ie en en emeemeame ' PRINTING COMMITTEE. vog Toroxto, Feb. 21. _ The Printing Committeo mot this morning, Mr-- Clarke (Wellington) in the chair. -- There were pre-- sont Mesasrs. Fraser, Macdougall (Simcoe), U' Donog-- hue, Miller, Creighton, Deroche, and Grange. | Mr. Geo. M. Rose continued hu&ofidonce relative | | to the printing contract with the Government. No ' material evidence in addition to that given by the witness yesterday was adduced. In explaining why the contract rates for printinglat Ottawa were lower than those at Toronto, he mentioned that Mr. Tay~ lor, a former contractor, had beeu ruined by reason [ of the contract being accepted at too low a figure, | and possibly Messrs. McLean, Bosmrs, & Co., the | present Dominion contractors, would know more of < the paying nature of their contract when it expired. « Mo believed that time would show that his ropre~ sontations were correct. The immense quantities f printing ordered at Ottawa allowed a wide margin for binding and press--work, which oom_fenlatod for the low rates for composition. At oronto the o v.tities were very small, and in that respoct they had miscalculated in their original tender to the Government. 'The OQntario Gazette was a source of revenue to the Ontario Government, but not to the printers, except the arhount they recaived for type-- setting and printing. 'The time the fype was pur-- { chased for the printing of the Revised Btatutes, amounting to $7,000, the bills for the type becaimne due, but on account of Parliamont meeting late that year, and no ap&royrlauon huin? been made for the purpose, the Government permitted the printers of the @Gazette to retain moneys collected for advertisements to meet prossing calls. The type was,purchased by Mesars. Hunter, Rose, & Co., not for themselves, but for the Government. Referr-- ing to the claims of the firm for the increasod price for composition, over the original contract, he stated that they were only paid the incroased rates for 1873 and 1874, but not for 1875. The Committee adjourned till to--morrow. EXEMPTION8 COMXITPE®, 'The sub--Committoo appointed by the Exaomptiona Committee mot this morning and drafted a number of questions solating to the subject of exemptions, to be sent to the several municipalities in the I'ro~ vince, o