The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1877, p. 5

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| rraseey! Yaclic s $ s ! [e:"> ber for South Simoos sbould not erolution was then confizmed. the member for p a tken conliim ' have a'tempted to throw &dlouh np: m The """u"'n';;,fl; RNS. | nll"lb.; -'cUH' s bha o been more ne«arl Mr, WOOD presented a rsiurn rerpsokling 3 srared be he 7 g Contral Priscn | ssaured bad the and their ox;nuaohd dn | Inquests as the Contral Eriicn. ferenily; He i{oqh\ tbat the Government Also--Respooting the Heron and E:o _ | had u:'i'md full vaiune nh thtfl':'k ::"l | Railway. P purchased. Heo was g %@ : tha Onbarlo Exbibit at $ mfio Government intended to ertablish a mtm&:? ea '; chtieze fectory in connection with the farm RAILWAY AID, . | _ Mr SINCLAIR eald tbhat he thought at CAMERON arked Iwhother the Gov-- | f Its ino--ption that the farm would be a ..:g'utAlniendod to etplain its frailway l failure, as 1\ ':f" to supply a want which | policy this session, and it it had everlooked | was not fels, and, jadsing also from the sup. | She approprlation for the Crown Lands Ds. | port awarded to stmilar {nstitations on th« | partmeny, _ Both there cubj:ots were treated t other side, would 1not be .:'::st Heo re-- of In ¥he speech ffom the Throns. 3 b'"d. i "r. he :'m.::l l?:.uld M.:'pnlry.hl: Mr. MO WAT said the hox. gentlomsan fally : sued 'towards this institation from knew that the railway poltey involved *;..m had uot been adopted the consideration 'of & varlety of claims of hnfll other eduocarioual socheme in the consl¢erable im sortance, and surrounded by I /1 pudig "{.Mb.... ken of politlcall more or loss dlfficultloz, The Goverament | ""....'3'. first, ufi wee ( as -u! 814 not wish to avoid any olaim it was &u- volioy ' Pus ued is would uoflc suc:ess. sible to entertaln, and comqun:'li elr hi m' d s would not bo haitliy deola He fal, . Retabibel in# nc ons ir uniie; m that ose or othsr of the mambers of the oountry, it would requira th«ir united a * Wwoald bring dowa the <+fforts to make the farmers aspreciss« it of the Governmen! hrivg doOwi _ He thought that a good English educstl»> neossgary resolution® #o.morrow. . With rs-- f »boold be suppiied, and afserwards t>e mo: «r4d to the apyropriatioas for the OCrown advanosd soientific training. For hon, meu-- Lands Department, 't had uot been over-- hnbuydthl :g:n wes no use of th«\ looked. f «. cv on counotry _ attendin;, 5 A $ was Lom. no Teolt -- of _ the .. Intlive: The Houre adjou:-npht 11.15 p.m | :}gn- u.?:s -ntwlg'-":l '::'.ta, i liead solen« NOTICE3 OF MOTION, ; * s4& wou required, &* were Mvy. F--sser--Oatha third rea Bi now belag exbausted by the oourte of arin« No: 50) Inlimicd "As Aot repcoblng the mg pursued, +o he wosld support the de. K 'Toronto Eireet Rallway Company," will me--ro of the jovernmont, : move that sald B'll be referred tack to a ' > M», =EXTON said that ho di4 uot t\in Comuiitee of the Whoals Houss with instruc. i the college h:d been a «ucss», He was no' tions to smond the gams by lirlklnanut the # in favou: of atablishing it a# firss bus «'ter first and second clauress of the said BiW, and f 4s had been commenced he had aapported she Insertlog in lea theroo!f, ard as the first CGoverrment in their endervours, a 4 if she clause of the sald Bill, the words follo winrg t --rm did pot suocceed it was from wast of uo * Seotlon one of thirty--ninth Vistorls, chap: effors ou the Governzent, He sald that she ter sixty--three, and fll geveral sub--rectloas f ' farm had not cost too much, and thoush | ~ are kereby repaaled." I it should not sn0000h . #UJ uknted. Mr. Meredith--On . Friday nexh --Address f spest en lt would not ce wart«d, b for coples of the Order in Connall pareoA for & as it would turn on a good unuci«! saccoss, * the appototment of a Commission under 31 i i oneenartis ie moecs, t ie Tntiin, sa9 20 ho cnonten tote tit ols | C to Insini1ogs o4 Hhins en e representa'ivcs of the late m A. | farm being made a suoosse, sAlll thoyh gar. : Bookt -gm the Provinse, ths Commission & ' M""r "°°! '"" "::l" the only m%'h: by Issued thereunder, the lostractions (if any) f \ :::i:ao:cmo:: was ::'l'r::;;:;'ble !or'lr!; e to tho Commisiloners, the evidence taken eakahilahmonk of the achool, aud though the |* Oe ie o ore Eie ied The reyort of the ' F Opposition bad had the countrol | of e | tbe _ fratitatlon during _ the _ time ' And alwo fer cooples of all corraspondencs [ °> B Ts 1P dNlok in on 3 | ih;' "H.SI'I!E'B?:M: ll::tl' ,t' th es sentatites of the sald Wiillam A. Scott or -- *s * | hud:ol been a falure zandt;:\alo;g:m: any other person with reforence to the re-- . 9 ¢ ? " _ | should be glven to it, He thought that a opsiing of the said Inquity. _ good d:al of good might be dore by sending \ the Information into the ccountry through j practical man and in tho form of teaching. € He aked an erplaunation of how kwo hal/-- { i brgahel messures were chargod $60, 4 c Mr. WOOD explalned that it should bs $3, o5 an error having oscurred shrough the Grans-- posing of !'ecme. A ~ Mr., McDOUGALL (Middlozox) thought > that the college wou'd be of no pras-- Viorl valce to tha farmer, and4 would + reerlt in a {fsllure. 'Thore who had vis'ied the Ins itation c>ast4: rad everything \about it a falluro, and thought that the f \ | cour'ry would reseat the expandiog of this © further ism _ Hs thoughs that noene of the itafen's coming from this farm would evar attempt to pus his learairg into pracica + Toors who were not sslentitid far ners were ¢ tearnisg as fars as they wou'!d from ths $ grod isrmers emigrating from tha old csun» § t%ry, Hoe though: the stick a f«llure, as § the quality was not eqial to what was £ found nomitored over the country, To gst § . one good animal wou!ld cort about as mush k as the whole stook, He was in favo:r o! | F , continulog the expsriment on a small soale, ; | _ Mr. MoGOWAN thought that the farm \ *~=~ | would be much more usetul as_a plass for experimonting with seeds. Hoa dvisnded the astion of the Institution in anqualrliag ® | *tke stock that it did in rreteranoo to orsr-- mental, He thou&ht that the sons of farm: es azd sgriculturlats ashould have a profer-- exce in admission. $ Upon the amen@meont bohfi pub to the $ House it was Iost ugon the follo wing vots:-- 2 YEAS.--Mosrrs. Baker, Barr, Bolil,; Boulter, Bro-- ~ der Bro --n, Code Coutts, Creighton, Harkin Long, AcDougal) (Middlesex) Masdongall (4uwco#e), Me-- Gowan Mereditb, Mork Patterson sflnox). Pres-- top, Richardso , Rosevear, Scott, Toolay, Wills.--24 NAYS -- Mesuss, Appleby, Ballantyne, Bixter. -- Bishop, Bonfleld, C 1merom, viilsholm, Ciarke (Wel-- ' Ih gtow), Cole, Orooks, Dawsopb, Ferris, Fin)ayson, | 4 Gibson G:abam (Lam«:to») Grant, Haney, Hardy, l ° Hargrsf:,Hay, Hodgins, Huater, Lane, Lyon, Mc-- t Craney, Massie. Miller, Mostyn, Mowat, O'Dono-- X. bue, Pardee, Patt»ron (Yorb) Ross. Sexrton, Sin-- £ % cleir, Sprins or, Striter, Watterworth, WiddifGeld, \ f l M Wil lams, Wison, Woecd.--42 yoles es pay i« schn nerv mmunen t eat c

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