4* interfere with the exemption of the salaries of those oflicers from taxation, which the Administration--of Justice Act provided for ? Mr, HARDY said it was not so intended. He thought this section could have no bear. ing on the provision referred to. After some turther discussion, Mr. MEREDITH moved the insertion of | the following words as a separate section :-- «* Every Order in Council made under autho. rity of this Act shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly within ten days of the first session after the making thereof; and whenever such Order in Council involves a departure from the general rule laid down in this Act, the reason of such departure shall be recited therein." The motion was lost, and the Bill as amended was reported,. UNION SCHOOL SECTIONS. Mr. CROOKS moved the second reading of the fBill respecting Union School See-- | tions. He repeated the explanations he made on the first reading of the Bill. Mr. CAMERON hoped the Bill would not | apply to sections formed of parts of differ-- | ent counties. ' The Bill was read the sécond time. The House adjourned at 11:30 p.m. NOTICES OF MOTION. The Hon. Attorney--General--On Wed-- nesday next--That on each day (except Saturdays) there shall be for this session two distinct sittings of this House : the first to commence at 11 a.m. and to last until 1 p. m., and the second sitting to commence at 3 pm.; also, that on each Saturday there shall be a sitting of this House, to com-- mence at 11 a.m. _ _ Mr, Hodgins--On Wednesday next--Ad-- | dress for a return of all Orders in Council | and other documents authorising the sale of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road | to the counties of Middlesex and Elgin ; also, a statement of the amounts paid there-- for by the said counties, and the amounts (if any) unpaid; also, any correspondence (if l any) relating to the claim of the county of | Elgin to the sum of $8,220, being moneys of the county of Elgin in the hands of the county of Middlesex on account of such gravel road, and still retained by the said county of Middlesex. \ Feb. 26. The Hon. Attorney--General Mowat--On Thursday next--Bill to amend the Muni-- cipal Act. PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES. * Toroxto, Feb, 26. | A mecting of the Printing Committee was | held at halt--past ten this morning. Present, | Mr, Clarke (Wellington), in the chair; Messrs. Fraser, Creighton, Deroche, Grange, and O'Donoghue. Mr. G. M. Rose was further examined relative to the Ontario Govern-- ment printing contract, but nothing impor-- tant was adduced. 'The Committee only sat for half an hour, and then adjourned till Wednesday morning at ten o'clock. The Exemptions Committee was called to meet this morning, but there was no quorum .