it was proposes would be ra'sed as | | a total from all sources of $403,000, 1t was wm-nnu o:pifal "Tark $112,-- | | eatimabed $416,000 would be required 960 ; Government ard .b..m::m at | : bo bulild these 22 mills, The amoust §$2,000 per wile, $305 000 ; proceeds of $10,-- | Jd ald given this road wavy equal to 000 permile bonds to be sold at $7,500, §692 16 per mile psr amnum for tventy 81,15 450; munloipal bonures yet %> be years, This Company was really the first .,'-d.. h.ouo per mile, $152500 ; which cally gone to work to penetrate into the very would in all make a finsnolal basis for the heart of * the ansettlcd _ lands of the purpose of building the road, I% had been Province, (Hear, hear.) If hon gentle. urged that, nnzg the Government aided men would . take the trouble to look the read, it would not be completc3, The at the map they would fiud that this rosd rokuol the ro«d and the peop'e aloug was proposed to be run from Hallburton to | line represented that, in view of the fact the mouth of the Mstiawan, t:rough the of hvb' vored and exyeuded neatly one very centre of that large portion of our terri-- willHon cf money, which amount had been mz which at the prosent time was unsetiled, mlloxg-dcd towards the buildicg of the and which was likely to remain so for the zoad both on the main live and it nexb half century, unless some such road as brancker, it would be pomible to con. | the Victoria was bu'lst through the district, plete Is it the adliticra!l Government ald | In copnection with the Viotroria road it was were granted. The Goversment, belleving ' propesed by the Government to ust aclde a Uhere was remyon for making this astertlon, ~ abrip of land twenty wlles wide, tsn miles on bad coms to ths conclucion, in view of the each side of the rusd, to form tha source -- Isrge amcunt oxpended, that they should of a fund to recoup tha Government for the not refuse to pluaos at tha disposal of the fnntb the road. This tr1ct would exsend -- Compsoy the sum of $1,000 par mils, and rom the northu"n housdfary of the Koglisn give them an opportu«lty o' doisg what Lazd OCompany's Gerritories to the River they raid they cou':d G0, The Qoveromont Ottawa at or rerwr the mouth of the Matsa-- bad also been influenced by the faok that i | wau River, a distance of 66 milles: Tals the read woere not completed the amount | tract would iInclude 844,800 acres, which, as would not ba exgssoct _ €0> 0) var m a* he had already stated, it was proprso! to Cld nob think it would bo jusitios in as uin-- set amaide so as to form a reparate fund for ing the responelbillty ot refusing farthar aii the purpose of recouping the Province for to an undertaking oommerocd lo geoi falta, the non.y- expended on the road, He might As mignt be expeoted, the rmad hart the op»-- remark that i6 was not ths intontlon of caiilon of swo power'ul Oompanies, the the Covernmeat to ald the road from Kin-- Emd Trunk and the Great Weate:ss, but mount righs through at one time, Th.y he did not know that basause a ost asla gou-- only ptq'oml to ald 1t in ssotloss, and, if t'eman ccoupylng a promiueat positicon at they rhould bave the gord fortana sa remsin the head of a large reliway co--poret.on had » io power, to contluue the atd an olroun: «hought it right aud proper to ats*ts atenors might requ'@e and4 the bulildiag of that no more monsy shouid be i>-- the read might necess!t:te, Wien tha road veasted in Canadian railways, we should | rhoul4 be balit 'rom K nmount to Halibu:« i bow our heads meskly, and say that wso ton, and it was shows that thsra was a fair 7 ' abould give no niore ald to such enterprises ' prospeokt of complstisg it furthsr, the Gov-- (H«ar, hear ) He troughs wa shoauld jufgs ernmert might ree it their duty to give ths these matters for ourselves, and shoud only | Compsny such resasonable arsistescs as the graut ald where it was not probable that the railway fund would peemit, Ths Govers-- roads would be complatsd withont such aid l mert conamidered thas the butiding of this j This position the Goveronm=nt had raken | read into a coustry virtually unsetsled with regard to th3 Oredit Vailey. Taking | would _ porots settlemaat, asd i: | everything Into onnrideration, the large | was orly right that the lavd which woulsd | amount of money expended upon is, ,' be s tiled by meass of Obis Hzue choald son. the corfidence of the people aloog it | tribute and pay towards ite butiding,. There live that it would be complstea; the | were about seven millinns acrss of land un.-- -- fact that the muvioipalities waloh wighs | looat :d in the free grant territory, 'The area be calied t:ibutary to uhe road wers papulat-- of the old countlon routh of the freo grant «d by over $00,000 peopie, ba tid vor shizk territcry was 20 000 000 acres, #o that about the finm weu'd :a7 that the Goverrmunt 25 per cent. of our lands were yet unsettisd would have bees jussified in asylag to tha ard unlocated, He bellevct this state ot | munloip:l.iles, * We bave alrseady given sbe | things might contisue for ths next osn:tury | roud $2 030 par mils; we don's care whother unlers by some means of this kind a ratiwey it is bulit or nct, and ws will alow you to | oculd be buiit that would penetrass the vaiy | | smorifice the whole $9)0,000 wrich you | heart of the lands -- 'I'he prios pro-- | have gronted bo the road, rathsr than give | pored to be saked for the lauds set spari you the $1,000 per mile whnish is neceasary wiould be not less than $2 por acrs, fo ocmplete the consurction." He migit rererving the procseds of tke plse tizx-- ay, however, tbak the yrumt should be ber thereon, which it was nok prc-- looked 0:&)0:: as a Bsalliy so far pored should form park of the fand. ap this r was concerned, He Gdid not The Government rererved th« righs go take think the Company evel evozr be in a poil-- less than $2 per sore ffit were @kown that on to come back aekirg for a eingle d--llar ary portion of the lsnde were not work's that more for their road, or thes the geople slong amount, but teking the rvoragze charactsr +f the live could ask for any fussher asslstaucs, | the Glerrict It won'ld be fair to suppose thas (Bear, hear ) ; the Provizos would realise at leart $2 per l Mr1. MEREDITH--Is the Goversment aore, . The Government were not »ltog.:ther * sathfisd thak the 10rd oan be buiis; with this in the dark an regw det she oharsoser of a4ditional grant? . these hl:fl. Tb:l' :m been le.vuuuiv-.etl at o DKE sal e Gavernment war varicus tlwer, asd thore was a lorge quantity r rul;':nl!;viAyRWaxl aax:gfiefflh:.n that po'int, His of good farming land betwe ie North Vistorta | f ; ard the River Mattawan, In 1864 a Jom | bon, frieed tbe Fremurer kbad jast t | pointed _ cut _ to _ him _ that _ the mittee of the Hou:e of Commons was ap. | | amount of stook actua'lly bll by the Com-- pointsd for the purpore of considering ho | pary was $279 000. The nox* razd which !t teambillty | of taking mwkepts %o sott's | was proposed to ald was the Vistorla Rell: the districk beswsen _ the _ G=orgtan | way. This rord was conciderad *o be a col-- Bay and the Oftawa River, and shey | onization road, and it wae complazed from exrquired Into the character of lands forming | Lindssy to Kiamount, a distance of 33 mtles, | a portion of the eame ferritory whe Govers-- | Iis objective point was the corflax of the | mept proposed to so* aside, The Comnistce | O:tawa sud lrnhm rivere, but is was only reported that these were the only good lands | propesed to ald the road a _ distaucs \ ia the porsession of the Urown in that diz. | of 22 mil--s, from Kismount to Halbucton, trict, Mir, Keefor, the well keown englaser, | the latter being a villagoe wikhin reporbod that tho roll of the O:tawa ani' the territory of the Esgilsh Land Huron track was at leask equal to thas ol | Company. Theromd wes estimated #~ o~st, Now Eog':nd, while the good land was including roll'rg stook, tha zum of $18,912 better and the infericr lards worse than sne per wile, or $416,000 for the 22 miles which is land in New Hampahire and Vermont. Mr. was n to a'd. Ites finszolal basts | Keefer pointed out thast the only way to wonlg be urderstood when be ststed that sebtle these d'atrlots was by butlGing a rail. ' | the Governmert boeus of $8,009 pr mils way. Mr. Ros., ohlef englineer of the Vic:o. | amounted to $176,000, The Eslsh Land rla Railazy, who had traversed the oourturg, | Company had agreed so give $3 000 prr «alle stated that the Jand in the viciat-- | to the six miles of the road t:«t +«e with'n *y of certain lakes was of exoslieas | their territory, or in all $18,000 Th« quallly, and covered with good flmber, The bonus from / the _ Hallbar--oa . distr'c} hoo, gentieman gave seviral exiracts from to ald the roai from Kinmount to the reporis cfi Merare, Kerfer and Ros», Haliburton awounted t» $55,C00, Then | teatifying to the good charsctar of the it was proposed Obat the Company should lards, and proceedsd #o say _ that -- lsue bend: on the oredit of the road at the tbe evidence was in favour of a con: mnl.l: o:' l?'7.0«) per mils for tre 22 :rd"t.hbol:xpm b:"m fia for saitiement, ®, would amount to $154,0 * of the Government thas § $154,000, ur | they woula realize $2 per aore was not un-- £