarged "H fi'::: ;m'n se would sppear 'h.'f.lr: ;'" o mripas sive oruel YW"'" ';"n'&"'d'm of the fact. prooght dorn. 1 wihs un e zo\ before To nle knew that the rules of the °h"fi" 'b'z m""nt.y' "'.:3' ;'. meke these fi;';.';':}";:'b... carrled out, It was no the Hogose an s th charges in zonny &':f.:'%".. hfiqu p:'no!Bo:::fulmhhn. m.h:f iolz genileman had spoken t W hat-- mt fi.' he wished him to examine being made a kind of referms "l.nhn\l ' the Warden fls uhatge} yor alter ever might bave been the original .h"";v. | into everything "'"u meosss to the pro-- he (Mr. Wood) was quite sure | he left other persons umreo.. The | never could be made wy::llnlhdm": | | perty th&: hd been l:'ln&. hl.!" u"B':.unont kind, It was tfl!fi mmi To Nl holg::.xu""'- that he M'WM s mie is ooA Gentlarles _ and | Py sonera' money, and proc to say fscg::.:l'rxh';:nn mlr: t;'::llinod for terms i | ::tw;acxdny. whlio' ilJ, was mfla "': | j back to his of tbreoa or six months, anything like a | work, and then sent 'Aenled this o _ | Reematar " wotsing. sn e' arilent oys 2e . 1k c rermment aomine ie eko'pline would asewer in su % C uite N m.'.n. Prines's cvtificate of character. I ised to nutiie the reepynathtiity of wank The oleoametaness showed. tnare "was iss sti a this was t had ment somewhere, and if they had done, belicving thit they hi Prinoe,he should be removed. 10:ed in the intcrests of the public in sse. fault of Captain Prince, eu} man, and . ud He might think him an eroslient man, iog tbhat crime was properly gunhllod » e t of soot free, but be v the Institut'on was kept as a model wish him to get o | :2:' th.ov contended that the mf_.'n'lbu. :o: bad M«flnm.toc :.n.lflnsv;: the h": | p in os: prefutitlel bo Ths leteriels of | < Probent the prigtners® from Sppronton, 'walle | :' was mcst prejadiclal to the interests o protect the pric disolpiine, Atier hadi ag | * i rveg Tane 'sharesteee "at" some . on the tos resurds hinted, he sauld use Seceptent ' defend the characters cf some o th. | the a y mate, 'The hou. E citizeps of Torozts, he had not lpl;ed e unless an enq: o nmwht he plewed absut charaotera of oithe:u"w:uo fulln.gc p.r: mr?:; :;:tl:.n m!hclfi" °¥ ho bosttion be was as" : as ecervin ponel ::t:'o::' ;:rt;cman loaide the fi ware. (Hear, suming ; he was 'llll:l- '0' :"':.-: ":":; bear, and cheers,) The hon m:lem-o. e -m:mmmfio Would: Ave! .oue word s zn experierced orimin:--1 lawyer, nodv we Cen intonded to prevent him from belo | how wrovg ard unfair it was to son emn'l said as an bat he whbos ieoviet npreace oo bromarertinese, (Gaw veak to fost that'a privonce was stt reguded convict a person on hea + t ba khear, and checrs ) He ()Ir. O"T::iz :Il:: ": | :: & ml.o?l n:d thstT:.h ::l:hu':fixll:;l' "who "'{u'i.n ::o';"":fiml:\::l evidence | | m::?ho lm'm fate he had betore :?ud';l ag* he _ believed, _ sent _ toj ithe scemed to polat very strong!y ware to, -- was, s Phy * +s LC weant) mould The 10 t that ons Sorly, wah :hgu'rd to. 'the "puotsiment | f io emias it bo thon, m:;ho..ra was an .fl!'. riog, he understood that it was intro-- | f pnipniine x Seghnrih Lege i i JO:':I ward one duced at'& suggestion of the guard Sted: | f E::.":::':Lfmfl :cnfldoollt fcrfdlto:pon hiw-- -'n. and that the prisoner who '"a kep'i | self as a member of this House "l:l aune:'h' .vlu':l".l'l& I;y :: II':.II !or. b?:.!.:' l.: i P"':. oo uekrany evidesen non "the testimeny " of ubjeoted to the most drondfal torture. 1t f :'WW{!"'-'&:&'.'- n"m'"' h""'gy the :eo:ud to him moit horrible that a man ; whole case l'olol"f"lfl. :'"" "9"2"0 %'.';':' | should suffer treatment of this kind. e | the charsoter of cush men l @1 . O'BULLIVAN did4 nok think | Prince, the Inspector of P«mcn;, of | prulc:nul, some of whom had becer merely | others in the public insiltutlons h'l' unfortunabe encugh to get intoxloated, | the , Provine?: Could -- he . justify 1 § should be troated ay demont. He would ark conduct in aitempMog to do this merel; ":o If Coromer Riddell did not write to the Pro-- make 'fi"!" agatuss the Covernment of M o vinclal Seoretary that no Inquest had besn | day? (Heer, hear, and cheers ) Hs ( 1 6 held on MsKelvey betsre the report of Mr. Wood) bel'eved he had naturally a comi, :5: _ | Langmvir was drawn up. _ He regretted that able amotant of charity, but it was too m:,. such false repor's should have beou brought to stk any ran, however charitable, ':. in Into the House to doceive hon. members. | Meve that the condusct cf the hon. ':lml t If a Committee of enquley wore appolatod, | regard to this matter was based °§ on 0: he would be happy to give all informstlon in ' the derlre t»s do justice to nu'no;.h | his power, Ho regretted bo soa the attempt \| (Hear, bear ) He (iir, Wost) did not wis ! to throw disoredit upsa the bravs Bitish | to impute motives, but he war very | I n f | 44 hcught | officers who had testifiad to the charaoter of | is n aad t fave ow en io fhe mas Bevemont Mhots | Pn "baveran .; Imputatl m::'. r.flsotion afir his re-- ; I other evidence to rabstantiate ths toxtimoay