dying under sentense in the gaols of the | P{'o%o might be used as "subjecks" of | apatom!cal Investigations, | . The optaion of the H«use boirg adverse bo the BJJ it was witbhdrawn. REPRESENTATION IN THIE AS. BEMBLY, Mr, WIDDIFIELD moved the secomd reading of the Bill to amend oap. 2, 38 Vie., respecting the readjurtment cof the us: l;:'hlhn of the L~gtalative Assembly, » x e MASTER AND SERVANI® AC 1. Mr, O'DONOGHUE moved the secomd readirg of the Bill te amend the Act 10-- apectiog maitar aud s«rvant, ' Mr, MOWAT sald thore was a questlon | uf jurlediotion involsed in the Bill which was , st'll doubtfal. He bopsd is would be with-- drawn for the present Mr. CAMERON was of opinion thit the Bill should not pass, an it was of the olas» leglalation kind. After some discussion the Bill was with: | drawn. | HUNICTPAL INSTITUTIONS3 Mr. PAXTON moved ths secoond rea'ling of the Bili respeoting Musloipal Iostitublion:. Carrled Mr, MOWAT moved tho adjournment of the House, The House adjourned at 11:30, NOTICE OF MOTION, Mr, Laud--r--Os -V-V.-Couday next~An order frr a return of the nam :s of all muni cipsiities in arrears under tre Munlsipa Lvan Furd Settiemsnst of 1873, showins | «mourt of In. a'mensts orercue by ero: muricipality, the several pa;ments on -- ascouns of ary overduc fnstaimaat, giving dates. Also--A statement In dotail of all de. b'lll:.tcl remaining ursold under said sattle. | mon! f vonnnnreerman in cepmnemmetasmey