"-" rors! € * § . P w°. o % * Angpant s _ NVE Nee 0 e .$\'~» f ~ Sugnd 'U E. d j i""--"'k' * 7 . Q"'"-I o f % : ':'C l fitchs) P ** 4 s ; , {:':x.': | e ~ > s 4t Mr. PATTERSON (Essex) said the people #"* . e maranler cp se on gat w pen ' f [::tfl:)erWestem Peninsula did not desi':'e t?be 'Upper 'Canada Collego buildings, and of f L ablishment of another university, Mr. moneys advanced to the Upper Canada Col-- §; | Lloyd, the architect whose name had 'tome lege (if any), and on what security, in con-- f up during the discussion, resided in the nection with said institutions respectively county of Essex. _ He had an office in De-- during the said period ; also, copies of all . troit, but he was an Englishman in the best Orders in Council passed by the Govern-- f sense of the term, and there was not an ment relating to said institutions, and of the A architect of better qualifications in the reports referred to therein, since date of last p ; couutry, ¥Cheers.) session; also, a statement showing the an-- f J , -- Mr. CAMERON was glad that the Govern-- nual number of gr'adua'tcs of the University f 4 ment had selected an architect in the Pro-- sent up from University College, and the § y & vinco; but notwithstanding the high annual number of pupils who have passed} l character given of the gentleman, he thought through each of the forms of Upper Canada | l k | there were as good architects in Toronto College since 1867, .and for a return and there ought to have been conlpeti-' of the residences of such pupils: also, } k tion in the matter. It seemed some-- a statement showing the number who have § 7 & thing like a slur on 'Toronto ar-- ent.ercd the University of Toronto or other N « chitects. _ He proceeded to _ contend universities." * P | t tln:it th(;"re was an anlal;)gy between the case THE SCOTT FRAUDS. ¥ h under discussion and the railway aid system Mr. C inR ce m the papers o | ._. of the Sandfield Macdonald Government, rclatinf'\tg)n't[;gxsgzlt: dl"x":;lt;:l'e' twl((:ul:(lp be & and that the Government should submit all brought down f i' | prders in Council to the House before mak-- M? . P being p U | ing any expenditure upon their authority,* uTed TARDY said they eod. m:;]'. i rlcd it K5 Mr. MOWAT said the h i | lAfll'clt with all possible speed, and wou x M p¥€ | 4 id the hon. gentieman .| + . shortly be laiq before the House. U f tiieg. | forgot that the objection to the railway | Mr. MOWAT o i ut of R L f ~ l policy of the Hon. John Sandfield Macdon. | the llrl L WAT moved the adjournment 0 ¢ 4 t kE ald was to the Act itself. (Hear, hear.) e +1008(; t t :4 f The million and a half was not set apart for The House adjourned at 9:45. 4: & V c o W E one particular railway, but the Government e +t | 9° 3 might choose one railway out of a thousand NOTICES OGF MOTION,. o tA | : for aid. ---- f Mr. CAMERON--No, no; it must come beiek es ons detker of w11 leaate: 7 'i . | Aomcer pnoie tinienl o uty ; j 2nce be 11 e P it' Mr. MOWAT went on to say that the Act member or officer thereof, and the con-- | SPeflfied'fl particular UnI'Versny and a par-- tractors for the printing of this House rela-- j $ td' ticular College, and the Government could tive to the rate at which such printing is to k h not go _ beyond the scope of . that be paid for, and of instructions to Queen's ' f ¢: Act. It had _ been acted on _ for printer or accountant relative to payment ' \ thirty _ years, had fbeen | approved of on account of same ; subsequent to corre-- | by every successive Government, and not spondence contained in return of last | 18 / Yl one word of disapprosal was spoken aga.nst session . i W ; it untit this expe ndltufe yding maflde. Mr. Deroche--On Thursday next--En-- ' | | esY Mr. SCOTT asked if tender: had been quiry of Ministry whether it is the inton-- | ' f asked for in respect to the work on Upper tion of the Government to introduce an Act oo . A P | Canada College. during the present session to make the 'l' "a | Mr. FRASER--Tenders were asked for, gaolers throughout the Province Government io 30 Ak | the lowest tender was accepted, and the £ ofticials and liberate them from the control | f '1 . | work was done at very low prices. (Hear, of the sheriif. , «,.'ry"h" f hear.) Mr Bell--On Wednesday next--Address | j " P Mr. CROOKS supposed there would be no for a statement of the names of all persons ' 4 ' C objection to adding to the motion an in-- who bave, since the present Government 3 | A. struction for a return of all pupils in the came into office, received appointments or 4 1 & ? different forms of Upper Canada College, promotions in the public service, with the '(" [ w | and also of their residences, date of the appointment, and the names and : A) ~ 2 f: Mr. CAMERON supposed the object of the emoluments of the offices ; also whether said i , amendment of the hon. member for North position is temporary or qthcrwise, showing M | ) | + Renfrew (Mr. Deacon) was to ascertain how any increaso or.d«.-;crcuso in cmolmnpnts of h | w far Upper CanadaCollege served as a fcederto | offices 'lhcu existing, and also showing the \| ) R the University,. He (Mr, Cameron) was a | authority under which such appointments \ O kB | particular, friend of Upper Canada College or changes have been made, fS | (hear, hear), and he expected every inyos-- conmmemnenrmmemmmmemencommmmmmmnmmemesncemmen 7 | tigation made would show how useful an in-- ' } P I. stitution it was. p | i |\ _ Mr. HODGINS said the amendment lim-- f 4 | ited the information to the number of stu-- € : |\ dents sent to the University of Toronto, It P left those who went from Upper Canada . > f | College to Trinity College and other col-- [ ' W " leges entirely out of consideration. After f Y ind ' saying that his previous remarks had been , misapprchcndcd as antagonistic to Univer-- | sity College, and pointing out that! they j V | were really favourable to University Col-- 4 hP | lege, inasmuch as he thought its objects ' J l would . be better carried _ out _ were 3 \ the two institutions _ under the _ con. I'tror of one. governing body, hq j + | proposed _ that the _ motion _ should Te * be -- amended _ by the _ addition _ of | [ '% l the words, "a statement showing the | ' : annual number of pupils who have passed | 1~ U through each of the terms of the Upper | T y | t Canada College since 1867, and the number | | who bave entered the University of Toronto P and other universities since that time." t a n After some further discussion, the motion | I C wus carried in the following amended i ' N form :-- | § Y « 'That there be laid before .thc lIo'usc a re. | | A turn of receipts and expenditures in detail | i | J relating to the Endowment Fund of the J University of Toronto 'and University .ot'l . Upper Canada (College since date of'lut re-- | | : turn; also a statemont of moneys spent ':' l | | | additions or permanent improvements to tho I j " l Aj