The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1877, p. 2

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3 ,:." $ I' v R .7!\. C |! m i | ; vollsg for the Bill beoszuce apparently bren raleed, if the copy of tha Order l: all pgmu were urauimous in desiring the Council printed in Tusx Guornk were s °h"fl: Low sought. . He could ~uot help He copsidered this very usis's to thinkirg («hen the membsr for East To-- ral comt nenasies, ronto bad b--en speaking) of the attempts t that great complsla®s made by that gentlomsun's political friends Ms, DEROCHE sald that g C & to the Inar: ased severity by mears of the Rediatribution Bill of 18372, wes made io regar Suffiolent notles of to "Jerrymender" the cousty of Norfolk " T. ':!'fl:izl. ::':::m' of u""';'"u'" had snd other corst!ituencies in the interest of ::' been glven, and the studeats l'l[tld 1001".! | the Conesrvative party, a t ks to the lst 0° J uns to propure. . Te Mia l |\ 'The Hours then dividcd on the motion, ef Education had prom'sed to comatder the | which was carried: Yeas, 51 ; Nays, 19, ' _ YEAS--Mesrs. App oby, Baker, Ballantyne, Barr, i abtor, 3 we! 1 t i Bazter, Bohuss, Bishop, Boofleld, Chisholm, ' Mr. CROOKS #: d that tha angg:stions o | C[.r..'(NOffoll).'oOd.. Cole, Coutte, 'Oroc Daw. bon. members woud zecoive the most care-- son, D: roche, Flesher. l'_r?. Grabam, 3m... x Gram, Hardy. Harkin, Hay. Hunter, Kean, Lave, ful conaldernki--n. Lorg,' Lyon, MoDougall (Middlerex). Macdougali The amendmonta ware comanreed lo, ,..,,g;o.). McMabon, McReo, Mazle, Miiler, Mouk hird resdiog &n-m. O'Donoghue, Patierson (Essox), Patterson On the m» t o for the third re » (¥ork) 'Paxton, Prestom, Robinson, ggxm. Mr CODE moved, " Thet the Bli be Fer, Btriker, Tcoloy, Widdificld, Wigle, y recommilted, wish fastrcotlons to 1o Wilson--51. iiiter, Srodes Coters as to leave th ) law unchenged in rig+ 1t Cribthice. tiole B'B;,?.?n, Hargtatt ' McGiowan, the County O--uncil 14 to High Sc.l Ts u':.'fimm,' Merrick, Mowat _ O'Sullivan, Pardee, Mr. WIGLE coxsidered i4 usjact that Richardéson, Scott. Sinclalr, Wille, Weod--19. Rownships and vilisges should have t> pay THE LEADERSHIP OF TAE OPPOSL E more towards the High Echosls then thay TION. ard at presont Mr, CAMERON thon rose aud rald--Mr. The mot on was losk on tha fo lawlas IL Sp--aker, it is porfect'y mantfest alter the 3 sion :-- vto that bes jast been taken that nelther YEAY.--Morses. Barr, Baxter, BaB, Bothuno | my hou,. frlend the Attorney--Ganeral nor Blthop Brodor, Code Noutts, Grshi+m, Gram:e. | myrelf bas control of this Houre, For my opfon, Mussvcar (\s'-'-;g:";:.)}!ctufw")'w-?;' \'?.'.;'u."?-' | oen prrt, I rerga my porition, I will no ' T O ons L4 * es l }pger aot as leader of the Opzositlon, | NAYS, -- Moss*s. Applobr, Bsor, Palisstyna | Mr, MEREDITH reald it CSfllll]y did | Ponfneid, BRoulser, Cameron, '('mn'!nlul,(7!-'?&:;'(N'nl'~ l ntem ."m.e that the Government shcould I arkke Dawvan. Densen, im euns, portl). Piataysan, | divide on a measuro of this kind, and | "'i';Sl'.c'.', ~.' .:; Gtt -un,' Grant, Wardy, "D{'P'(G, I 't'.,. I"Of .h. very 01"' t i Varkin, Ha Runter, Lave, Laude«r ('w :,',".L; A'." of .h.'. th' Camm'dm o' | P + haog ie a ev ame SV hok nalet par aliage r niieirg d . romid id Pobllc Works should get up and unsay ali A ies Paciyey EnblearE, (Rsgc3}, Patts:son (Keet). that the Attorney Ganeral had eald. It was 2 }"'.--xmr;l;::;vi'-m;.- Robingon, Ross, Sext>a, Sin-- [ a most snomalous state of things, and not coir, Cret--inser, Fprivger, Sirlker, Wattorworth, veig orediiable to the L--glislature as a body. | Widdifisld, W:ltame, Wilkon, Wood--68, I the Goverpment shoulid have been a aunit on The B !! was then read the third #'moe and a question of this kind, M parsed. Mr, FRASER said the hon membsr for THE ASSESSMENT, ks London would do well to pui his ow(:;o housa he Bil end jthe Awsssmeat Aot o! in ordsr lustead of lectasing the Govera® KSEO:E'::&.:' ibln} time aud pasred mwont, He (Mr, Frarcr) had yot to loata ' e a PRVILLE tbat on a questicn of this kicd the Govern-- 4 THRC VILLAGE OF STOU i | nent muss be a unit, Oa the contrary, he & Mr, WIDDIFIELD moved the third rea@« | thought from the vey nature of the leg of the Bill to, amend cap | °, | Bil that it should oclearly be re;arded as 38 Vic , respectlog the resdjurtmont of the &n open quert'on, The hon, gentleman zeprercntation in the L giriaiive Assembly, wight more sporopriately lecture his own TS> Mz CAMERON said that the sico of the House, seeing thas he bad just ckapge mado by bae goncral Act in lo»§ bis leace:. Ho had lost his herd, and regerd to the rtindisg of the village of apparently with hi» bead had lort his wit« Riouffvilic should not be departed from aunless (beer, hear, and laugkt=r) 60 judge by the the Governmert wera propared to gran§ poti-- lecta:e which he hag just delivered, ttoos from maniolpalities sltuated in simillar | Nr. CAMERON sald--This is cortalaly c'roum:t»noes,. 1% made little difforence to | no*t a me§ser which should have been left t > which rioing of York the village was atiached an open vote, for the Bill proposes t> for Parlitames tary parposss. cbhange the reprerentation of the coun-- 0 Mr, MOWAT esid that the ruls lald down try,. I opposed the Bill on principl in ihe gemeral Aok was that whon & 'm'g: ard I may acd that I am perfectly in earne:s wes sitaste katween two ridings it shoald when I ray thit I revign my posision a» abtached ta one or osher, and not divided, le: der of the Opporition, -- I mean it, and that is should bo artached to the smalier Mr MOWAT moved the adjournment o! riding in order to equa'l:0 'i':d"g'":::':;?. the House. j Te Government wore ar m C ; v)l?oge an exception to the operation of this The Ho;(c'e nd]onyrnod at alx t_)' clos'k, Aot, but it they did so he f«iled to see how | SECOND SITTING, rthey would roilsst other application« o! the Tke Spraker took the chair at 7:30 p. m, kixs. h DEPARTMNENTAL REPORTS, $ Mr, MACDCOCUGALL (Simocs) waslu.odned Mr. MERRIOK esld that so fax as he to enpgo t lnha l'-ml because i; made the cocld learn there was an ucequal distribu hent f""'""f \a'-';' t,he fleie aiior Siis vilon of these dopartmertal reports whica Doileten Bcuse of Pavliament, * were in exoers of the number regalarly die Mr, BETHUNE $horght mo harm wou'ld tribut.d to the House He hoped that in | reauls from asceding to the wishos of **s fusure shore which remained after the roga-- people in the localisy, lar dist--ibu:im would be dtvided cqualy Mr, SCOTF E1E not thizk the desire of amopg the members (Hear, hear ) 8 the people of the lccality was m' RETURN,. gon tor making an excoption to the genera t k 7 Iw. He t'-oggh', too, thit the proviston in I "'lf-:; W%?D'hgm'?."'?e-;'n :firgflnf: ff{e"" | the Bi"! with regard to the Incoms franchles x o -;'8 th o 1876 p License |, A | votes wer notk aufliclently clear, A \ t ves 1ot MIB W Emt 104 o y Mr, FRASER said that during the do-- *L ~PROVISIONAL COUNTY BILL, & bates in the old Parsliament of Canadais had '\9" N The Horse again went isto Commi{ttss on been annonnoeed over and over ag*in that the C the Bill respecting tbe torrltorlal diswilcts of Logal Leg'e'stures would havo complete orn« Nu keka, Parry Sound, and Thunder Bay, 'ro'lfl :v-r 'ho!rm»wcxn3 n!l'opro:;ni}'no:lv.-h .:Ie | auo the provisional county of Haliburt>a, weo rupport the as the re | | 8Ve y . | bad on se«veral ososslons taken il:g course s f;'k':n':; E;";g:':::' were made on the ' now propsed, Tha general law did not * 12 > provide, and was not Intended to provide |___The BHI as amendci was recorts4, and the for a ome of the k{nd' and h"'d" no one | amsadao ontse were cansurred in, » could charge that there was any political | NIPISSING TOWNsHiP3. * reason for making the ohango, Mr, MOWAT moved the second raading Mr, HARDY said that the arssssment roil of the Blli to a;ply the Muntolpsl Law to | | wou d be a clear snd sufficient guide as to cortein townebips ia the dissrict of Nip!s | | :'hh:" iuoomonvaouu .d"i onmlotll" t: cant sing. eir votses, e belleved 1t would ound Mfi 1 that the partles who bad zought for Incorpe: c"t ,2;' :': :h,-.d ],;?ll?el::'. .l:l:u:lz:m: wat r ration bad not been aware that by incorps hag: f ¢ (er 4 | rating they w»u!d Ceprive themselves of the THE ELEQTION LAwW,. ¢ | uual place of voting. Considerlog that the Mr, MOWAT moved the second resding 2 Bill would nok involve ary rAvantege to of the Doi to asmsnd the Aot relating to the f 4 either party, he thought it should be adopted, elec} on of membsria of the Artembly, romark [# l Mr, CLARKE (Norfolk) sald he Intended | Ing tra% 3t «ffected matters of det«ll which 1

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