(1.) That the contract shall not be bindi s ng until it l::g:'l:: upon the table of the House for ono month * unt mdilll"mv-l, unless previous to the lapso of . _ the H. ou-ood "[ 3 l::l"n approved of by a resolution of 13:'; July, 1860.] er Eng. H. of C., 24th July, 1860, .) That the sums to be paid for such public work g'f service under such contract shall bo';m able ont 0 :0"1' to be provided by the Legh{.tnn of ntario from time to time. [R. 8. Ont., c. 80, seo. 37.] 0{(&) That no member of the Logislative Assembly Ontario shall be admitted to any share or part i1 | such contract, or to any benefit to arise therefrom. [Eng. Act 24 Geo. III., ¢. 45, see, 10.] |__ 2. That every such contract, when executed, shall l'9rth\nth if Parliament be then sitting, or {! Par-- liament be not then sitting, within fourteen dl{: after it assombles, bo laid upon the table of t House, accompanied b() the report or memorandum of a Minister and the Order in Council setting forth the grounds on which the (Governmont have pro-- | ceeded to authorize the said contract. [S. order ling. H. of C., 23rd July, 1860.] That the said rosolutions be standing orders of this House, Mr. Scoit--On Tuesday next--Order of the House for copies of All correspondence betwoen the Govern-- ment of the Province of Quebec and that of the Pro-- vince of Ontario in relation to the award of the arbi-- * < trators of the 3rd of September, A. D. 1870, as to the adjustment of the crodits, liabilities, properties, and assets of the two Provinces pursuant to the Brit-- ish North America Aot. cuuemenanmnmene romenanammamensenemnnmenenmmet ce e en ie /4 TTA