| '; * -- Te 1| 18 bords If they did not, the reruls would %he line could be bu!lt with a reasouable 3 ; | be that the whole of the million of dollars amount of assistance from the Covernment. fe ' already expendced would be lost--not to the *Ie understood that the Government had a f y d | Gonumt' bus to the munldsnlllu, _ood fceling sowards the scheme, but that a 2 § | which was far worre. He there number of their supporters cpposed the pro-- § | were mary hon. gentlsmen on both sides of posal to ald it, T ' | the Houre who believed the road would be _ _ Mr. SNETSINGER thought that the Gov-- | built with the ald which it was proposed to **__ ernment should never have alded the Cradit B | g:i. The faot that some rallways had Valley Rallway, which was nothing buk a ) f | embarrassed in the past was no reason competing line, and it was a wrong principle i | l'lm they should disconticue altogether the that allowed the claims of such enterprises, : & » EoK o Seffcart or the arabng of alé. ~~__ Mr, BARR sald that if the Ore4it Valloy 11 is 4 Credit Valley was a rallway of a Pro-- road were to stirs In Loodon the hon, mom-- | *Aip winolal character; if it was not bullt the ber for that town would ba the first to ad: 1. i. | money would be loak, | woonte its adoption, Referring to the obar. | is 4 Mr, CAMERON said he did not thisk a Ber of the Company, ne said that the hon. CE s , | wufficlent fimencial bacle for the roamd had he Treasurer must have bsen mistaken in t t a% been made out, but £s he did not beliave -w that the Orangeville section was nos l MEA Shat the prhcl.:h oftre Rattway Ald and Intended to be subsidized. The reason it was [ 4)/ |. t d \ .Ibsld{ Aota should be adnered bo in every wot rubrldised was the antgoalstle Infuence vl ' 4{|| cA I mss iyre ts af Yereate [ --® | erament, He did no: ballove that a rallway Mr, CIBSON said that ho agreod with the FEE should be refured aid simply beomure hon, wember for East 'I'oron:g.rlhat the To-- 4) ' We , it was in an embarrassod contition. He ronto, Ciey, and Brues Railway was being 4 | CE | Shought the Governme#s* should have al4e4 harshly used, _ He sald that the Trsasure's Wi[4 | 5o Ahe Toronto, Groy, and Bruce Raliway, Ho arguament that the House would not support P 1(4 : : | belioved the m»n along that line wore now any Bill proposing to help the Toronto, Gzey, ( ? 4| & 'a | threatening to strike, and untess the Prosl. and B:uce would not hold when the signa. & 1} 4 $ 9 | flrnt of the Company was able by / his per. Lures of the m«jerity of the House sigaificd 1/ [ * 3 \ sonal exertions so raiso $20,000 the road 1 + } | t !>, se I Ihat they would do ss, He sald that he | Eo / wl \I must be closed, Hoa raat an appliontloa thonghbt 1§ wou'ld be tmposzlble for an aroh-- ~"EHLE & t | which ho stated had been signod by 45 mom-- ange! to frame a vaibway schoeme thas would ' A ' | bere of the fHlauna, presented to the Gove plewet} eartire Hona Tho GreatW entern an' a | &b | : & y# | erament on the 19 .h D'J"fll", 1846, ukh' Grand Trank desory»d4 no sympathy at their i | e . Bbat aid should be grsn:ed to the extent of Bands, as thoy fiesood ev--ryone $hay could. {{{ 4| ; 000 mails on the 'seotlon c g Zerstind the opponiHly R |ll ) | C * | $20, ay Hs «could usjeritind the opposition of the 2 ».. | which wosald havs bein entitled to ald me«bere for Lozsdon send Grel »1, as these c IL m it a _ permaanent consract . had _ been towes bad buun bufae o ho Cl fire MEL entered into, _ He cnnclud«d that tho Whithy ern, -- He was. : opliaion that the Port Porr; _ E 3 and Post Perry rord was far lesa deservicg of lre wee entbs4 to rupport, He theugh* ; ) $3 t aid than the Toronto, Grey, and Bruave, that the land soheme was the beat portion oft | ' | is §; The faot that the Provinoial Seorstary hap-- | the whole scheme, and that is should bs ex | € $ |-- $ &*'g pened to be interexto4 in the dissrlos servad \ terded to the Kingaton and Fembroke, (Ap-- i [( It T [: fiéfi' by this rall way, a: d t+rhat tho Attorney--Gsn-- plause ) | :: | fel | s 1¢" stal and the Treasursr were both interested Mr, WILLIAMS sympathlsed with the 1 || s i. ¥ | In the county of Oxford, through which ths hon, member's for Eaet Torento ramarke re-- 1 || 1 e <at | Credit Va'l«y Rallrosd pased, mights go garding the Toronto,Grey,and Bruce. If they L# is ~*Aaete towards explaining isie exoceptlonal loéhla- had come down and arked for support to a i o ';', 4 | ation. 'The Presi¢ent of the Toronto, Grey, change the gaugo is might have entitled them 1 . . P \ and Bruoe vot-- d «gainat the Troasurer at the | &o more contideration, _ The Midland was {| & k alection in East Torouto. He (Mr. Cameron) ' suother rallway deserving support, and the ; j| Y did not cppose the road referred #o on the Wellington, Groy, and Biuce was another of , || amendment, bus be osuld nct see on what the rame, _ He was not going §o be selfish [| ~A 6 &yhdplo tke Govern»m:n* refased to ald the this year, as ho was Chou:ht last, but would N a) !| § : oronto, C:ey, =nd Bruco,, an enterprice vote that the Credis Valley get the aubsidy A | | as equally '"'"':ig l 'm"h UiitISE of the same as the North--Western had, *J || " \ ul'. OROOKS & d that 0 admissloa . oss twk ex "h M « : i ( 4 i: \ tke hon,. membez that ho did n»t oppose the b:i{: 0?. fond boln;othowugr"ound of granting NAE || f | Govermment's policy in regard to the Oredil sobsidics, He thought that the Provincial UE || . | Valley Rallway disposed of the only question Importence of the road should be the basis. | A || $ -- Mess | before the chair so far as the hou,. mml\ml a He could not support the Credit Valley road, f & (|| § "" was concerned, . He was not s¥ all #U°P 4 as there was no necesaity whatever for it. N (|| i < t ' at the reference to the Toronto, Grey, ve = It ald were granted to it as a mark of sympa-- } ' f { &+ nc on on oninn tock vhige 4o time thy with those muvlolpalitcs which had EL t 4 "% I bo elaim special iavours from "m'h '1. o reoklesaly Inveated money in the line, is wili & 0P . ¢ *¥ § | t wes ous of thure "'u"yh'. 'mo.m':'f | serve as a precedent for other munlolfnnuu ,' t [ Cak Imposaible to conviecs O!b' Ns G i | rurhing into rash ex;cnditure and soliciting 1( _ o Oe §he prinelplae laid down by % H" v,oumo:a' ald, He thought the completion of B y | > is 35 hmmc'h"""u"',"q n ';' omM the road should bs undertaken by 8 3 ~+*. o ad to give a bistory of the ola' mlmu.kunh i the mubleipalitice aloug the route, . 'The f | gaul : by the road aince the m'" ) 2R f. e fnazcilsl basls of the railway was auch that | & . ol . ces aratamgns" Bag .lzor::'rm':o they would not bs able to sell their bonds at j If 4 [' .. es Bo it, The Government h"" d? L o: 50 cents in the doliar, Heraid it must be & JP( | . OM I p'hdp'. that not a lll":h C :; 14 borre in mind that we are by these suvbutdles 3 f i : 30e . the mosey of the P'g f.' 0:" bypotkcosting our revenne He favourad the o || 0) J o ~ en t be 'lm to Oomfl"r nes, «d .uPDO"m. and bulldin of roras of a | "l{ 4 f it ® had succeed:d in malstaining thoir p '5 ox:. colovrizstion onaracter, glf such sshemes N4A e To ald embarrassed ra'!«ays would be fo were aCvoortsd as that advcomtel by the ME 3 % sweep awey the whole of the rallway fun4 member for Higex, our surplus would be I l 1 } k With regaid to the Por' Perry and Whitby npreduy someuines. " His whs .f' o to se the &D | : h Rellway, the memorlal printed in the moderate charaoter of the measure broughs { f ' e o geaaional papers of 1371.2 showed that they down by the Governmezt, and would willing. df | B ; were but techricaliy excinded from the iy support 1t with the exception of the tk.}| is . :'p'""" Mfl::l.ykd'lll':r?iA::.m l;::lt!om; Credis Valley, which he wculttl:ppg",on ) | © /. aofiee 'on was ou t t cl m> D a se 'é c 1.0""3. Grey, '.: ,E;u:g.a. I:"':'.'fn .v::;' ::;::::' of its nok biing of Provinca . ' t use tUtlon: a: » a 3 | .. ~Ce m?:d p:onditlon, asd not bailasted, and -- Mr, MACDOUGALL was nok In favou? ?f U | 6 6 .i conad could mot be finished withsut assistance, eupportirg the hon. memb'ui .for' E-.o::o!l:' # I s |I Pikl .c * / Had the Toronto, Grey,fand Bruce Ralilway amendment, on the ground o y'og aekl 1 M ol bien in tke same position with re-- the entirety of the Government soheme, which | l \ d S L. ard to the periion between Weston was as a whole sarisfactory, though there | WA 1| : o 3 :M Orangeviiie, they wou'd have migbt be polnts in it which they, had they -- sJME .. M 40 degerved _ the _ same _ oonsideration the preparing of the :ohm% w&t:lfl ';,:lll?t ?n 1| M [ In refcrexce to the remarks of the member He weun'd lngpot' "u! nd BR z o+ i4 ;) | $7 ; : for East Toronto, he might a»7 that what. ralonal groundaz. . He referre 1: ll:h tallt W (.| | um p sver tles members of the Government might MNrean of tho construstlon o( the D'g C m ( i Tt ; ; have in the county of Oxford, there was no lines, and the isjustice done to the A &» [ El M ¢ str tle than that which bound them to dlan farmers by the action of these Com-- t $ f the fi'! of Teronto, nies,placing the farmers of the Siates han-- f 4H < ht that thr G 6 g:odl of mil«s further away on botter terms § «B | Mr. WIGLBR houshs : Drod / Am--R to acciss to matkets than the noesrer BP E| f «_ went should bave alaod the Erle and Huron ::nnou S fter mature contideration ns hak M e 3 Rafimay in the county of Kont, . He COW come to the conclusion that this could best &# } tended that the dist:iot which this ra.lv;! be remedicd by having a through line bulls || 3 zerved bad not ':?;'%. tl::' M(; :' o: & by COrnadian capita', and under Cavadian P [ p gurplas money -?u i .;o . :.;" e § on management. They had now an opportunity hi | " l total of four i m&: is .:rn emi-- of remedying this evil at a amall expeuse by i | c Flare jo dail bevege) Yow ho Bm 'hin alllh c conpeoth 5 the Canada Bouthern with the | gration f"'"no"" id _' Konk -- "hat Oredis Vailey, He oonld not see why we U // siee _ 0 A oin Aciim v3i flannolal zhou!ld not corstruct such competing lines if /¥ \ y af l"'i"&d&.'d':&".';: .d.°n, a ie E.' "": ce | we thisk them of .dvanufio to thecountry at J lag large, Ho regretted the Hon, Commisstoner k | u } C ; P k & o on o it es is s $ se nenmameiing Nss " o4 _ A