r" .,- 6 -- y f NCye _' * n $ " W tion. He also discountenanced the pro-- volume of business. (Hear, hear.) 'Ihe Ke-- i f posal to require from candidates for office form @Government succeeding Sandfield / ie ouths preventling them from uking' or re-- Macdonald conducted the business at least §' -- cciving any other emolument in addition to one per cent., less than that economical t é their salary from the Government. This, l Govm'pment. He asked the House to adopt C a in his estimation, was going too far. | the principle of the Bill, | € d Mr, MEREDITH asked if it was the in-- 'Mr. MeMAHON thought that the Bill 4 t tention that see. 10 should not affect clerks might have as well in tho mceantime been : ' | until 1879. left alone. He objected to section 31, hay-- | ' ' Hon. Mr, HARDY said that salaries voted ing reference to sheriffs, registrars, &c. _ He j this year would not be affected, gfi;l:ght that the Guveu'me.ut must have 1 f in repty to Me. Meredith, not hn apPotrttaents which ther stould a | Ion. Mr. HARDY further said that the | to opposs the Sin aP wwig d aike why ay, | ' salaries would of course be classified but | expunged.yThe people of this country do not [ + l noue reduced forthwith, 'It would require a | : find fault with the pittaunces of the clerks, S $ year's time to mature the scheme, which | | though they do find fault with the indemnity | + J must not be handied harshly, huxriedly, or of members and salaries of Ministers, _ He | ; i ' rashly. wished to see the messengers brought into | ; ¢ ' Mr. MEREDITH--You can do nothing | the Bill, _ It was degrading for a sheriff, in | -- until 1379, | his idea, to go before a county judge to be | | 3 ,' Hon,. Mr. FRASER--The preliminaries examined, | i ; | can be arranged. Hon. Mr. CURRIE said that ever since he s y | _ Mr.MERRICK saidthatasitnow was there s had entered public lifo he had been in | ' | might be several head clerks in each de. favour of a Civil Service Bill, and that of the | f f & | partment, and so the appropriation be ex-- strictest. He would like to see ench young | ceeded. _ 'The Act could also be used for man placed in such a position as would en. | } covering up increased salaries. _ If the op-- able him to reach the topmost rung of the | ; ject of carrying ths Bill was to increase laddor by ability, diligence, and attention, | | those salaries that were under the average He approved of clerks being beyond the | : he could see why the Government wanted | whims ot tho M""-"-"_Y of the day. He to pass the Bill, otherwise the Bill should | could not edorse the idea of shcriffs, etc., | be thrown out. having t9 stand an examination before a | ' Hon, Mr. HARDY said that see. T which Cf)umy _?udgo. fio hopqd Q)'O Govc»rm'm*nt ' en y ns y C h h 3 would drop that part of the Bill. He would | f was terrifying his honourable friend was an suggost in reference to see. 36 that Sherifs ' / exact transcript of the Dominion law. -- The 1, """'1'0 made to l'"(: ft'f("' '"w',f_l (I'r" * | members of the House would have the op. on esc o iA te oo epoh Oniin es | bromuney VR nma'at rpartat K bailifls are by that scction to do, He j portunity of exercising a supervision over thought that the House should aflirm the ' | these items of expenditure. One of the tinciple Hiat cfi 1 o se af Id be eC chief objects of the Bill was that the position Ne P uoo Op Sn aefoy U 1Cot Should be in-- j | of clerks must be fixed by statnte, and that / J"M.' C utqu JaA they may not be affected by the whim, ca~ Mr..\\ I'LSON suid thatat the present mo. ' price, and good or bad will of the party for ment it did not appesrto him necessary to | the time being in power, | have thig Act. lie also objected to it on | -- Mr. PATTERSON (Essex) said the one ilcu'\"{htolfl having so many references to the | eflect of the Bill would be to increase the | exercise of the power known as the Order salaries of the young men in the depart. In Council. He did not approve of the ex-- & ments, Special allowances might be made amivation of sherifts, &c,, by county judges, ® in special cases in preference to increases who themselves are in some instances not He objected to another feature, that of giv. too well able to stand an examination. ing persons power regardless-- of © special There is a strong desire in the countiecs to adaptability.. fe thought something should | have the election of their own officers. He be done in reference to the remuncration of ; hoped that the honourable Provincial Bec-- the messengers of the House. | retary would strike out a number of these ;, Mr. LAUDER was entirely opposed to any obnoxious clauses, and, make the Bill more # | increase of the expenses of the House. We what it _purports to be, a Bill in the inter-- | a & wanted equalization, and not a levelling--up, ests of the Governinent's employees,. | ; These resolutions exhibited .thn llufn.nn par-- Mr. MILLER said th@ in reading over U ty's usual fondness tor Orders in Council. They the Bill he at lirst thought that it would 7 had since coming into power taken upen take a great deal of the control of the Civi] thermseives tospend without law the people's Service out of the hands of the Government ' money by Orders in Council, In the reso. in power, but from the remarks of the Op-- lutions there is not a single movement to position it would appear that the opposite | be made except by Orders in Council, 'The was the case. 'They wore assuming that Reform party in times past opposed Orders overy clerk would receive $1,400 per year, in Council, and 'ITus Uunone had ':'Xw.n\ Ail-- He contended that the power the Govern. yocailed that no expendilure of the people's ment would have in regard to chief clerks money should take place without a d.irvctz was simply one that would properly en. ::.:Ss.o"l'tl?: s:-IhI«'l-)llrl:.-u,\vi;'l"il; sfixtll?ro%g ;)11'::1(1,1?1:: | Zfizrgffmt 1;1(1,8:0 ;2\';)(:?;? gr :201%11;:;3',':;(333 down backed by Orders in Council, and hon, | make these advances than the Goveru-- gontlemen opposite will have to adopt the | ment of the day. 'The Bill gim-- E: scheme as a wholo or risk a vote of want of | Ply removed _ from the -- Government + confidence,. 'The expenses of the Civil | the power to exercise favour or disfa. Service have been nearly doubled since the | your. 'The salaries paid to chief clerks J accession of the Reform party to power. He | by this rich Province wore not equal to those - 1 did not see why hon, gentlemen _s!)r?uld be | paid by many private firms, where the \ dcpl'n_'c(l' of the privilege of criticism of | duties were not ncarly as responsible as each nul;vuh}ul salary. He depreceted an~ | those of the chief clerks of Departments. # ;x[;));:l_vl being |;1.:}l:_ul<:ul!1mw;-cn I.h;,' D;);nm- | If the provisions of the Bill were honestly on itlouse and this,. jlere & eps should yet | carried out, the result w 2 iminish be taken to bring the control of the expendi. | | salarics in 'gcnens,l:n:d tol:le]d(:jlil;'o (ixlin\l:n:)l; ; 'tll'l)rje of 1:)(ux<\y'nlm n_mrcrlT to lt)lmO E)fopl.c. | + persons who would have reason to complain Ns system of maraging affairs by Orders in were those employed in the Civil Service. + Council would, he thought, create dissatis-- | Me had pvrsonfxll} some slight objection to ! faction, and lead to agitation Tor a legislative | the 31st clause of the Bill, r%gnrdiug exami-- i union, } y nations, but after all he thought that it might ' ' Mr. HODGINS said that the Government | not be seriously objected to when put into $ J ?flwpt: & ;_:cnlvml principle, and the Execu-- practice. He would rather be in favour of f 1ve Council is responsible for carrying it the insertion of a su erannuation clause in A out, _ The Order in Council is the writicn the Bill. _ He had scicu very old employees tangible evidence of tho Council's having * of the Government in most impecunious cir-- ; carried out its princtple, As far as he under~> cumstances, :"'l';";"z"l'f:fr {),lf"lt)l(:zuh?:e:ll:tl; Bxll';,v;mtt? h?]".t | Mr. CLARKE (Norfolk) regretted that the termination the Counci] vy@,. mtwe'rthih Provincial Secretary should have introduced $ these limits, and mul?Ll "'Z;';Vl':'o{nfl o w1 i in such a Cabinet--like Bili, which, he asserted, f 3 subject to ,a votea o;' 3} s I'JU: iml (iounCl .; was cast--iron, and he hoped that it would } F must be ratificd by it '1'th fhat;:r'e' 'lm be withdrawn. He thoughts that it was not | 4 been an increase inyth 0"5.': U':h 148 required that first-clu%: clerks should be em-- | has been an incroase o :;'Pm iture there ployed in second or third--class positions, Jt | ) , in the reventie and only resuired to know who should have | -- charge of the Departments to know who | i should be in the employment of the Govern. | | 1| f