The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1877, p. 4

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E V es ~_. P P| p f bie for what be 4!4, a beliavai that eay vsee s' !E 14 | would rzor te in the interests ot the return made af:.r thas dats mass hays hsen oo i s ;: } f | country that thore evgaged in the stimber mads by Jo'in Rogers, tha agent,. If the BILT. | Sracge th--u'd undersiaid that their lmits returps havs been falofi d, it miga® bs P '(f| l were labls to confisoation in conse found that Rogers was interesied . *--c : 1| P glnoo of mistakes made in returns. dues paild by the Soo§k estate would in his 5. 1| f a wight just say, in conclusilos, opinicn cover mora then was out ak th--ir a tiat he bad no pofllha{ object to serve in nill Ge wens over the figures atite :ime.a d [ 4 makizg the motloc, and trat he had mo could not make out avy such sum as $26,-- 4 sympatby whatever with the stsaoks mate 000 He trustel the Governmens would ' ? K upon the Attornes--Gonsral wish rogard to grant the returo, aud that an imparsia\ Oom | , t:e matiec. (Hear, hear) Hoe thouget rittee might be allowed to examiue iato the § we were not careful enough of the character mat#er, | 3 of our public men in this country, and that Mr. HODGIN@ though* that perhaps an F 3 it was the duty of public mea to protect one Injostloe had been done. Au cfficser ot the M f B anceber's characters from unfounued attroks Crown Lands Depariment made a strong | f upon them, (Hear, hear, and cheer},) He adjudioation agringts the Soott estate to ta turted _ that whatever _ might be extent of $32,000, and he belleved thas i | their Cifferences in matiers of poli-- - rdjadlostion took place without the know. 14 C :y b'os 'h.'dm all _ acuated _ by ledyoe of the Scott eatare; at any rate they | (3)| a common desire for the public 50 d. If they trok no part in it, The wrong was that this HP . t would give each ovher oredit for having «uch cffises who had ezpressed so strong anopinion, L objcots in common, he thought there wou'd was appointed a jadge in the oase, a (ne be fewor attaoks. llfill the charas , Is occurred to him thet it was not within the S [G * ters of public men this _ country statute to fssue the Commi{ssion, when tha | M .. than Shere zow wero. (Hear, hear.) erse was provided for by cthoretaiubss. The ; BJ g . Mr MOWAT (who was very lcdlatlactly inflaenoe this officsr exeried over the Com:-- | EiY fij heard in the galory) was understood vo siy m'ssion led them to adopt his views. # J) 1| SERY tb«at he h& no ob to tis motlv«, , Mr, _ PARDEE could soarsely be-- J *3 t3 Therte had been no d tion on the pa.t of | lieve that the hon. msmbsr was serlons f Ei « the Government to deal _ hardly or |\ In stating that Mr, Johneton conid ' E i harshly wish the parties, but, on the |lrfluuoo such men as the Comuwilssioner«, 3 ' n uh ccontrary, there had been every Gde-- | Aftsr the then Comm'sstoner of Urown . | { f sate stre to be ar leslent as porsthla. The | Len<s hbad come to the conoluslon tha: a wR matter had come before the attontlion of :reud had been perpstrated!, tha Sookt repre-- 1 'al | Mr, So:4, the late Commilesloner ot Crown : sevrtatives arked for a Commission on the | | | S Lards, who bac taken the opinions of ex | ground that thoy cculd show that the timver j 4 i perts, and theso cpinlone were that was not cut from Crown lands, Oan the O#+»m-- 4| extensive frauds . had been _ por-- mission being grantsd thay try t ; throw ugon 3 mt pebrste _ upon the Dapartment A the Govarnmant tha onus of showlng whsre J & claim had comsequently been made on the timber cams from. Some evideace waw 4 /8 the ertae to the smount of $32,000; and offered 2s to the timber out at the mills, but f ] ,i rather than surrender the limits, the ore*i-- that deolded little In rsgard to the polist : i f f ygt" | | tors of the estate bad qmdh to pay this inmne. _ AS the sugzession of Boott's coussel AF I | amount, _ At the request of the ropresenta:-- $6,000 was awarded and amooepte4. Two 13 f tves cf Mr, Scott (who at this years after the SBonktt represontaiiven came P |laf U ht : Hme was insene), a Commission had forward an4 wished the case re--opened. Hs C . t C afterwards been appoirt:d, _ consisting might say tbat if the Government had tse Eo || ' '% of Mr, Ricbards, the present Licutenant: sligt t:at idea bbat wroug had been done they $ 194 Governor o! Britlsh Colombis, a gentieman | wou!d have no cbjscticn to re--opening the | C¥X of a higbly jndislal mind and l"?: expe: | case. ' B rlecoc; Mr _ Kilpasrick, a political "-l'l' °: Mr, SCOTT rald that thore'who know Mr, [ MB hon. gentlemen oppotite, an exoallen 1 Soott would rever beliove that he would ever f | * * lawyer, and a man of atriet h"gl'"! ; and | commit a fraud of the kind, NJ Mr, Johou, of the Orswa Lands Dapart-- | p Stt oo ' § PW' . | meut, who had saststed in the previous _ The motion passed, j § 1| § | invesli.+tion, -- and _ had, . of _ course, MARMORA LANDS 8 [ [ |a ' | no fnteresst in the maitor, _ The Mr. BRODKHER moved for a return of all f +1 | ovnolusione arrived at was that fraud the comespontence bstween G:o, 0. Hays t § 1| had been practized, a coompromise was eff:c\ and other:, and the ; Governmen§, or aug | § ed, ard $6,000 allowed to the clsimants, of their officlals, relatiog to the discovery of i [ # That anm was pald, and they gove & ""'f' gold on the west h»lf of lot number nive in o 4 ': 3 5. In full for their olsim, 'l'-g sabsequently the ninth conces:lon of the towaship of Mar / 18 x rled to reoorn the caso. He(UMr Mowas) mora, ard also in reference to the claims of j k | cA y. with the astistance of the Commissioner of the disoovere's, and to the subsequent pur "B (||-- t C:own Lands, examined *the papers and came chase and sale of such land, NE || s pedvernrenker i wl se hw. :tfil 'p'dd is | Mr, MILLER salid that the corrsspord | uF "IR < | proper ore under the clronmntanoss. | ence on the subjeok bad already barn prints« A { >A | _ MrCAMERON said that there was a mat | | by order o! the House two or three yoars 1 [' :: | ter of putlic lateseat luvolved in this care, | ago,. [ t | % | apart t1om the clatms of the Sooll ontate | Mr, PARDEE said thit not all the o>rres« iA WoW f l Be Wwiey °:°3';':" ?'t * m.;:""'l.::'it"":: ie pondence ha#t been print d, | 1 | 6 | Injurtice he n done, e U i on Scjvt' estate to--day might be that of mssy The motlor was carrled. | 1 1 14 e 5) |\ Inmberman to--morto®. _ Few lumbermon BUILDING SOCIETIK3, § /{]| caioalh * vould proveftrom whirt lots they out tln::; | Mr. HODGINS moved the second reading 4/( 1A wike * | nen yo--rs ago. In this care the Crown | of the Bill to amend the Aots renpsotlcy [| BV acred sgaiuat the subject upon mere pre-- | : Buillding Socleties, explaining that his obj 0t I § \| It| 7@ | cumption. It was ascusxed that aceriain | | was to afford there scolotles greater facllisies § RyR s | value in timber was ont off Oronfil:mlz in bortrowing money. EP * 99k T e n e chiinti? "Aid -- pre Mr. CROOKS seid that thers wore some JFI A thas She. : same qusubif} Yb features of the Bill which would perhap: | | § out for elx _ yras The _ positlon ; have to Ic modified in Committse 2# B w P s taken by the Government was thas | Ve o ko y Vomniite6, @ | % . & as Eeots had mrade a false reoturn ous | The motlon was carrled, aud the Bll read ' J | Th 40 | year, ho must bhave made equally falee re-- the secocd time. *Mw [ M | torps for sevaral years: o'fl:: |G:'v°o'rnmn' DRAINAGE, | L. . ~Aue | could not be oo careful not to Inflles upon a Mr. COUTTB moved the second readin | P [ 98 | subjecs the slightest wrong. _ He fels thay of the Bill reepeoticg the drainage of m"g E[ | SCs | injuatice had been dene In this ore, in lenés by munle!p»]'tes, and to rmond the P E/ | which the Government had no right to in-- | Aoct reapecting munisipal initltasions, & 11. . | terfere, bsomuse ifi wrong aad bsea x BA c | depe ib was tbo the old _ Proviace Tho motion wes on:rled, the Bili reatl the : $ | of Csnada snd rok to the Province ot gecord time, and refersed %» a Seleot Oom-- £ S . | Ontarlo, I% sesmed to him that the pap»s mittee. | 2)| | should be brongbt down; asd a Comumi:t» RELIG1IOU3 INS TITUTIONS, \-- BE of Esquiry grented, Mr, Jobnuon aoted Mr. HAY moved the second reading of é } | é | a..:dtz ::. me ty of 'fi"::&-;'%fi:; :hgz the I.!'S'ltlb to :m the ptovhlon:m;! an Aot N |)| #¥ rea a jodge noen 'ne & re g the property of relig inatltu-- ) & )o had mude, contrary to ail preosdent. j h\ffll of the Province of Ongarlo applicable AH 11| Rir. MILLER asld that Mr. Benodiok was to the Ohurch of Exgland, * g 1. Informed that charges had hsan made hatare # Mr, CROOKS said hbis hon. fdond war f a ke pald tho monsy on the ertats. Hso alns seeking by a vunbhort Biil to effect a com P [ sdviscd the ac0--p'spoe of the $6,000. _ The plets revolutlon in the Oburoh of England in | MBb 6: question, however, wss carfalaly one in tbe Province by making it a Congregationa | P g which all the lumbarmen -- of _ the system, ) E | s sovunty -- wers interostad, bsomuse rome Alter some disousslop, the Blil was wilh-- |} 4 G@ralry -- rhow'd _ bo _ given | to | their érawa. A ' | returoe, He had ooz a! Mr, Boots non PHYSIC AND SURGERY \ ?,' | B | gompes as far back as 1§09 and not raporsi Mr. BAXTER moved the second reading !1 ; % of the Bill to amend the Aoct respeoting the d o | prac'ice of physio and surrgery, and *fl -'*.' | 3 | the _ atudy _ of avatomy, explaining p f - : Shat it provided that all bodgies of prisoners P -- en _ o ues } esw ie e ie rlabhcl onl i eeiscaisam --~

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