_ a . F " . P'. .'. 'r .f ' - _'.," t q ".' ' _ 7. ... ', i ." a? M , k ." e _ .', I" l i r ', l a, "I FF "I: if m' Tc", 4.1%,"??- _ l , , _ ' . 'T, _ - " , _ . ", J. P ' . f' "a ll H I _ a . ' ", [ta ' it IRW- . . "If/fiat' , " I i, -~ _ fug'vfli'ii' ' . "f, [Elgfltlilli'l'L'JI'I'Ig'$3:"(1311.1flintflpgfitchfflyvhfrr'},pm" i Mr. PARDEE replied that the sum had _"'. 's"'",":'.":)' , 1,,llgtili, :":'t:rCt'y,"e , ", tho trTt"iriCc'i'i':1.rh)l)/lt"l..'h'1'ei.', "'3." i heady been voted to be expended on that l 'f",'tiljiN v 'sh.',), "will , 'l,t/r'2i'rt.,b1":,u,'//,C maul" sliiii'iijic",','lC:u',',e/'.1,"i , :cction of the road. The municipal bonds r :' it $l '-rr'"taR "5mm in in: _i"c')'si"re,i,jl'/,'/a/j"it',',eaj,iiir' trAsrvrlt' l, will sell at ninety cents on the dollar, and . ' '. "',, . Si t 21-11;}: JCi',1?c"' may by on) other Act I): 12:33 t , realize $31,500. The fion'gal."%,ii'l . T H. al (301'artmsvt- my be made . ., , actual paid-up stock about $20, . J 1 ad . _ if . Ton In t h ,3 liiiiri tori "lltb't"i',/,l.1',",'rt,ifi',l's.'.1St.r/,t1', sum lyt kit-CW was imcul?tt?,f01: it Waiitl re y M (, "r ihflliad fling"; will. 9"," in "ise, '8 v,Crriii"tf, doll; - depysi/1l, "1'3, 11:21]]; at ii,"teiyri. fo . this i y , ', ii'/s'i/Lli'."t'a is Cot lu..u ten miles, then for bu ii XXI-r 11f1ihyrl,'frut" it poll Itt '1 T tl F ' . sec iouo ie roa g t I liftlfilifiif-"33'3317'3iTl'ilOST.?.':llfI.'.iii" '..e. f??? in. PA1UJL't', slatcd Ti.at, il, II _"."',' 'in/e i I . 'li,u'io,,Tei1 n'n'ip or ccrtiticrt' Isl muy li, 'i'.:'id/,"i"' 'tii,'. Government proposal to cid the l'unu at it: I . , " I a]; 'l'd)'ii,'22t' 'ip 3:114: strut i and when sigma by mt: of $1,000 per Milli" for ti o toil ruling), _ " it F muntant in his l'o'epl1i1Ar,T,'yu,1t,'r,ittg,.Ac.,: 7 making it "mil IO.".' ol tyr0,000 .0" 33,005.11" : i . 4, . _ ills .A.uditor, eve ry such ccrtilicata shall be viihd will 1 _ that "SUN-ll. ll hr?, C'JileIny irr?rriiy N "in." I ' il = l,1!l1it.,"s'iiht)uei7i,gt"r,rjjci,f,iii..e, .._, ita 1crlo,r, aud I bonds m mu PCI" tiii!.:, whip., LCy mt. I :11 mi. good on, of 5.35225:ng t'e'f,:l,r'//'r'ic' 3 mm to suit at 1rv)su.efive/e',f mi, is... "l , we," 1'lti/1 proorof, Ilhy tufts. stair-d Gkru',' all mile, and rcahxe has", In JUNK I/ft/ f/, i a "mm; 'italle'gtp,1,1/'t1ctt,1i,,Q as against the tiS/il), the sum 1"rr1i.l,".'1s' to _i1ts.'s/".yj),,j,',i,e" _ A, (5.) TI e c: di . '7 li , " 'l.'1"ffr, . . run-l, That, he submittpil, if": l illil Pi"',"'..-. I l " ' .; cm M- an PlPi1f'y!ic'ty-airytec.tiort tit-"I yumx '. sis Cty l w, i. liliu'l'mi r:stiiicitr,I't for . _, _ 0ft up." one hundrnl and thtV-SIX of tl " .. It!" cial hasi t ttglf " . J i .. I I A l vtaed Show", 9C Uiil-girio " Mull also apply to all 1m: (mu-i :i'ii lit Ll; Humid tlar,' ('UVU'MNHL 1 n V I companies mooning ind under this resolauon. t) oil gym: r. , i ' " l f E ', d',r',,lit11, hitting Jarie,,c.',,ytp/c, ti.:,")';,,.':,',',")',') "KiA Fir. .'ll'ilU'Dl I'll :I.-=l:cd u'lir-tlmrthr- l..'ll)31< d way ot'the compniiy quantity 1rl'fd'ii'l,"ii,0t',t,,f',"i,J"rl' tin. holiziii'rii itiiil\ in; Cowp:ruy WCl'C not ', , . . tturrndby Hm Cannuwoncr of Public WM", and some; tc, inn the t.v,t.d. . [ T " . ,' 'iei't'y,,T/iosegsty,'ti, "f Ire, donuts, account", .atul. Mr, 'p.:ti'v!srilf, 'turclr.tcr_sivcd. n9 rnfui'truttio.n A ' froue rim". 1,; gm,"3,1,"12115512u;','",',',,,.',T-':.OI,,",.f;',','j,',',",'{ , l to that Minot. Such might-be the, casu,as1n ( . J, "dt l the railway. _ similar instances of roads intersecting like [if i (73) The location. madam, the widths and 10pm; of l this the larger Company ran the road ; I 1. cuttings t1t'utbatrkrnentf, the plausot'brrisr", turl- i and he had vet to learn that anything i A V verts, buildings, and. other structures, ttt" wcir, Al I ..,', . . . ' . ' t ' ti r.1't' vince a and Icctionot iron rails, and othim dermis of 1m. wvjttdicial to thc interests Oi m t'0 _ ' W'" ly! rts.uled W" tsuch "t,y,yy",iiy/i1; s. - I approval by the JI/lu',',',,:"",'!),!,",,),?;";',',?.:',',)',', "dll ' "w third railw.a.y to be '/,i:t,1 "0.15121: ' P, , l commencement of the worn, as well as after Cour I North blmcoe Ilailway. The " iclnt d" M . r. l pletion. i been before the Country for a long time, _ " . l "(8.)an _r'1,1tri,'t,'a"i,"v1't'tit,.'u; continuous rumour, .f _ and the Government had been asked pro. :11 ,: s'lfary/J',ihvis,,11 Q; "Kt" ii,'yA'f,,th,'/rli1 '.r.lc'/',C,ll,,riy,.) viously to-grant it assistance, but they had ' e!- [ , , " t am not to ho removed by the Cotupauy, or by tlie always rciuscd because they Were not. ".iis- l , Q i l inthority ofého '/'yrl"1/ytC,id'/,'1e,'ivi',1i,"i"g/th, tied with the iimuwial basis, That objection l . I, il T: V j rell?fncd'thl(i",TClr till) "t'1r"i'fiL2,'1y,'"i',ri. 'l,'U,lt', had now been rumor ed, and he wouidsub- I _ = - & ' i Works. mlt to the House such a financial basis as i I , y Il" In making the motion he said that tin could not fail to give satisfaction. Already , , Illllllr,)t'i, Govy,r.nment.'.s policy this session, in regard $50,082 91 had been expended on the road, i r 1lliilllili,2rii! t, _ to aiding l-atllwnys, \vas a very limitrd (inc, being equal to $1,700 per mile; $50,000 or .3; I ' v ill lit and only involved the expenditure of a that sum was voted as a bonus. from the . n, . 'e, l. =. small amount. The frost railway to be null-d I township of Tiny. lhe two engineers had . gr! ' was tlielratnilton audNortii-westcrn Railway ', made a careful estimate, and placed the l d); . (',-'ii'iiit portion ot the road lying between. cost of construction at $316,703, or uni 5.ij A ft Jarvis. and Port Dover-a distance of 1 equivalent of about $9,600 pci' mile outlive I . __. . , ', Itcn miles. The House had prcvioucly thirty-three miles of the road running'trom' ~, w' , , l rccoguizcd the importance of that road, and l'cnotanguisheno to the Noriiicrn llailwaiy Q", [i hnd granted it a wcry considcrablo sum to at Barrie. It was proposed to rinse the , _ ' , assist in its construction from Jarvis to $316,763 " follows ..-'l'he Northern Rail. . , j Barrie. The cost of the section ofroari from way has, issued debentures uudcr secu- , Jarvis to Port Don-r would be, according to ., rity of a , an to the amount of i the Engineer's certificate, $125,000, or $0,000 pert . or a total "$108,000, and A ' 3 I $12,500 per mile. The Company had already they expect, to rcalizc on the sale ti I H . ' expended on that section of the road no less i . of the bonds, at 85 cents, the sum l a than $91,815, and this sum was raised by i of $168,300. Municipal bonuses; amount ,I municipal bomcu-s and pr .giii': th to $30,000, vim, $35,000 from the va. Company's bonds. The entire nnwunt township of Flor,, and $5,000 from "i. lot bonus miscd was $20,000 i'min' Penetatvguishene; and the debentures sold _ ' the township of Woodhouse, and at eighty cents on the dollar will realize i ' $71,845 00 was borrowed on tho Com.. ' $24,000. Tho Mock subscriptions, the , . l pany's bonds, makings; total of $91,8t5 00. balance of which is yet to be calls", , r 'rhe, cost of work yet to be complctud was amount to $18,000. The Government pro- 1,335,420. The way the. Company proposed pose to aid the road to the extent of $2,500 to raise that sum was thus ..-.rl'lttt uovurn. per mile, or a total of $82,800. This makes ' " merit willgive 32,0 '0 a mile for the ten i the financial basis equal to $892,800; rear.. . milcs, or a total of $20,000, leaving $13,- ing $23,963 to be raised. The sum is so J. 426 oo to be financed for. To raise this insigniticant that the Company will experi- " C", tucrc canbe no dif1iculty. The next mini coco no ditiiculty in making it up. no; to be ash-d was the Port Stanley, Similnoy, believed that the Compunypvould be able to [ T r - and Port Franks Railway. '1 his road runs construct the road for that amount, and that . i " from l'ort Scull 2y, through the commits oi in a very short time it would be in operation I " . E'cit and illiilIlh,-scx to Strathroy, and from Pealetangaishene to Barrie. Not only "i thence through Lambton to Port Fraukc, n will the construction of this road be of , distance of ticvcnty-eigU miles. At thw T infinite benefit to a section of country not as I, session oi the Legislature last your, the yet served by a railway, but it would be I . Company rep. Her] Iriwur from tlv, Lt'glr-la- l useful to tho Provinco'in other respects. It (f tire to build Ihc road in sections; and tin-3- I would be useful to tho Provincial Reform. , had decided to. unstruct the mud from atory there. It cost more to run the instiiu. I Lit .suuthroy to its intersection with tl Canada tion now there was no railway there than it _ f Sut'duca so.ntwr'sr/cu in the township of would if there were a railwav constructed l ' ', lllesiil, a ei.1'i'? of about ten miles. The Superintendent of rm; Itccrii//i.irir' i These tcn miles Will cost its estimated by cstinmtcd that the construction of this road i a the Company's engineer $01,040; and am would cited an annual saving of tl-rm thou. I , gagging to that tho mad Would cost $0,160 sauddolhvrs to the Province. (tlcar, hear.) ', r2, per nub . "it Ile, Government, feeliugthat That. saving would be cifectmi in rrsiuchrr i I .- , iheescimatcd "7" vs too low, trent Mv. l the cost of triipottiri,'gtU: boys thcre and i, l g l Noiesworth, their nmnccr, tomulto out the I otscnding tlmn awayi"adl, in the C351. ()fl ' y ' cost, and he CSliiuattc'J it at 'tusrj"i0.--trys l carrying supplies. It also would have ti ' $57,040 more, He Curr. J'ardec) thcrciorc dcsunblo can, of placing tho i/),r'i'tcide,e, t , took the report of the Goy.er.nir.tem't cnrri, ilcs'Uir the public ir.r.iliriCn The Ii"; ',' '. In net-r as the basis upon which to act. Thu , m casier oftvcccas "uh, 1,C,.L.'w.vo...1' ' Uv.'. Wt l tiuancial basis to be presented was as fol- I Mr M 1CDOU .. . it. . 1owti..--Municipal bonuses from the town of I "in .2 J',.',",, 'r')s.r:. (siytv)r.-The boys a , Strathroy, $25,000; from the township of l r 'T:' inf"? lacility "I getting away? , iCaradoc, $10,000; a total of $35,000 for l " hill 1'APvDlyci--.Ycs. As my hon. friend " ' bonuses. _'ya,rlas, altur the boys are discharged they a Mr. 1i1aED1Ttr--Has that sum been l 0,013? Sent away with greater facility. , voted t t "'t T, 'ter). it. " ' . .) - I _. _ ' -"'""_ml.tr.'wi's- " h (V _ a _ "W" _ ' We T _ ._ _ i