2.;vircs, and wounld allow of a i»siance of $375,000. When it was contifere® t:::.t:: ! Government had seven milliocs of acres stili unseltled, It was not unressonable to pro-- m Mht:omhmld ald :l'n buildicg of a purpose of metsiing thess !-M:% devoting one millon aore: t > ftm on: jJeot Thers would then remsin beionglog to the Provivoe aixr millions of aores, which 14 would take thirty years to dispose of, it the present rate of s--tilement were uot fuorearcd, He thought that it the raliway shoa'd be buils through thas country oy {ho ott«: of the smaill amount of escouragemens which it was proposed to givs, and omplialists ware 'henfi inCuced ro engego in tha dGevelog: ment of these territorics, the Government weore engasing in a good work--ons which world tind to issrears tha pride with which we now regard this Provincs, (Hear, hear ) It was only fair to ado, too, #hat sthis would save the Goveromert a large smount of experdiiure on oslonization _ roads. | The pext road, son*t the last which | the Government proposed + aid, was the l Montreal asd Olty of O:tewa Junotlion Rail-- | wag. _ The E:pumn was to al} the por. | tion of this line Jyiag within the Proviuce of | Ostarlo, a distaroce of 66 mlles, It was os-- | aimated that the ovst of shore 66 miles would | be $654,000, Taough a 5.¢d deal ot money l bad been exgended upon sae rord, the Com:-- | yany wou'ld »not be abls to comps#e its con: : at:ructon wi:houk additionel afd, Tae smourt alseacy experdod upou it was $204,000; they bhed a ba'anos on hand of mu:-- viclpal toou--«s, carb, aend stock amouatleg to $183,000 Tse Ontwilo aubsidy previou:ly srautkd emeu»rsteo $198,000 asd4 tie ad, ditlora) »--ubaidy e«aked to $66.000, making In @1 $651.000, Fo« this namount the road oruld be gradss, and tho Company had en« § red into an astrargement with sesqpun:ible portics, by whish thes would be forsalskc4 with the Iron avd r ling «t--Tk meeves ary as fer as thke rosd was grated, thesa parties | takipg the bonds of. the company aud sert.in cath payments for the samo, 'The pssple --f the ccuntles of Uslton, Rascli, Pretoot!, sud CGlengarry looked upon the road as a *ery importart -- one as at se** ht' reasovable. At thas figure the esmount of $1,689 G00 would be realized from the rale of 844 800 actes, If the railway were com« m\'o& and a reasynable amouct of ald given for its extencion to the Oitawa Rive», the oont of constraction would not ex:eed $1 225. they laft _ no sallwas sccommedabion wh>~ ever ; and the omy way in which thsy aocl1d veach Obmwa was from Psesovit by ths Gaud Trunsk, or frow: shat poing by a cicou iteus water route -- Tas road raa Mnrough * trast of country 45 o+ 50 miles wiée The Governmest haviog eattati--d snemaclves thes the road ooul4 not b« somptetsd wi hout ad-- ' di¥onel ald, and that prrhady there was o0 part of Cas»da no b>d y ff tor raltways--as | jeast amopg the older sett ed portlons of Th« | Province--n»d felt it to be thoir duty :o | krens asddittonal aid to the ext--as of one thousand dellars per mile Thou;h he would not say that the fuct that thatseo: two of the couutry had reosives no ral'w--y id In the put,szoep$t througa this road, was as argum*zt in favour of the present sppro pristicn, shill is was an exouse for the yoo yiv there taking m preity atroug view of the subjsot _ The H use hrad been voting laras sums of mosey to railways in «the west:ra axd porthern pcriloos ot the Provine?, and 1s was only righs thas the castern part of Ontarto shon:d reovive a fair onneldsrasion, | when oce lovked at the large seotion of cous-- | bry that wes wiihousratiway accommedaiion | at the presca' tine, -- He way sure taat hsz, ' members wauld ro", In view at ta»ss con-- | rideratlors, grud,e ste :m--li amount of ad« | diticoal a10 sequired ro complste the rsad |\ (H--er, bear.) Voa total amouut of sns yrante to which ho hat rferred was $547,-- b75, exolosive ol the amoust they have al-- reamiy qranted bo too Kingstun awi Pembroke Railway, sua whoa had been carcelia~, this was equa' to » ;. rant por anuum of $47 -- 375, anpposicy the reade were complie§sd fu« woirow. ~ _ ¥r, MERRICK--What Ja the botal am: uot you bhave grested, paat asd prosent ? M:, PARDEE sald tho toval amount vot.d | by thre P.evince up tw »be presout tima was $2,519.737. 'There had boon patd ons of the Rutlway Ai< Fand the suw of $1,401,237 ; saut ot the Hasway Boneldy Faac, $301,643; or -- a_ tutal _ from -- both _ fonds _ of $1,702. 580. _ The total amouns votrd by the muricipallstes up to the prosens istme was $6,8890 162, out of walch thaure hai beer peld $5 219,756 i'he puuber of iitles ot rallway oon--tucted slose Parliansot had to the -- Government x\ he was msib'g a . wide calsulation in rayisg thet sthe exzsenditure of elghtwen millioos on railways had caused an fuorea:s in the value of the country of more than éacuble that amount It was nor propssed that ths Covernment grauts ahould cow-- mence unt'l a rection of teoo milss had bsen comp'etsd ol that porslion of the line proposed to be aided. _ Thas the _ greant wou!d _ be _ prild _ on the portion crirplsted. _ Formarly ta« rsllway auosidy fund was set aside aud be-- came a charge on the reveanue. Under the ; present scheme, it would not b:come a | charge on the reverue until the roats wore | corspicted, He was we!ll aware that thre i were r:ilw=ys of a;nt imjortauce otier tian those m ntloned--rallways whose vlatw"" would have to be considered by the Governw. nt of the per!o4 at no distint day ; but alter consitering every soheme submitt d to them. and cxamining the fioancial bals of each, the Guvernment had ocome to ths concluzion that they could not fairly bring d=wn to the H~use m proposal to aid avy wther railways than those he had isdioatad. The Govermme«nt ssheme was not ose that would deplete the Tremsury, and hs hai l pointed cout that the cost of the Viotoria Raiiway aid would bye more than cavcred by the awournt the Govirninent would realize *rom *the sele of land _ With regard to ts Tosonto, Grey, and Bruce Railway, the Gov ersment coseldcrod is a ocmpleted line, an 1 tbherefore had not proposed so aid it, They bad not come to tbe osnclealon t--at it was tUbeir duty to ald rall ways that were is tinaa-- olal Eifficulties, which «ou'd be a dangsrous princlple to admit _ Is was the dasy of tas Government to ='d thoss achemer only weic were of Pravirola) importance and os a zousd firanol«l basis, and whera there was a proba bility tbit cuch railw«ys would be oonsiracs ed on the grazt'ng of Government ald, adepted the syster of graiting ad was 970, and there wers now uaoer cors®rustlon 4562 miles, This «su'ld give a sotsl number of 1, 432 miles of rail way conetroored on accouut ot the cupport afforded by ald of the Prov-- Inco, avud the tatal emr--ass er --en'ed on ralii-- ways weuld bs $:8 558918. By the small cutlay --o! $1 782 730 n the part of the Proevinse it bad Induo:« sn +xpenditare of $18,358,000 (H:--ar, hear,) It apposred o bim that the mosey was well er-- pevded. If tOhey ccul4 loduos foreign capitalists bo come lu asé erpend tkelarge arm of 18,000,000 --f m--ney by the rmail stimalant of t« aid the Province oou'ld afford withou:orlppling it, the palicy} war an exotilont ons (Hx«r, hear.), Ali the money exzpended hy tho munisiqalities on rallw»ys amcunted &> $5.219,000, and h» did not bellove It was pormibie for them to say they hart not r:c:ived oonsiderab'e ad-- vavubrges by thetr construotion, whish more tban ocmpensated for the money votsd in borures, Th« brinvglog wisbhin reach markets lor farm piodgu:e, and the redustion of frelghbs, were rolid ben:fits which coald not be _ @en'ed, _ KHe did not _ th'nk Mr, CAYERON satd that a notlse that they were going to ald rallways wa« wot suffi.isnt notloe, and were it not so l«:> in the resrton he world conside: the o--n:s« very otj--ctionuble, BHe thought the policy erur:oiaied by the Ministry was not golog #a ?he saviafa.tion _ He took excoeption :a gba u:ther alding of the Whitby and Pors Pesty Rellway, which in the sass had he>= provi-- oumy aidso, Hoe was procesiin. when The BPEAKER, reforring t> rule N. 93. sald that Ifi any moticn was mad« inveleia. ary cha;e tpon the people, vha debats sou'A peserntly be entere@¢ up»>, but must he ai-- jour1ed to ruch furthee day as the House rrould thirk fit to ap cint. Mrs MOWAT rald that a standing orde: of the Bousa forbatg« a discusilon at thi« tage upon the resclut ons. ¥r PARDEE expistred that 1t way h's Interticn that the raliway company shoul: kave no clstw uyon the fusd asuraing fron the sale of the )la C to he set anrlde, Mr CRODK®S arked that the sum soat apart for the repsle of the School of Feoknology be exponged. Mr, CAMERON exr!l4 tkat he had anst previcus'y asd an epportunt'y of saylog th :t na objected to the »a «s of the bauiliiog at he price uamwed, as wo'l as to ths remova' of the achrol to the Univeralty, whoe be thoug5* 18 c ou'd pr--ve as greab a fallars be thoug5* 18 « ou'd pr--ve a ap the Agricultuzat Co.lege, In the desussion ujyon the sum of $23,000 proposecd to be cxgended upon the Govera-- ment Booss, Mr., FRASER sald that they did not pro-- pore to exp:»*+ more in this work thana the CONCURKENCE,