The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1877, p. 3

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ota | he had ex;lained on the first readiag. rin <. se0t -- 4 t " n l wl 81 T Fu® jndge. the Sbhoriff, the Clerk of the Pornce the Warde: and the Treamrurer of each county, or a~y three of flle& should coasti-- ' tute a County Jurors Bcard, This would | aseemble on a ceriain day cach Xon for &e-- | ciding vpon the number of grand aud pefty | jurors to te return--d by the local musir'gal. itles to the Cierk o!f tha Peaos from the asso:s-- ment rolls, Tog number of names to be re-- turced by the muricipali ies siou'd4 be thrse times the number supgposed to be ac uslly required. Tae Boad ahould4 rcsoive that the pamos of the persons t> bo ssiccted by the selentors in tho diffsrent ranclolgsllkies shculd bo takon esch gur from qualified voters, whose sursames boegan with cartain lettere of the alppabst in alphabsttoal order, The Mayor or R«ove, and tho assessors, ho proposst to consiliage the ex oficio seleotora of jarors, and they should arsomnie ancually to teleot from the acses:ment ro:ls and votera' liite tho mqsisite numbsr of names of qusllf@4 persons liable to serve as jurore under the Act, These porsons were C souet C «ks C¥ %. Aitsr acme corversation the motlon was carsted asd the Blil read the s:cand time, BSUPPLY BILL. Ms. CROOKS moved the second reading of tho Bupply BJL Carrled, MANHOOD SUFFRAGE Mr, CURRIE sald that as it was now near the oclose of the sersion, and as theo Govern-- ment bad passed a Bill which might be said to be within one of hie mearure, he would wove *'That the order for the second road-- Ing cf the Bill to extend the Franchises at E ecticns for the Lngtelnative A1sombly, ao as to enable all male suvj--cts of Her M:jesty of n:l og:?,o wits it such elections bo diz-- JUROR3 AND JURIE3. Mr RO3S moved the seoond reading of sh> Bill to amend the Aot rospeot'n; Jarors ard Jurles, Ho pol.*sd cus the defacts of tha present eyatem, aund the requiation | for a good jmylaw, an4 proseedes to explato the provi--ions of the Biit _ Is provide1 that the ?ul'ga of the Coun'ty Courk, the dsputy to be ssleotel within the alph«besioal Hoolk proscribed by the County Jurore Board, and should be chosen for their disoreatacss, sounduess ol jadg=ct, and the extsnt of their isformation The silectors wera to be swor»n acoording to a form ot oath provided in the Blit _ Toe r port of tho sslecstore was ~ be madse ort In daplisate, one onpy to be d positer with the Ciork of the Peaco, the o her with t.e O.eik of tha Man!locipality, is wan progorod, thaclore, tias tis : smol skould be saamie dirso'ly from : smol shounld be saaie dirso'ly from the Hete Itsteaia® of _ by the prosent wrou dabout sys*em, _ He wost on to exulo'n a sumber of o har ohasges whicsh he propossd to make in the preseat law, by which tho expsnes would, he cCaimed, ba I--reely roducodg. He quored starietios of tha cout of the present rsystem in the vaslous ocuntliee contendlog shatll wey muoh #30 I--rge _ The putootple which bs bak zough* | to cubody in the Ell war that the so nal com} if the sttmsenge of ju ora at a t:ial shoule be gpaid by too 1%gaen , W «ish ho b« 1 ov.¢ to be the core--§ ons _ rhoagh he had poj t uche6 the qre.tton of (Le mumber ofi jorore comprisieg a crerd jary he s l atmx'llgl)'xof opi lon tl; & iwelve ';us & mgi c'ontly lerge numte: for a grand jary, He thouglt that jury cmres lho:Id be hesrd al« | vaga kefor®o he: cmes. _ The caving eflert | ed, tating his own county as a bas!s, would | be about $1 522 a yo r He thought h: had sbown the Houie o tha nccsssity of are. : form, eud hs hoped the Bill wonld bs al> " lowed to bave a socond res diag aus declara tlon that a reform is nseded. Hae did no: Inteud to preis tho matter farther this sor -v'i'-bo BUL was rmal tho secocd time anrd then withdrawn. The Bill to extend th» rzights and romadios of meobanics entitled to Heas on chatiels was discharged, THE PROTECTION OF GAMSE, . The Blll to amond the Aot for the prokce-- tion of geme, &o , was discharged, REV, MR BECK'S CLAIM, Mr, SCOTT moved for a copy of the on responderce relsting 43 the application of the Rev. J. W. R. Beck for indomuity ia respeot of the purchaze of 1o% No. 6, recond lm?rn front concosaion of Haléimand. Also copy of so much of the return from the Crown Lind Department to the Raglsirar o Northumberisnd, pursurot to Oon, Stat LIENS ON CHATTELS, of the In:pector of Divhion Courts shall bercatter conts'n beside the schodule, (1) the aggreg=*s number of all suils first cater-- id into an d belopging to the Divi--ion Courts of eaeh c usty; (2) the aeggrogats amount | suad for; (3) the number of suits withGrawn | or settle6; (4) the sggregate amount entared ! up :s the juG@gzment of the Courts; (5) the apgregate amoun§ of coats incurred; (6) the aggregate amount of sultore' money paid into, and a'#o out, of the raid Division Courts of eash oosuaty; (7) the amoust of plaintiffe' , money rot paid over hy the clerks of the | sald Dividoa Courts." Mr, WOOD said it was tha intention of tke Government o attain as far as psible the information atked in the second pars of | the resolution. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Mr. LA JDEZER moved, " That the Roetuin of the Bursar of U--lver:ity Uollego aud Uppsr CaraZa Collega promented t> the Houae be referred to the Starding Commit tee on Purliic Aocsunts" Carrled, UNULAIMED MONEY IN THA COURTS. Mr, L&AUDER moved for a atatameat showing ail moneys which have remailae& one year and upwoards usoiaimed in the Courts of Qusen's Berck, Common Ploas, and the Court of Ohancery ta this Provines, showlag in detatl the names of the p:rtles or caures to whoze credit the rsal4 moneys are respeotively stauting. -- Oorrled,. DIVISION COURT REPORT. M:, CLARKE (No:fo!lk) moved, "That the report relativs t> the Division Courks of the ocuaties of York sud Oxford, ard the unitsd cuntiecs of Northumbsrlaead aud Durhamw, be again reforred to the Coammittso on Printing o conz!Ger the proprlety of printing the ssms, That the aunual report The seoo: l part cf the motion wise with« diazn, and is then pasicd. ONTARIO 8UNDAY SCHOOLSY, Mr, MASSIE maved "For coples of all corresporndsnos rolative to the Sanday Bohocls of 1his Province, and the supplylog of thrm with books {from the Edusstional Depository." Carrled. B, N. A, ACT. Mr. CR&AZYXAM moved an address to His Excelienoy the Covernor--Gencral, praylag that His Ex sellency wiil, in due oonlla cause to be laid before the Pazliamsot of Canada the desire of this House that the Bcitlsh North Amerlca Aot of 1867 may be #o amer d«:d as to enable the Legislature of the Province of Ontario to enact such laws as in their wisiom mssy s:em necessary for the re;ulation sad partla' or eniire prohivition of the making and vesdiag of vinous or spirituouns liquore In the Poovicos of Ostarl», Mr, MOWAT sald is was as yet unoertala whether tho Loegtslature had not this powar Hoe hop:d thas tha question would ba de. clded one way or the osher beforo the ond of the year. The motlon was, therofore, withdrawa. MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. Mr LAUDER moved for a raturn of the nem*s of alt munloipalities in ssrears under the Mantcipal Lzn Fund Setilemsnt of 1873, showing amount of lastalments cverdus by each munlotpallty, the rsveral payments on account of any overduna instaimeonat®, giviog Mr CROOKS ss!'4 thaore way no o*%jeoton to thke motlon, The resurss woere in ths Tieasurer's Dopartment, The motion parsed, Lhe Hotss afjousned at 10:45 p in, dater; also, a statemont in detall of alt do-- bentures remaioics onsold uander said sottle , C,. obap 89, seo 80, as rslateos to the lot The motion weas carrt=d, c o nmnonsconmeatangttons sepaune voeic oi i 0t PnA drtg ie

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