The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1877, p. 3

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y "*--'-"Ww------" a Minisier of Education and that of the Chief such petiticn; a)so, for oog!el of all reports , Superintendent, That gentloman was simply made by any cfficer of the Orowa Lrsads an cfficer who carried out the rogulations of | Department ugen ths said pelition, and the | the wol m\.f P:ob"llh ull?t.ymwhloh J Hb.y :" f matters therein contained. Oatried. ' | nore res & ay < | a Minikter of Education must feel, u{d which | ACOIDRNTS ON 'R AILWAYS, be bad felt to the most intoense dogzree, The | _ _Mr, WILLS moved for a roturn ':! all Edvcation Department, moreover, had for ; sooldents and casuailities (whgther to We or the first time been placed in a differeat poal-- property) which have corurr:d on the rail-- tion, and the grostess posaible change .5::. ways in the Provicos of Ontarlo undor the tod 'was that which placed it under the con: jorsdiotlion of the L--g'slsatura of the sali ol of a responsible Minister Instead of that Province for the years 1874, 1875, and 1876 of a oblicf of a bureeu _ There éid not cxist a which shall ret forth:--1lsst Tha names of more important Department of the pubitc the rerpective companiss, 2ad. The causes wrvice, or one upon which the general wel: a d patcres of such accidents and casualtins, fare of our prople deperded so grsatly, As 3:d., The pointe at which they respectively he bhad sa'id, he would support .{' re-- ccourr:d, asd vhether by day ornight. 41. duction of salary. The fu)l extent thereo! and all the partioulars Mr. CAMERON contendsd that the | of the seme, | CGoverEmect were _ nolk loskleg sno COLLEGES AFFILIATED TO TAE UNI § olosely aftcr tre Interests of the sar-- VERSITY OF TORON:O., s veets o!f the Houu"u ho':.d:nomhu geue» Mr, BOULTZR moved for a return of the d relly Toke oo mMioacary of the Hok c Tois colleges and other insritutions affillated to al were three m""":)%'" 6 "':".: the Uzsiversity of Toronto, 'under the pro-- j : fl m-ln.c:l $4 "v; -n-ffl: P wolk m vislons of the University Act of 1853 (16 1 onil:;d "_001. n:h 'l'h:: 3 ':-9 an the Vio., cap. 89), and of the colleges and other "'"""M"' Cleck of the Hou es w;o.h::'mm: Institutions now affillsted to the sald Ual. effiolently performed the dutles of that offics TClke Uzivartiry of Feroam dase Contniies a ever sincs Conlederatsion, and who was ic :l hn'h "'" regard to each illom.' every respesok a most capable cfficer, Hs t .:" l';loh h' telonged, ard if to O M" fcurd that that genvlemen was on'y gobtiong wlu':. park of. C.n.;a.g the oollege or thenpalaty s;hr'y of $1 200 per apoum, ton from which he went up to the said Uxil. ane f: 'Onmaoat' o th: ::;n:::; was then put verrity for bis degres; the !yur in which he | ' ? en carriod, became an w dergratuate of the University, : . _ Tho following iItems were then adopted:-- m' ?f. .,::r in which h:u irul'::h&' also a . |\ _ Public Institurlonsa (maintenanos), $8,850 8 olarships orrkificater, 0%, OF | | Sohool f other distinotions rperified in classes 23 and y | w%dnhnuoo of of Art and Dulgn. 94 o{].h'. .':;;'y..-t Tll».'flfl.'.AO'. (;'."dd tbz } t the Uni\ver of Toranto to urdsrgradua | _ Hospitals and Charities, $4,90144 63, or students in attendance at affiliated col-- ' Philadelphia International Exhibition | leger; the names of the und::zndu\u who ({furtber expenses in alding Proviecial ob-- ; obtained ruch distinc:iions, the reasoas | jeots sat covered by appropriation of last | for which such distluctions wore awarded, i% | yesr), $4,000, Carrled, f | _ OCornolidation of Statute Law (for printing THE 8COTT OASE, f | and birding 12,000 sets, of two volumss Mr MEREDICH moved for eoples of the | cach, of Ravises Statuter), [ $30,000 gfw.('} in Ooullmdl pnlnld 3'1"V mwnmzla! _ Voters' lHats for 1877 (in peyment of cx-- a Commission under 4 cap. 26, | penkew of County Court Judges in revising), to iz quire into the claims of the represents-- $3,000. w h & tivee of the '::'.oowuu.m 8, Book agaturt the | County Courk Judges, for travslling ox: ovince; the Commission isued taereander; | the lastructicons (if asy) to the Commission-- penses in group:d countles, $1,050 s s LI'cesse Liaw, towaris ecxgeoc:e in munial. :::;,?:d e.;l'd ::;n"t:-fi::bmhm rlfl:l;:': ';?'l%' Tomperance Act oi 1864" a:d du;:, f:r oopio}l o:h oomtponlcaoo be-- n k esd cen the urs ble the Attorsey--Genera Clork of Psivate Billa (on dissontfnusace or any olhormmmbor of the Go,nmm.:n:: of cflic:), equivalest to nine mostas' ral ery, and the re; r:sentatives of Willlam &A. Soott, $900. or anpy otker person with reference to the re-- Roprerontstives of late Mr, CGibron, 0; enirckd the salt Ingu'ry. Ho sald he did Bolenos Ma:ter, Normal School!, Otbawa, not make tho metlon ia the bolict that the $187 50. . go.vupm;lnt .l:xd usdod w::.ngl:htn ::", mm Bipre:eni--tives of late Dr. Lordor, Modi. | >' mk «imply In order Siat the lasts of A oil s:'._e,,n', ndeatief Lon# on A');":'s;feo(;. orse might be Mt:l before the Houss He Reprerenrtatives of lateCol Savago, Rogiz ;:l::' bad b::'r: 'i,:;'. t."'" #8 | trar of Azoms Distrte:. $200 € into the Oro Iq.:d' D ( p.,y U 0: "'u:; Rene: govnta i~es of cegeassd empliyseso: ab cer:ain irs :' 1 h.;w;m.:h ow P Loxdin srylum, $186 6$ | n fraude in rcla¥%oxn to the Yar . 2 r a 0¥ * | Iimibs; that ceriain oreditors of the estare $ Pa "s Bu!l4iogs, $18,800, | had paid that sum under protest; that sub-- 3 Rei «nd Account, $911. | nq:;nflr -ppflu' I l:lt;n Ni ::d: lc;: .da rom-»i 4 ; § litee the | on the groun a% the frauds not ex-- | en feseatainn -- Meihh ons B oi agne ind -»' : ; Shat a Comumissiun n appoiat-- } Mr, LANE moved for a rsturn in conneo-- a ersgood tlon with tho Toronto General Hospita', ::; :'w'n:: :u" ::m:::mhcd fo?.n ?n't':& showipg, 1s%, the amouut of the incoams o° sum ; tat spplication was made tbo the s that Inatitutlon, from all rources, for the Ja»* Attormney--G+nsrml to re--open the Commis. | year; 2nd, the number of partents raovived tlov, and that the app'loailon was refused Isto the said institution Curiag the last year, He (Mr. Mcredith) understcol that the in: and the nuster reant from each mualolpality veatigations of the Commission bad referecce I il .h. P'O'infl; 3". thOC.' w d" '" 'h' h".." m,fln 'm' .'x' m"', j | meintenarce and medical trearment of each to the tims ot fi. list ':I"thn '! | patlent ; 4th, the amount charged po: day to himaelf was of unsound . mlod. 1-' 8"1': | the different municipaliies for patients sent that a wou!! | E \ by them to the institution, e remaiked P ioh LrCient h nok bad in the leguirs | a | uk. Be underrteod. . that : bo these clroum--tarcss, that Scoott was not | 3 | to the 'borpltal -- from Igh.d'olnln; in a posision to be called in, an4 that tas 4 | munloipalities" were _ obliged "J oros wa! cast on hiw of groving that he had : [ x donnidetable . sutk " Tor * m .'.mglt | acoountkd for all the _ timbar _ he | 'nd medicel, woatnont. 'This was th :: | had out. _ Though fechuically the Gov-- | by some to be rather untaly, and ie o""',l'" ernment migh$ be justiisd in dealing 6 in movirg for the return was to place h'for- ! with the question as they h1d, still he did t mation beters the Houte which w%uld iJls | uob think that it was well for the Govera: x Ton mmembers 10-- EHGW tho tka0k on.:ltl | ment to exact the tct:lot lostor of the law, of the inatltublon, l 4i expecially when such special olroumalance: « Ts +xlsted, Ho understosd that aix or seven A c e motion was carrled. promisent legal genilemen (oune of thom the ~a TIMBER LIMIT3 IN MUSKOKA. hon, member for Wes: Elgin, whose opinion \ Mr, MERRDIYH on such a matter ksd a good deal of wgl ht) 4 ' t, NH moved for a retu & + glving bhe names of the present hold'r: :': bad glver an oplolon that the award . timber limits in the Muskoka and Parry of the Commismion was not jaskiGed, § Sound free grankt C'strlows, to whose limits «ither -- by the law or the evidence. p the rpecial rates of <u«s imposed undar the He _ (Mr, . Moredith) _ thought _ that j | Orfer of Counoll of 4th Ootober, 1871, ap: anly a very string oate would justily th» | plMer; also, for m copy af said 0"'" (a Exoontlvolnrem.dpgton-opon the mattor. | Council, and of the petition presented by and aeo that falt justice was done to the par-- certsin millowners and r manufacturers of said 'les He belicved that not only were the it p Te 1o 5 mdumes nfane es th Cl s advances on uer, with the several rames appended to ! the scourity of thesa limi's, _ He th t L 1 T n .. . . . . j

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