The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jan 1878, p. 3

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. l stifution could be made of immense z. _ Mr. 13.4th hoped that effortswould be vantage to farmers, Ho thought it was so}, made to obtain the statistics, which would due to the farming interests of the country prove of so much value in connection with that it should be culledan experiment for _ I the college. He thought the itrUitution he believed the intention was that, it , should be devoted csclusivcly to the pur- should be a permanent institution of the 1 poses fur which it was established, and that country. I _ only those who intended to follow up the Mr: FRASER supposed almost every puit'.uit, oragt:icultuye. should be uncured. to gentleman in the House would admit that V avail themselves of its advantages: With i at the present stage of the session, the dis: l this object in view, he suggestedtiint stu- , cussion ofthis matter Was rather premature, t dents on should be tvqttired le de- ' the detailed report of last year's operations clurc illclr iuttt'iii".n to devote tltetntselyes to , not bring yet before the House. The prin. agriculture, olt lcavinrg. cipiil interest in the discussion was due to Mi. MACDOL'liALL (Sinicoo) thought the tact that there Was not much else to dis.. tliis was a good opportunity for considering l cuss. 'l'lmi, horert was certainly no excuse the WORN" made by the Agricultural CUL- for hon. gentlemen of the Opposition in _ logc. Whatever dilliculties oceurredin the I making assertions that were not borne out _ early stages of the institution, he still hold I by the facts, and it was still less excuse to the opinion that it was undesirable to _ forthem in attempting to set aside the give up until they had a letter opportunity fruits of their own past actions. There new, ' ofjudking from actual experiments what the perhaps, no lijection to the remark of the ' results would be. lie trusted when the hon. hon. tnembcr for South Simeoe (Mr. Mac, -l gentleman brought down his statement the dougall) that the College was an experiment. ' House would be in a position to consider lint the hon. 'rcntrtnan had gone further, whetL. r it was expedient to continue an ex- and condemned the 1.lovernmout for not no. periinent upon the large scale to cepiing some suggestions made by members which this was growing. For liiinsclt, of the Opposition. In condemning the he had not been thin to see why mujerity, of the members of the ilouscl'or the farmers and tax-payers at large should mtingdown the motions :iindo last Sesswn be called upon to bear a large expenditure with réhavnc,, to the Agricultural College, in order to give a superior education to a the hon. gentleman, from his own parlia- fcw farmers' sons picked from here and there memory experience, should have known that ., _ in the Province. it was absurd to suppose he wished to draw an inference 3,. that any largo number of the sons ofugri- which . he should not draw. The Bk. \ culturists could avail themselves of the ad. solo glue-ct of those resolutions was to em- lit) vantages of this school, and, therefore, um. barrass tho (iowrnmeiit, and they were 'a less those who were educated there signally then-lore of necrssity voted down (Pear. . a _ distinguished tlutmselves as pioneers in the hour), Mien-as the hon. member for b'outr art and science ot agriculture, he believer: i'yct', will]?! the lloiise ttltld Ellie country that the hon. gentleman would fin o in or ill. some n XOCOII. in ions were h t , ublie 0 rinion would not sus- voted down purely on their merits. The in?" thjliousc in1 granting $20,000 annually 3 larmers of this country had very. little to . i to maintain an institution of this kind at l Stank lt', nlcl;ll';t'l'3 l 'tal)'.'/1l't,ti,iuti1t1t for in , I oint of the Province. lie was glad to us mu or. , rear, icnr. rein o lino , j hzgrpthat a larger number of 1'e'p'1s"/'t,',t' ' ietrit"ii.:',ir1,t. 't't))rlicint,t'gLrha/e,s,Atjiis , , 'r ils l hatalarze " "n, I H g . . , JorloQil,etfte'atu"ith'intinh,,', oat" agricdl- gentlemen "i/t,'1trl'.et. their indiil'ei-ciice or i taro after ieaving the College; but he opposition. Lust session 1.i-TT,r,e,prepaiv! thon.zU the hon. Attorney-General was too to say that the institution was " failure, and promcpt in repudiating the suggestion guide that the (nox'ei'uuit-iit should not attempt to : . be his hon. friend (Mr. Creighton) that any extendils Operations: Now, howcyci', thchon. blinol'it could be derived from suggestions member l'or South mine-co, Wishing; to curry made from the Opposition side of the fuyoiir Willi. the farming community, took a . House. Tho Government of course were Slightly duh-rent ground. Thc sp'caiit.tthctt ' responsible for the expvnttlre. of public read a.Hotio proposed by f member of the ti money and were entitled to credit for any Opposition at the lust "if"") to reduce the 'a good measure placed on the statute book; appropriation" for the yy/till/toi-ot Col.. at tho some time, as a member of the or. 7 logo lioin 5:2),000 to itil0/10, and Je-. position, he claimed credit for any sugges: "rarked that had. that 1110th". bclut Curried _ tionstnauleand resolutions proposed by them the a,cc'-mt" of the institution would in the course of discussions in the iiouse. hare been. so liniilcd that it, would have be. 'O , osition cheers.) L'OlilOtl tuiluro l humanity. lliitt ,wa8t'.saytl/ , . t pp ' t , . i d what the (lpponlion wished. Thcyucr,ir,i) _ Mr. l LRlilb Find that tt the House 'f, ' that the file of the College should be so i followed the tuleice oft lt?, members of to, narrowed that the ell'orts of the Government l Opposrtion, there would not be orie's'tudcn to make it a success would be destroyed. l .bcly.ryPyr to the tanning community m that That icing the inevitable, tendency of the i ee , institution. motion, it Witt; properly voted down. He read I Mr. LAU0hIt--The Government took the other motions put forward by the Opposition i one from the Opposition. til Ming ilint they were framed with the T Mr. FEluus said that if that were the vvitlsnt put-pow of having thctn voted down, ' ' came the farmers ofthe country had tiot tol. not ol' aftiunvatals thing them as a handle lowed the advice of hon. gentlemen of the , "admit the (jowrnincnt. With regard to , Opposition who had pronounced the college 1hr students, it was not so much imitti-rthat a failure, and had attempted to turn the titty should he sons of farmers or inert-hunts, , whole alfair into ridicule, instead of meeting as that their intention should be to lollow i it by fairargumcnt. Before many years, he the business of farming. The Opposition , vcntured to say, this institution would hetle were entitled to no "can in this matter he. I ntostyryythv.ry"lw Province. (Hour, hear.) It yond that of borrowing the suggestions of wasdétrtiruyl toproduce therichrsstrtsulta to the Commission. They wanted the field the community for which it was intended. of selection limited, so that County Councils, it was a long time since the lion. member should each nominate a student, while the for South tiimcoe thir. Macdougall) left the Government extended the limit by tmowing farm-tuid he was ntner a very good farmer Township Councils to propose students. (hear, hear, and htughter)--and he (Mr, Mr, MEREDITir-Whea did that Com- 1, herds) believed that the hon. glcntleitnui; mission report? did not find even writing for tie each o , , . . . . . 1 the farming community much ofa success. . Mr, h ""5": 3333?: 'ef.,", $325310 tul , He (Mr. Ferris) had taken some pains to I "3::0'1-'13 with}? "ftiifslercscnt Portia», . cntprire into the working of the fyp, and _ 'l'l11" t 1'ye,lntt'lft, [mini out that if the he my". 1ut,Aiiri/t'tttinyi't'faiepis: '1 view, of the hon. gciitieman opposite had it was "in I'. T . " .'. '. been carried out the twcommodation of the which "its the most bcnciiciat fol its put ll ro . bl It I ow be sulliciont for the _ t"."es--tlyst which was used . on or. co outdone"; ll', )1. it. The Government l ditutry hu'iiis. He thought it would 233?; 1'l'le'd1"1l,d been the gonerom' l he a mod id, n for tho Mliiistcr to . _ . , . _ . ie, _ Rive i,",'),')':,),',',',",', that circulate should (;trtt/fit/,tr,hTe,"iuiolttgfly d,1, tiliic be sent to agricultural societies .' . u. I; t r. ' ll site i l olll-rin" to supply fm hers with Shell Mock Opposition). l'he hon. s'.').'"!,?'),',!:','.,',. f 'poo fur l as the hum produced and which was for had voted to cut off the expenditure l disuosal. In that way, and others, the in? this institution. l

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