i 4 It might be well to divide the proceeds in o y ; the susmo proportion as the cost of maintain. a 'l'\:;t'g Olgl\)v s&"} a return could be brought img gaols, &c. LMx * nw e ?xuct cost.' Nr. SCOTT said that the Bill reforred to Mr. MOW AT.said the payments made to sentences involving hard labour imposed by ;V'Ll"('b:":'l"'}.m "I'B'?]]"te'.l byl statute. . He the municipal authorities. _ He did not P 'no" ']'% 1gur'cs showing the actual sum know that the municipal authorities had ;f'l';tl"flu' u:xt St','e totsl Amount certainly the power to impose such penalties, | «o "": M "'O'OOO.HOW asked, Mr. MOWAT said the Mlmicipul Act MrlMlsREDI'llI Sn:lld he l.{l]OW that L'LrEO conferred such power, sums had been paid in certain cases, and he | a a contended that a great deal ot care should | f Mr, MACDOUGALL regretted the absence | be exercised in passing such accounts | from his seat of the hon. member for East | nr. ROSS said i }°. i $ Toronto, who held very decided views on | l e o "ft"-ld ied $ hn county tlic'ex. this question . _ He (Mr. Macdougall) doubt-- | penses wn;nu T t." ith t'fl,s El(:ll:il('e' had nog ed if this step in the way of making the law | ('.m:le"np. 9 wlw: lw;r_; f..\pc(tc g'fh?f' the R more rigorous in this direction was in accord * Act passt ,d'- is te 4 x'c.\'m.l the PiaCiiCe M k with public sentiment in regard to the pun-- ' P"{l?g indigent witnesses had no authority j Iishment of criminals, though it was ]ik»-]_v,' un iaw. o ho wl from the Attorney--General's experience, that ' Mr. MEREDITH suggested that some k bhe was weli informed on that point. arrangement _ should be _ made * by A Mr. MOWAT pointed out that it was not wln('h ("llo'" "IC(L'"]SS.I promz.cul'u:us sl'fmllrd ; a question of rendering the law more rigor. bf' es ucted by . some] o1 t.'f} Anlinent | NP ous, but of carrying out provisions which l'.nw_\ "r"'.', ','OW o 1t 4 't'xcf .('1.)""5"' it A | were presumed to exist when the sentences wl id n Nok m c ous Mins forenan ies f were given, n'wl as at certain seasons Munstcrp had very ' |I . i4 y little to do, it would be a good thing tor the | a Mr., MAC DOUGALL said it was much country if the system he had suggested was 8 i more degrading to a man to have him por-- gdopt&L § fi::'mif-m\l\l'.i.lllll"::fi";r' l'll the full glare of "',"j Mr. MOWAT said he hoped there would ""' I':-gs timn to]hm":x}'ixn cl.'al}x .u"dil"f", to ]"'l' bo some scason when Mihisters wore not s labolur. To V Efiotht sB HARRLTW fulliv f;mp]u) ed, but they had not yot discov. 1 f i3 Mr. MEREDITH said that people would SE M ARENTAE O Binnixgs? & | § in the former case be less ]"-_clé lOlfiu(l their Mr. MEREDITH--Picnic time. (L:lugh- | S way to gaol. s * ter.) 5 U ' Mr. MACDOUGALTL said that that was ho. Tuvigunny Aukty wous antecat| I on the principle that if men were hanged time, (Laughter.) 'There is no work_ of | 6 I for sheep--stealing that crime would cease more im'por't:mco than thn't of cnhgh(cmqg! | C Flich experienc 9 Tl the public in regard to importaut public | | ¢ which experience had shown to be an in-- P T ee P P | i f correct one. questions, Wo havo hbad the sys-- | & tem the hon. gentloman suggests under | Mr. MOWAT, in reply to a question by consideration for some time already. Mr. Macdouga'l, said the number of com. We even ontertained such a view j mittals for indictable oilfences ~during the when woe had only five Ministers in the | 3 past year was 2,615, and for unindictable Cabinct ; and when a sixth mem-- ® offences 10,866. This was something | ber was sdded owo bad O i6 again '*_ like the proportion he had mentioned. | under discussion, and determined that if Referring to & remark by the member for | possible the course spoken of should'be fol-- i 1._(:1_u!-m (Mr. Merecith), he said the only lowed. But we cannot tell whether it would | difficulty as to the disposal of the proceeds be practicable to adopt such a system uutil | w 1 lwould bot' in theo 'c.m-'lx m--f.'t;'a ntl-('l lby 'lth ' we have bad a little more cxpcr'icncc. ~ i0m, genticman, viz., those in which cities \ o otf» MERPTIM a $ 0* torne and C:mnll,vs were jointly " Inter. "\2.1-, l}! l':RlnlC Ki(-fpl-.-.'l,w'r"uq t']'!cntlu)(]:? -u,m{t' | ested in the maintenance of gaols, and ?,' ',\'(' l'\"c u.g'()f)l" In" sw ")':'u."' oT r'rho;"g-cx | that point was one he would consider before Pail, 'tn_? i )'lidl .) npyn-m..m'.»'nfl' for 10 | the Bill went to Committee, jadges' library should be ""'C""t"""d: msal \ j Mr. BELL said that the city of Toronto | ",r' Mu'\\ Al'saul it was '.nvhm p'.fl.l'u,:'n'xt | | had }U":_; asked for a measure in the direc-- lorest that Ulcjlld".,ufi should have a hlu'al} | | tion of the present Bill, He thought, for LhefSSCHYL4: f however, that the Biil included in | The item was passed. its provisions some prisoners who should On item 7, Miscellancous charges, $16,000, § 4 not bo included--some who, though they | Mr. MEREDITH objected to the clmrge' might get committed in a matter which was of 5:,", 10 for l'u-\'!n".!:\!l -l'"""c at Clifton | not under their own control, were oth-- and Fort Erie, This expenditure, he con-- | , ecwise respectable, tonded, should be borne by the munici-- ® The motion was carried and the Bill read pauiitics, the second time, Mr.MOWAT said the oultlay was necessary § SUPPLY. for the protection of strangers visiting ~A Niagara from outrages, Hoe contended S The House went into Committee of 'Qui" that the money could not be beiter ex-- ply, Mr. Clarke (Wellington) in the chair, pended, On the item Criminal Justice, $180,200, Mr. BAXTER samid since the establish-- , Mr. MEREDITH asked what was the moent of this force the peace of this district R P54 practice of the Hon. Attorney--General in bad been well preserved,. _ 'The municipal R regard to the employment ot legal assist. authorities could not be expected to bear ants? _ Did the honourable gentleman the expense of this service. | Je 7149 employ any of his partners? Ho did Mr, LAUDER said this was an unjusti-- | to | not wish to n}simmh; there was any. fiable expenditure, and expressed himself | k / thing _ wrong in this respect, but strongly in favour Of the abolition of the | B merely to ascertain the practice. grant. ~ ' £ Mr. MOWAT was not aware of ona case Mr. MACDOUGAULL said this was an old ¢ ""V"'K.'"'C"_'"'Cd which could have suggest-- question, which had embarrassed other Gov-- § ed the inquiry of the hon. gentleman since eruments besides this. _ He was of opinion C he lmfl'.lx'cn 'A(torn"_\'-(}cnl'lnl. In one case that a revenne might be obtained from the ' a solicitor in London employed by other Falls suflicient to cover this expenditure. . partics, without any prior communication The lessces, ho suggested, should be com-- | § with the Government, employed his partner, | pelled to pay a reasonable sum for the right E :fut no bill had l»-~¢:n sent in by their firm of conducting visitors about the Falls,. Inorg that 'been one sene Th e s Mr. PARDEE said as a matter of fact the 4 have been a matter in which he D Wat revenue from that particular locality very | | WaS concar n o Wnn ho (Mi--Mowat) nearly balanced the expenditure. | & as concerned, For reasons, porhaps more y t sat i 1a of | 4 gentimental than anything elso, he wished 'Mr, C it #8id ucltlg'cr (io peop'e_ ?] [ J to avoid any appearance of their firm ob-- Welland nor _the town of (,l.mton had asked | a taining directly or indirectly any remunera-- for the establishment of this force, but t'he | A tion in connection with the position heheld, | Government ln:d thought such a force ?}ats | | : (Hcear, hear.) | necessary for the well--being of the dlstu;. | | ; Mr. MEREDITIE asked for a statement {cntincena of thort menss mound Cithon | In regurd 16 the com ec jor a statemen seniiments of their friends aroun Chfton: . gard to the cost connected with the when they advocated the discontinuauce of | atiendance of witnesses in criminal cases. f