The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1877, p. 1

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OKNTARIO LECISLATURE.| memmeqpemeny t | ymIRD _ PARLIAMENT--SECOND SEssion. ; | Inomevomat@fpmentenmel FrroAY, Feb, 23, 'The Speaker book the chals at 3 p.m, REIURNS. Mr, Wood presented a number uf re-- turap» respecting rallway companies, OORREOTION,. Mr. he i'o" '::t'l?: the abjention of t ouse bo a rep one of the city newspapers of a debate that took place last night, He was reported to have said that he was opposed to the Government polioy of providicg supplies for colonization roads, £ wisheq to say that he had made no remarks at all on the subject, and that if he bad said anything he would have aphprov- ed of the Government policy, (Hear, hear,) TOKONTO STREET RAILWAY, On the order for the third ldhg of the Blll respecting the Toronto Streck Raliway y CGompany, ( Mr. CAMERON moved, * That the Blll be referred back to Committeeof the Whols wiith instructions to amend by striking out tbhe amendment made in the first clause by 1 waid Commitieo," | Mr, FRASER sald that it was not ant!l | j Uhis morn'ng that he had learned that the / Bill as it came from the Ral\lway Committeo | oomcd thrfia dlntnd p:rftl 'mh:::r.l'ng The §third clause had no o on the matter in disputc, and when his atten. tion was drawn to the matter ho had ex-- essed his intention, so far as it was poss!-- :-lonpnl anything, to embraceo all the olauter. _ The object of the motion cf which he had given notics was that all the propos:-- ed legislation as contained in the Bill as now _ before the House should be atruok _ out ard a new olausso in. sorked in Heu thereor, do::( away with all the lo&hhuon of last session in regard to h this subject. _ He was here to move what kc had suggested in a previous spsech, that these two partliss--the Corporation of the clty of Teronto and the Tcronto Street Railway Company--should be put back in Sheir origiral plsce, and that the bargain which had been made between the parties should be left in full force and effsot, If Skere was any dispute as to the original meaninog of the contract let that dispute be settied in the ordinary | Ceurts of the country, The Loegislature had no more right to undertake to ssttle a dispute between the city of Toronto on the ene hand and the Toront» Street Rail way Oompany on the other, than it had t> settle ldllruh between John Brown and John Smitb, or between auy other two en or two crre:nuom in the country, Hoe had heard 1t atated within these walls, and in the lob-- biee of the House, he had read it in the jour-- mals of the clty of Toronto that the Toronts EStreek Rallway Company, had come to the Legislature to have a oertain inter-- gotatun put _ upon -- their _ contract. | e had tiken the Srouble t> look | back upon the leglalation of the House with rernd bo this matter, In 1861, prior to Confederatio:, the original Company was incorporated by Act of Parlisment. The 'next Aot was cne of 1868 69, by which the Street Rallway Company of that day, and certain trustees who held a morkgage upon it, | asked to have power to seli the railway un 4er | the terms of that mongabgl-. The spsolal Act that was passed to enable that sale to be accomplished expresely said that the original »greement between Easton, the origiaal owner, and the clty of Torcnso should re-- main in full force ard _ effect. They therefore found that in this cave the Mossra, Kiely had come to the House asking that the origioal aprsoment should bs binding m'hem. and that if any ono should par-- the rallway tluz. whould purchase it under the obligations involved in the firat bar: galn, The next Aot war asked in 18372 by thore who h124 continued to be shareholders in the Stroot Rallway Company ; and that Aot bad eimply incoorporated the present skarebolders &s a new Uompany, loavY the original agreement s%l}l bicding. nng.d. *herefcre, happened on #wo -- ccoasion: that the Toronto Sireet Rallway .Com-- pary had come §to the Leglalature ukln% that the original bargain should con:-- Sinue in force. The noxt measure way the one of lamit s srlow, and it was not brought in by the Street Rallway Company, but by She oitizens of Toronto, through thele sollols--

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