§ 5s In mnce 4. owhi; § % attached a penalty notonly to anassessortwho posed to ree o Iielitit io seb u; P 3 ' Wilfl_llu{l ;:l";(';t:;l";'"":;"'i)g';m,&' but to any material used in the construction of the & -- Wl:'ls;:l who l»ro:urcd the insertion of such. water--works, and upon which morey had | § [;{ce might make some further explanations | been. fldVfln'{'cd.' ' when the Bill cam: up for its second read-- Mr, FRASE.L. condemned the clute ag f . C ing. I Sfislx;tx;(ixl(())rc v;{cxous opl:,i tlum] t:w' last & : E f x C Arrd > :C s esponsible and indepe:.ien e 'a Mr'.CAM,LRO'\ %"f,r:f:,lttil::' tht;ul;t;tz;s:, partics, he thoug}ft, should be cntrustped with [ -- 6 ncc'e:S"ivh{}ml;li]lllpr(l)':';c"l';: g.. He contended,; Ithc contracts, so that it should be unnecessary ¥ l':,;l\:'tc\l'cr, that the voters' lists should be | to udva:u':e money upon material. j E: @ considered final after having been subimit-- | l)Mr. BELL thought the clause a desirable ; @ f 'd for revision. | one. f . ted 1'1' RNSIDE LYING.IN HOSPITAL. | _ Mr. MEREDITH said the clause was " o CTves fea. * That the order | covered by the Mechanies' Lien Act. + } »|* Mr. ('1111§1§0LM].1110"f":vuwni:lit" l;'\'o 14 Messrs. Crooks, 'Miller, and Macdonsall » third reading : Db < 14, sptan w ud Xx wit hk homey.." a i?:petcht(intglitlw Burn:i'du Lying--in Hospital i"']l{llj'(it&'l{,to the ?'lllllsf'i'fn Oft"f.(' 'illll'lfi",fl"t"l' f E and the Toronto (Gieneral Mospital, be dis. 1 x..'.l 16 motion was put and lost on a ; : -- charged, and that the Bill be referred back wivision,. s to Committee of the Whole." Carvied, The Committee rose and reported the f j Mr. CAMERON asked what was the rea-- Bill as amended, | son for sending the Bill back . BILLS PASSED COMMITTEE, | p 5 Mr. CHISHOLM -- explained that the The following Biils passed through Com-- | N 5 changes desired were only a few words, in-- | mittee :-- 1 ' b & tended to provide for the better nmnagc-l To confirm sales made by the Order of | k a $ ment of the ""t';' iust_ltu.tl(lms.f "l b%ifihimgcs Good Templars--Mr. Meredith, | o i affect the principle of the % m Te A f I ' dlerll'?tC?\.\lER()leuid tlhis was a measure 7 t l(:f l;'fgldo; w\?t,e.r_'.'.'{zlhs Amendment f ' which bad relation toa subject that medical (" ; to----Mmr, Mercaith, p < men of the House ought to have given some To enable the county of Bruce to assume f a attention to. _ Many medical journals in the raxl\.\'a)' debts of certain municipalities, f Great: Britain aud the United Statcs.wcr.e --Mr,. Gibson. ' _ € endeavouringto prove that this kindofinsti-- To authorize the town of Dundas to ex-- . a tution was not beneficial, and that they were empté Messrs.Fisher from taxation.--Mr. Mc | - dangerous to the lives of persons who were Makon, 3 ; compelied to seek relief in them. . It o had Respecting the townships of Tilbury East f $i~ | heen found that where a number of persons Raleigh, and Romney.--Mr. Coutts. _ f : | had to be brought together in an institu-- n Mss *.* . f ' ) | on bf this Kind, there. was a , Respecting the acot of the county o ( | much larger ratio of death than where treat-- E rontenac, and to make valid certain deben-- i i ed in the poor tenements where they be-- tures of said county.--Mr. Deroche. | longed,. -- Considerable attention should be To authorize Henry Scarrow to add the > | given for the purpose of secing t!mt there name ot Woodward to his present name.-- ' | should be differeut houses in different lo-- | Mr. Hodgins. ' ('il"ti('s whoere persons ll'\'('("l\[.! ai(l. of tlHS i TORO)\'TO "'ATER-'VORKS = b . Eo Cl co.ul,?d::ni:f: cntixe f\::\:l(tfnx:l J(s):'lsrt,':a:l;s On the Bill respecting the city of Toronto 4 Under the management of the Trusteos of ' and the Toronto Water--Worke, the General Hospifal the institution would . Mr. BELL explained that the object was | A probably be better managed than at prosent | to p{'c\'(-nt- (,':uldl'dutcs fur_ aldermen from be-- Ns The House went into Committce of the coming disqualified owing to th.e fact ofl + Whole on the Bill, which was read a third their paying for the use of the city water. on time. Several mcqurs of ihg City Council ].m.d l PRIVATE BILLS. v)u-(ually forfeited their scats at the c:wncl ; The House went Into Uofdmittes of the Board, ,I" one warfi at the late elections a § 9 o ceel "ar s tor. | there were six candidates, only one of whom Whole on Bill ¥\°' 5, rcspech?gow?toh | could properly qualify, he being the only ":orks, and to "'hdM; by--law No221% of the | one who did not pay for city water. Town of Owen Sound. | 36 FRASER--Is it Aitewastitha Mr. CREIGHTON moved an amendment | biljl ; Ladohter. s $°. 10 a Hiitowasiing ' to clause No. 13 of the Bill, providing for | ( '" gh '"Y +) R 3 3 the coliection of water rates by the seizure |__Ar. BELL--No; that is not the object,. l : of the property of persons occupying pre-- | THE LONDON UNIYERSITY. J mises upon which there were taxes due, Mr. MEREDITH moved the second read-- | + whether such persons had used the water or ing of the Bill to incorporate the Western | | not. University of London, f | $ 0 Mr. FRASER objected to the clause Mr. CROOKS explained that the cireum-- f 2 unjust, and said he could not be stances under which the Diocese of Huron ,& party to such legislation as would was placed, though not what should have & f ompel persons who had not reccived value been the case had the proper action been to have to pay the debts due upon pre-- tiken when other similar institutions were I mises which they chanc«. to occupy. granted University powers, rendered it the p Mr. BELL favoured the introduction of iduty of the Government to consider this i the amendment proposed. He had found | measure in all its aspects, When the appli-- | 1 that in Toronto, where people were moving cation was made for Qucen's College and | | about continually,fit was impossible to keep other institutions to be granted full powers, | ' track of them, and by levying upon the the policy of a national university should | { goods of partics in possession of premises, have been maintained, and this would have -- 3 the money was gencrally forthcoming relieved the present Government from the | i either from the landlord or the last tenant. difficulty which the present application _ C Mr.FRASERasked whetherthe city ot To-- pr s 'qted. {The opportunity that was of-- | f ronto had ever seized a strangers goods for f'l'fl_d in 1849 for perfecting a scheme for a 8 water taxes ? nlatlonul university was overlooked, and now | f -- ns EeC wahars ® ¥y the time was still more unfavourable. | J NC M:I,'L.--,l,cb'.',"" ht 0s 411A fu'w caSLs: Another blow was given to the national | Mr. FRASER--Then you have done policy by giving a charter to the 'Trinity | wiong. | College of the Church of England at To. ! Mr. MACDOUCGALL thought it would ronto, There had been exceptions to the idea | scarcely be fair to make an exception to this of a national policy, and Universities had been case, unless it was intended to make the | established at Bellevillo, Kingston, Co-- s change in all future cases. | bourg, and Toronto. 'The western section Mr. FRASER said he thought the of Ontario,which numbcr;_d one--third of the | Corporation of Owen Sound would scarcely ('l,l!t'il'e population «1 the 1),?0',;':10@, fig suffer, '"thout any such institution, which was felt Mr. SCOTT said if a change were con-- to be a great want not only by the Church + templated _ at all it wou!d be better of England, but by the people genemny. to make a radical change by striking It was a difficult thing to say that A at the Assessment Act, and put them all while the other denominations had all 'upon the same basis. the advantages of such institutrons the | Church of England in Westein Ontario f should be denicd. _ So far as the question of k « & national university was concerned, this E: