The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Feb 1877, p. 1

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y xiz _ .i _ Ee #4 ; CAiXRl & q*;::RzP i,;-rj ;,"5 Ek tls : vykF Or14810 LtoiSiAalude. . notmeerenc@mmemenarant ® THIBD iPARLIAMENT------SECOND SESSION. doveestenen@memensmers A ; (The following is t:e conclusion of Taes: dsy's proceedings :) THE EDUCATION BILL After reoess, %, The House again wert Into Committse on the EGuoation Bill. T Several amondments auggested by Mr. Crcoks were adopt:d, and the Committce ross and regorted,. ASSESSMENT ACT OF 1869, »* The House egain went into Committes | al upon Mr. Sprirger's Bili to amend the Ar-- | sessment Act of 1869, to which several | smenrdments wera mate, whoen the Com--« mittes rose and reported, THE EXEMPTION QUESTION, Mr, MEREDITH asked if the Govern:« ment were propared to bricg down & inmsasure in rsfercnce to exsmptions from taxation, Mr, MOWAT sald the Government Eid -- x ot propose to briog down any measure this xestlou, as 1t was of too important a char-- acter to be dcals with without thorough con> sftdsratlor, LINE FENCES, ... The Bill to amend the Aot respeciing line * fexoes wis paszed through the Commitbee, DAIRY PRODUCIS,. On the crder for considering the Blll to feoilitate the formation of joing stook com-- psn'cs for the manufecture of butier, ohsose and othor dairy products, Mr, MOWAT pointed out that the Bill gave no advanteges not given by the Gezneral Aot, but on the contrary would inflic} in« convenisnce to thore it sought to bensefit, It would bs useless to pass two Acts on a subjec}, whore ous woeuld do, Ifi the order wore pasesd, he would have to move ib3 di1-- chargo, Ar, MEREDITH thought the Bill badl keversl aévartige: oie:r tha Jolnkg Etook | Comparies' Act in point of sheapncees and «implicity, -- Mir, BALL &N TYNE sal4ihe had attendad mesticgs of dairymen at both Ingersoll and | Belleviile, and could not fiad that a single i dairyman was in favorr of tho mossurs, At Bdilovmo they wesre most strongly opprs od zo 1t, Mr, WILLS seild thas bo thought thse Attcrnop:Gorseral hbad soarcely tremted zim fairly in allowing the Housa §o go so far with tte msasure aad then o:l)!lr!'% for the discharge o!f the crder, He {(Mr, Wills) found many dairgmen in favour ot the Bill, snd thosoe who opporsodl it op: poted is besause It was bronugut in by an opponent of the Government, Ho clatmed that the Gszeral Act flavolved too much tixze ard expen:o to be generaly service: able. Mrs. MOWAT saild that i & certala cum: ber of amxendments had boen mxde ia Com:« milteo, the Act might have bsen rexdersd workable ; but it was now ko lats to put I% in such a nbago os to make It advisab'e to pau i. Uo wight, sfisr consideriag the matter, pro« vide for an amsmdmont to the Joint Stook Compenies Act by which the exfouo of forming smeli companiles might be lessened. Mr. MOWAT, in amendmen$t to the mo tion, moved the s'x months' holst, The House divided on the amendment, which was carrled : Yeas, 42 ; nays, 27. YEAY.--Mersrs. _ Baker, Ballngr.e, Baxter, (Wrenfegiesh," Oomes" urooker" Cutiiy." . Deween, imoche. mnunn.oi'nm, Gbson, Cr&m, Hardy, Hargraft, n'i' Hodgins, Hunter, Lane, Lyon, McC.aney, cMabon, Massic, Miller, Monk, Mostyn, i(own, O' Donoghue, Patterson &Yui). Ricbardson, Ress, Sexton, Sinclair, Siriker, Watter-- worth, Widdifis}d, Wikisms, Wikon, Weod--42. NAys3.--Mesars. Ba:r, Bell, Boulter, Broder, Gamerop, Code, Coutts, Craighton, Daacou, Forrls, Wlesber, Harkin, Kean, Mscdougall (Midd'ecs*x), Mc-- Dougall (iimcos), McGowan, Meredith, Merrick, O'suiivan, Patterson s'l,uux), Preaton, Rosevear, Beott, Jooley, Wigle, Wills--27. THE MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE, My, BETAUNE moved the second mdl':f of th« BiHl to exiend the franchise for munilol« pal purges:s in citles and towos, Here-- narked that real estate was the only basis vpon which the munloigal franchise was now conferred: tha resson probably belog theshifé-- jag cheraoter of poersonal property, The uni-- versel oxperlence of civico governments in the Urited Btates kai beoen that it was a groat fallurs, owing to the prevalent corruption, 'The same thing war, he feared, truo to a less

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