. T . _ . , Rt _ on. ""h'v' " 14% W" ' - . . _ tref, the work was much-the same all I . I A land, and in regard to the tipeeeltetittom ttie e qt 1'" round. Two members of the Gov. l _ representatives of Her Majesty in thil coun- t l:innent having been absent " the time i try, that the purpose was that the Speech ti " change was made, showed that at that should contain a reference to some of the "he then: was no reason for the change. . _ leading events of the "ar, or since ttttt ltr, 10TAT said he had no complaint to former session of the Ftgitrluttrt-iev.et.ta 7 make oi the tone of his lion. friend's criti- bearing upon the government. and legisla- , my?! on the l'""."'" hem-55m. Whatever L tion of the country, and that lit, shortild also ' f" t he and again": the Government the eotttaitttirtrferemm nagenera way osome ton. gentleman had "? doubt tsaid. With of the measureswvhich the Government reference to the app.ointinvut of a sixth intended to submit to the House. . That Ministerr he .had eaid that the absence oi . was exactly what the Speeches delivered two Ministers tor a low weeks during the . . he" at: Gum": and in England: contained. summer showod that the appointment of the . In {11° 8peech were contrtstu1atioo with additional Minister was unnecessary, but the _ 1'er to some .moasures formerly PMS", . hm), gcntlernan forgot that their absence which was entirely in accordance with I mm only "New! possible by the appoint- usage. The particular subjects to which it 1' merit of a sixth Minister. (Hear, hear.) He referred were referred to in hlmost every _ I _ did not propose to enter into a discussion of 8peeett fryn th. Throne delivered since I l the transference of ttlie Education Depart- Confederation. 1.tt hon. members look it '\ I meat to a member of the Government. He the Speeches which the hon. gentleman ' I would only say that the change was strongly 1 (Mr. Cameron) himself assisted in preparing r urged upon the Government by the distin- i --let them look " tls. verylaat 8speeeh that F, guished gentleman who for thirty years he and his Government prepared after four i I had charge of the Department, and who or five re" of.s.rorertuyits. In the present l was perhaps more familiar With the educa. 8peech, Btnctr it was the custom to name r l tional w'tzilntsPof the pubgc thin any other 'l1mtea,'. W°P°tf°md°r 2t "ll'd'd"t at (kl _ man in e rovmce. car car.) After 8 even 8,_ men lone W I 0 ere was 5 , a long and constant Svatch'ing of public I only one Single meant; mentioned in the , affairs, the conclusion to which that gentle. I [trt 'r, referred to as prepared by the ' l man came-not suddenly but years before on. gent ennui, after so much "peritutctr.- tv' r ii: rgtircd f,',ititiliii,i-crieiit,'s, thirst the interests fl,"itt Earl-4}" 1"f, [V293 "recommendation fi' o e ucation new name a point when I to ttt WW0 a it or the payment of . l it was necessary that they should be in the , witnesses in criminal cascs,a measure which ' i ' charge 2f atrci'sponsibl: hliiiister. 'eat',:: I {he pr lt'//)/ee',.vye'r gill"? tf, sin? cgrigcdinw ' , l, r ornnien ac e upont a at vice an ebe- aw. Jheers. It) on. riets a refer.. tlli'iflved le 001211)"); approved of J/ttl they 3'1 my"? r)'a',2ir'i"iie, 1t,tP'g:ih relatting I (i; i . ear car. was no (on it to a rat way ttttt 8115. TU was a ma tar ' (:0:th exzcnt an experiment, but 80 which had been referred to in several t far it was a successful on 9. lie Speeches from the Throne before the present , was gatished that since there had Government came into . office, and of: , been a Minister of Education. much more "Ema it was an important one. . . llafttbet'tli done to promote that important :01; /7lu,"el1hi','et/ne1edwe,triete t?" l ' inn or an at an treviothe iriod, . _ ' C't' ' l " ' because a 'h'li'slll.Ujl'ld,ll't'iJf' had t/112 year bring down o.tllers in Council granting , powc; 2t any superintendent, not a mom- _ lid, tor 3113:? c3332? {Eigngggf 11:01:55 , l ' t t . . i si . . ge. . . l T3110 hone. 1tiehy,"t,ti.ctle 13:13:: chilly; i forgotten that the statute which provided ' - found so little in'the Speech to disapprove of i that Orders in Council should be brought .1 tt,,hi"vt: in fir,tr to is" l f'1"/h"itig", the an? '"th.P;21'frbiafedeutt'g.eijii 1livf,rlltletll'A'ot2fdaiL,.t).:'1t Til: 'lr/ bystntutc in the. usual wtt-?rigiaating in Mowat). would reassure bis lion. friend on trt'ittleleio,eh Knight}??? ("3033; Com.. that pomt that the Government had nothing l l b' , F I)?" h e, d 'd om e upon i to do with the harvest, but simply rejoiCed Ste', this 312:8 t, town. , Am?! deven ." . at l There were some politicians who did that h on ld'hn1T' calm-.1 é "I: 1C,',d,t ' , ascribe 1ltvyryetsttisra.1ftory Government, though he (Mr Cameron) might haw; but th:princ13;]le}pn 'r',',1t,tdt,ea,gri'g,t,li thought that iuiii7i7it time had not 3 l tltti'loldhi'2iftrtg,',',eit ltd "l'S1tg been given the House for consideration. l tlemcn had expressed his disagreement with e'f"iait:',C,1T1g,r 'd 21: 23:}5;n315$:;2 . ttit"l1Tcph"t: de, if 21:21:13; ' 851033;: _ opinion. (Hear, hear.) He believed that ' ing prisoners without goal limits con.. [nearly every railway which had been aided . I tending that persons convicted of br'caclics since the Government were in otficehad , of civil laws should not be subjected to hard been built, and certainly a greater number i . 'iitrerlit,tt"'g,1t,r, of ',t'uue1111r gums- 'tltd:: 0°t1!:e::"::;::;3:?; Emmet: , (,"f, 'l'l'i a gorlign a: t'l?hl'l'lbf/i7euhlelc'i't,' ways be successful ; there was never perfect ll ' _ aggravated cases amounting to moral as certainty about their golllgil'to oircct. .A I . , Well " 1.0391 thPel m had said t.utt they great deal had t? he dtoliiee i"ljtcy of rips- 'i C had no Jurisdiction to make a particular " 'di 1 "with" if my; and)?" SE"); r . a I . I " I I til"ie,1u'.irtti,, It," £251,302; 3:20:3de oil the whole amount required ; 1 some- meanour and wattltherefure a crime. times expectations that were formed t ' . were not realized, though there might be Mr. CAMERONeYou cannot deal with good grounds for them at the time. The I, that. money tnariwt might change, and other cir- Mr MOWA'l'snidtiicycould not of course cttttssttttrcett arise which could not possibly I change any law made by the 'aiiiiiiii2 be anticipated. He did not think that any r Legislature . but there were Jamtmade bythe portion oi the public expenditure since Con- Ontario Legislature which 'the people were ftulcratio0ml produced larger fruits than bound to obey and the breach of which 0011- that devoted to railway aid. (gear, hear.) 1 II stituted a crinie. He might say here that he in the expenditure of ".cru'ar.at.iy'lr small i i was extremely ttratified " the way in which sum a large v"'i,,t',yili,t.f, hecnlbuilt, tf, t: l, . the mover and seconder of the resolution country was now erivmg urge ne ( ' l had discharged the duties thcyassumed. His from that expenditure. ": twolllid _ l, ' hon. "all?! 2t West Enriched often ad.. :3; '1feutu"'tt, tgnid M 13' rec aodt e ones since e cameamem. . - . grog"; it and they had frequently obtained ference to rumours of mismanagement valuable, assistance from him. And m. hon. , of timber matters. The hon. member knew I friend trom East York had shown himself i that there were always a meat many ru- on this as on other Occasions, to mours tor which there was no foundation . be well, acquainted with the sub- 'te, everyone that had a foundation, and be' . jects on which he spoke. The hon. would find that this rumour belonged to the: member from East Toronto complained larger close. The hon. gentleman did not! _ that there was very little in the Address. It agree with the other speaks-s as to tho pro" _ . would be well to direct attention to what priety of making a distribution of the was the purpose of the Speech from the statutes amongst the magislwci' os' the Throne and what it should contain. It had country; but he would find that his opinions J, l been laid down as the resultof practice lure. on that subject Were not in accord with i . ' l toththehttmr.n t.h"rrorurin Eng- 3 the sentiments of the people and I