The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1877, p. 6

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s 3> s w . > P + f * a: y it o. * fl-'.,i"'",'f" ..'}"' " e 7 ',I f "'; " t M B ® * * $ ie "! ',f-*v;:':' £ i q .'t» ' k 4J | of the sald olty, the said Engloe: j im tmine bames > PA V f --~J_~ * ~--~~ ~ l BW , cause such Wk:';o be made at--he .'; p::y. . ! wf :Iu Hon.ltsbo 'hea.mélr. dated sne 15th * +. -- 8. L bd) of the said clty, aud the t io eagondst f . February, 1877, the C:mmittee of Councll eaf e B [}) P § shall be recoverable agalnst the said Com-- :l Mpoe m'o:.;'.{th"tg;:d use o t e es | pany in any court of competent jurlsdiction." tince Ed ward County Rnlw.:;:mhofwm e 1 1 ; a.l.'i'. F&Asnn said that he had no objso: | _ ot %orlh in the documents presented to the 4 aupplied .:. *, which he thought | weglslature, the peri:d for procf of cantract | | Snigeat o machinery for implementiog the | 'or the construotion of the works of the sald ' . 19 antrack allway mentlioned in the Ordor in Coucoll af £ 4. | r. CAMERON oVjcitd to the amend. | te 271h day of Jane, 1870, be extendsd to 1M l ment, as they had had no notlce of it, and it l he Birat dey of Janusry, 1878 " | was not in the Interest of the oltizsns. ! _ Mr. CAMERON said he had o feeling o \|19 * Mr. RICHARDSON said that i; hd been : «catility to the enierprise concerned, but he it -- 1 his opinion that the House should not adja-- | ought that as so lorg m time had elagsed 11 q ? dlcac upon this question, buk he thoug>t | ure the matter was firast before the Hous 107 now that they shovld exerolee their j1dg-- | « would be 'unfair to mamk further | ' ment upon this matter and . deolde ctension when the ntlwuy-'"t{u; U ' ::' "1?: ;::' u:o" ':: construction vfl: M'l'!lldeor:blo sums of money in t;o 11 't 3 1 n e _ agreement, onatruction portions o' their linos were 31 f * \ i:x.d ':%':laoh:h ::. 'I:ghhturo should step in pable to get aid from the Government, [3 ' m C. ie did nok intend to divide the House, but | ; Mr. HUNTER said be would support the «ou'd protest agsiast the resolasion. K -- | 3 ;';'::k';fl::n;u:! u:ho Comm{esioner of Pablic The motion was crrriled, | ~R | gloal posltion, e par¥ies back to their orl-- ; IONTREAL AND OTTA YFA JUNCTIDN | 4) R Mr, CGRAHAM said he believed the city c i RelLWaAy, [ ':"1 4| oronto were only asking their jast rights, As Mr, CROOKS moved, * That #ids Hoase % B TE S? the conatruction to be put upon the word | 'oth ravily the 0.der dated 15th Fehvaary, 1 4|A plmv«n&." he th'oxht the laymen of the 877, approved by the Liegtorang G--vernor | P d3 House were just as qualified to interpret n Connoll, with i<faronos to the Montrsel | AL [ the.expression as any lawyer in ths House or u6 City of Ottawa Junction Raliway, which ' | | 3 aby jadge in the land, 1t would be a most )rder is to the followlog eff.c: :«--UPSB §h6 [ 4| abrurd thing to that the oltizens ecommendation of the Honf;nrnb'l); ths 11 | of Toronto abould n::'nn coutrol over tha reavorer dated the 15th day of Fobrumy I iE conséruction of their own atreets, He would 1877, the Commitiee of Couno] advise that | s , | sapport the motlon of lths member for Fa it »aving regard to the clroumataross conr soted | 1 ELNE J evrnnhetoni® Conagnnomeetreyeey Apead aith the contract of the Montreal augt Clty § 6 t Mr. HODGINS pointedjout that in addi-- it Oitawa Junokion Reil#ay whichare sot t s tlon to the cases already instanced in which forth in the documents prerented to the 5 the Legislature might interfere with vested Legtalature, the perlod for proof af contract | #} rights, the House had conferred upon 'or the construction of the work of the sald ' | a municipal councile the power of interfering Railway mentioned in the Order in Connoll | with tkese vested rights,as in the case of fire of the fourteenth day of Des«mbar, 1874, be I | | limitr, the creotlon of weoden bulle iage, & i. ,_ ; extended to the first day of Jarum'y, 1878." »g | f oonflfl. "rl'n(}nh e !'th f .8"?:"1' and th:gy-h' The motion was carried. ; i C | & contending _ that -- th THE j P [ lapguage -- of * both oleatly . indloated e ooo t rallwats } ' that 'the _ optton with ~ regard _ to _ qreeR O ds noyed,«(Thak the House doth | | [¥| the paving of the roadway should be 14 ¥ +3 rder in Counoll. approved by tue | | * $ 1| ' vested in the City Cunoll, and that thev en 18" overnor on the 12th day of Febrau-- ! B || :"tllll'll from gmo l:oloh"m. provide farth«r .'g«'n : '7-11:1:':0':11:"::0(':!::1:&:! f)llofw:gg | | || nditions uader w the ; c cl or of the || m || oo Srtticd ohh egreement mighs ;z%::::bh 1?79' l;rhouunr, dated the 10;h | J } [ The House then divided or the amend advise tga.l the i'lmo.lhgloll::l l:ho'ho!(??!nn °1u § 1 §1, mwent to the amsvdmsnt, walor was carried Council of the 16th of Dy !: ' TS7L I ¢ Yeas, 27; Nays,31. + du'y ratified, in respect co:'m :l:; 1:'2 d 71. NAYS--Mesirs. Baker, Barr, Boll, Boihune, Broder pletion of the Credit Vallcy RaUway l B / Cameron. Chisholm Cule Creightom, Deroche, Fer. and the grant from _ the Rallcay "I B° | ::i:in:, b an(n?:n;'::." lgodfl:r." L:;o. Lyon, Mco-- Subsidy Fand, made by the 0;'3 a oi | | rowsy Moke, Mhoue ies foak arite in Counoll cf the 20%a Marob, 1873 also duly P '[ Striker, Widdifield, Wilson, Wood--S31. < ragified, be extended untll the lst day of 1| 4 --(|| YrEAs--Barter, Bopfield, Boulter, Coults, Crooks Jipuary, 1880, upon the grounds appsatring 1| t . 2:::;::' ll)(e::.":n, 'r::..;, g...:.., Gran--." Hatkio, in the petition presented by the said Com-- i! 4 " " e pakve. Metsaih. 6D o-ogu:f.'?.'!snf}."".flf"fil ; peny, ard upon the atatement of the Hagin-- IP & te--son, (Este:), Pexton, Robinso®. Sexton, Suet-- eer of the Pablic Works Department, ar IP. & singer, Bpringer, Tooley, Wills.--27. | to the progress already mads on works of | \1 »ir, GLBSON then mwoved, in amendment copstruction of the ratlway," 1 f 3 ' | :":n.. 1::;::"'"?';,: f,,htk-ll the words The motion was carried. %, f o oblons uck o d th a | $ | | tollowirg substitated in Mea .b,'::'o,':"_.'r; THE LATE JUDGE WILSON, n 4 | strike out all the words in the firat clause Mr, MOWAT moved Houws in Comuiitice t'of |D] alter the word * repeal,' " | ll?:'"Re:oquop' a« J:la\":nt of the surplus ' , The Hooss then divided on Mr. C' ¥ o ravarien bu the Suanehcl 'h.--' ratapiedol * | Al| amendment to the mn'!m.:t, "'MO:':'" J I';,. l:l' :v;';fldlla" 4'5?. Court of Casnvery, | tC 30 lost --Yeas, 29; Nays, 30, oud('tl ofo the 'I\lenuz: :t"tll':ah;'r"odvl:ooet:: # (\[oT c&:fig&;%::a.%?::& .Bonflolg,' B'r;n.lz: ;?m be applicd in making goaod certalo ce'u'\ha , .A & ' | Grange, Grant, Harkin, Hunter, Kean, Lane, Lonx; of the late W. M, WfllOll, Jndgu of the I | | l Macdougall (Midd c..x{, McMahon, -- Meredith Courty Court of the county of Nortol{, an« | \1--) 1 2» I;o':::.bnso..l (');.m:;:tmm'n:om (lwa(). Paxton. Real Representative unger the Parti .lo'n Aot 1| M ol | )IA".--'Ho-n.' B"""BOB.'"' ;y..n. dg':'-hfi. 1n':'nd bor 'iol.)"'-d oounty ; provided that the ' | f : Broder, Cameron, Chishoim, Colo, Deroche, Ferrls wald um shail be subjscl £o hoy clsimk to j @raham, Hodgins, , Lyon, MoOraney, 'McRae the remse, or nuy porilon the er', | | \! g:bl::'&n?é.xtal: ul:us'nl. Mowat, Pardse, which heresfier may be mado z94 estab-- | i:" s | difieid, Wiliiams, Wikon, *"I:;'f".f' i memubaind :fitfib?d ur:) yor :nnyyo' (:;ulrtr:v-c::::;:l' o" $ . The House then divided on Mr, Cemoron' ; CXplaty» f ' e f .émendment, which was carried, Yors, 30; on Shige Wieep seorited Surrile syarc hA Nays, 29. s 9 money o: bebalt :.' n:?:oza which :« ;umc.:: 4| p YEAs.--Mersrs. Baker, Barr, Rell, Bethune, prerent law would be gai % etc 2. /4 ; (I, 7 s Broder. Cameron, OUbisholim, Crelshton, Urooks, e pard in ourt. After 3/ | Dercche, Ferrls, Grange, Hodgins, Lyon, McCranoy: the deceare of the judge, it was disoovered ' T | , McRae, _ Masile, Illllu' Mork, Mostya, Mownt, that cervain moreys werse unaocouuted for. | «i || $ 'g:l':.'%vfi'hm. m hoi 2+ w mt e lbnkgs . and that the estate was foso!lrect, 1. cosurred | 8 1| --|| NAYS.-- Mésits. Baxter, -- Bonfietd, Bou'ter, Cole %o him that It world bae the feelisg of § | ® Cousts, Dawson, Deacon, Fraser, Gibson, Grauge the Houre and the country that the | | ' °m:'u.'.':)'"i'm':'$""' gunal Long, AcDougail minors should not ruffer, _ There was a fund ME 1| } S) CiVAn. -r.m"o:"(h':')f I::icon(,) Q:o!;;;'l::; , in Chancery which the Govermment m.thi JBR d | Sextom,' Bnetainger, . Springer, Toolsy, Wills ! 1 9"'1',"17 apply to this purpre, Instead of [| [\ p | Wood.~ 29. 41 waking a charge on the consolidat:d revenas, El ; The Hourc then won\ Into Commiitee on Oa the 1st January there were $6,000 of this \E [ the Bill and adopied the proposed amend. iurplus fund, which had been incroared 1| - eiikce x [3 t ut coun hati's mt doly O oi L l € | E EDWARD TOUNTY 3 e Vou a up uty to pro-- j t j i PRINC WAY'ou NTY RATL | teot Infonts and thiir ortct>0, the money 4 jfi ' | _ Mr. CROOK$ moved, **That this fouse ho omiogige cam ainled Io Doanen 1 |UH - | 4oth ratify the Order dated 1511 Fabruary, ." f Sp eproues wer ourhkd is Cammlites | 3 1877. approved by the Lientenart Governor in, ¢ | | I | m Councll, with reference t» the Prinoe Ei-- i The Houss adjsurned at 10:30 p.m. | [| f , | ward County Railway, which Order is to the mumrswerromncmmmemmanmennmmmmznmmmmmete N | | 'ollowing effect:--Upan the racox mendation * Bs 30 i

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