I -- . Saturday, March 2nd, 1878. ' The Speaker took the chair at eleven oclock. Rev. J. A. B. Dickson read the prayers. I PRECEDENCE ON SATURDAYS. 3 Mr. CREIGHTON called attention to the rules of the House, which provided that Government orders should have precedence on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and stated that by a resolution of the House passed a few days ago it was decided to extend that precedence to embrace Wednesdays and Fri- days. No such provision was made for Sa- turdays; and he thought that this would have been a private member's day; but from the Orders of the Day he learned that the Government took precedence. Mr. SPEAKER said that as such a pro- vision had not been made, both had prece- dence, and the first to come would be first served. The Clerk of the House had in- formed him that the necessary claim on the part of the Government to take precedence to-dny had been given, but was inadvert- ently omitted from the printed notices. The discussion then dropped. AN IRREGULAR MOTION. Mr. COUTTS moved that the fees on the Bill respecting the Town,hip of Tilhury East be remitted, less the actual cost of printing. I The motion was ruled out of order. SANITARY COMMITTEE. Mr. CROOKS presented the report of the. Select Committee appointed to consider as to the best schemes for promoting and maintaining the public health. ' The report was. ordered to be printed in i the Journal.» of the House. - 'l'llllll) 1'dDArHN'fis. The follossiug Bills were read the third tiznc 'e-- . The. London Wu.i1.usWorh.; Amendment l, Act of ltii'8.--Mr. Mom! h. ' To incorporate the. Brant Memorial Asses j ciution.--..Iion. Mr. Hardy. ' [ THE RAILWAY All) POLICY. l Mr. I'ARDEE moved that the; Speaker ; do new laws the, chair, and that this House resolve itself into Committee to consider _ certain resolutions relating to rail any l aid l--- l Avsuved,Thtst, subject to the conditions heroin- l after nimztioned, aid shall he granted out ofthe Con. l solidatul Revenue Fund to the underm'n' toned , I railway companies, for the construrtion of the pur- I tmus'or' railway hereinafter mentioned, as follows, , i that is to say c-- ; ', (l) The Hamilton and North-western Railway _ Compuny, from Jarvis to Dover, a distance of about F ten miles, at the rate of $173 04 per mile per unnum, i payable half-yearly for twenty years. 1 (2) The Port Manley, Strathroy, and Port Franks 1, Railway, from Strathroy to the intersection oi its line 1 With the Canada Southern Railway, in the township of lakfrid, adistauee of about ten miles, at the rate of '; $173 04 per mile per .tunum, payable half-yearly for I twenty years. I (3) The .N.orth Simeon Railway Company, from l ?'yeutsatisrytw to its point ot Junction with the I Northern liaflwn,, a distance of about thirty-three miles, at the rate of $216 30 per mile per annual, pay- able half-yearly for twenty years. Tho payment of such aid under this resolution shall bu computed in manner tolluwiug, that is to say: ta,). If the portion of the railway "r which pay- ment u made has been completed between the '.irst day of January and the fitst day oi July, the pay- ments shall be computed as Commencing on the tirgt day of January of the preceding your; 02.) And ifthe portion for which the payment is made has been completed between the first day of i July and the utirtrt1rat day of December, the pay- u'euta shall he computed as commencing on the tirst dam of July of the preceding year. [result-ed, That all of the said grants of aid are to be respectively subject to the following "and .tions t-- (l.) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may re- quire any railway conuany so aided to inter into an nu_reeutr"nt or agreements with any other railway company or companies, containing tnteh terms and . details as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may approve of, in order to secure running pourex's or rights of user to such cor ipuny or eumpaines over the inner portion of line of railway of tin-cmntany I aid, d under this resolution, or former Aesa, or i: the l diuretivn of the Lieutenant-Governor int-n31; l, for the haulage thereover of the cars and tra' .,r of such other company or companies upon such terns as in def.ult of agrreznvnt hum-(in tho rrsprc.irts com- pznzms may be settled upon by the Juiev.tetc lit-(30v- other in Council. Ct.) No payment shall he in trlc to any of the trail companies in respect of the snzd amp ts'in :ud tor any litil'lillll oftheir railway cutd the tit-"nu: Emu r of Public We its shall have reported to tho Lieutenant- l Govornoru1 Council that mtcharompany has com- '