e. ' " _'N, - . fifwv' . " . . é o T: '7'tT Y' T *1- J, ft " a. _ , M n 'rA"et - Pher' _ ,'Efi:§:§:'_u _ l' "one": r. _ I . ""'I' l . (":1")- ," . A "if "y, . F ' 2': i . ' . .1 T _ i. . . " t 2 , . ' , warm interest he was 'ra '., . I Mien-Jami French River tolne Mississagua, sri,e,1t,1t,1'iy1tr,ttr. 1,h1ietd,' ' The Cotntuission- "sea 7," _ rand the Manitoulin Islands, there were st','.),').):',,),',:'),') ri's"i'r2iir,iirboii//rLaiilu (rvi"ali "./dth I I gout t8,1800. In Senna] Algoma, including iel1',l1'.fl)l), a hotly" not one of gut", resign- _ _ 1W, 3, . e sc turnouts a out the Bruce Mines tit. I I l - . r l fe .1' tl t l e ssirag ' Al Joaeph's Island Sault tite lil: " . C, edt the Inspector rcsrgne'y ee pg m t if '1 I l ' . . "He and Batche- t -ll f .r'r' the DunkinAt4 and ' can. . _ Wang there was a population of ti too . and was um t e to en out . \ - ', 'C t V 4...} g . . . ted in his place. 1110"» l , , in Western Algoma, in the iii/iii/iii of anotuer was alRo1n . "1'" n I . l, . . . . . nment did not send n detectives -,_ I ' F ( grand" Bay, including the l.'ic, Nipigon, (liti'tvetrhose who were 'lr2',noadg' Id', enforce: 'l% I _ - I l . gnace, Silver Islet, and Pigeon River, .t 1 a, w", n th Iu- -iN er ' about 6,000 The total l ti _ ment of the DunkiuAct a oug I'." 6 . E ' . . pop" anon wee spot-tor brought two detectives there, ,f"i' tgil "s F thus 20,500, and it was ftust increasmg. This which neither" the Commissioners; nor' the '13"? i i , Watt a ' t. . c ' '. _ , .,,K,,.t.'1 " i i, moderate estimate. Government knew anything about till after a?" '. , Mr. MILLER said the returns placed the they bad been there and did their Work. , V _ .1... . r " gopnlntmn of the Muskokn and Parry Sound When the matter came before the Dt-nnt- I . ' _ _ f/et? at r,000, while " was really about ment there, was some correspondence," hit h ' ,» ' ", _ ' , . would be brought down. 7 I tug: (3:135:12: said .it Wttft "a"; "'3' 'ietrd", I The motion was carried. " . . .marrmgcxmn ea mm ie 1T.P.r' 'h y n , Cyl? - s' ., F, new districts of the Province, where the I Ire/y':',',',??))'.',',.?.", :31?" r , y 1 . Population was sparse and Scattered. could Mr. bthLAU' mow-d for " Order w. "I. , not lm '0 satisfactorily made Up as in the Home for a return from each of the Dcpnrt' . Imore thickly populated portions. ms at. merits of the Governnront ehowiug coin» i , _ tention havin'; now, however, been directed pmwuivr-ly the voluye.ofbusiys" done in 1 - _ tothe subject as it affected Algomn and emh Drpurtuu-ut during ouch your from , ,_ Muskoka, he would endeavour to have more 1808 to 1877: ittclusivy:. Such "elm." to n _', satisfactory arrangements made next year. classify, rio lay as practicable, the buumcss , l On that understanding e requested the hon. under mneml heads, and to state thc ",1',ii',1c'.s. E , I member from Algoma o allow his motion ' ot increase or decrease undrtr catch head. H},- p I I to bo withdrawn. said there was no d.oubt that the expend: , l h, I l Mr. Dawson contented to withdraw his ture had generally Increased in the ecu-m , I . . Densrttrttutts' althongn he believed it had " motion, and the order was discharged I _ , _ l I I It , . ' . W. _ , . been gem-rally for the oenefit oi the conu- e I 3 AIL h A Y 1'ooNUSES. try. He thought u tubular return such as l . _ Mr. Pft'l'T'ilXSUN (Essex) moved for an he moved for would be intcrtr:tiug to the l Order or the House for a return or cum-s- House and the country, and would show q ',nymicnce and cther papers relative to the I how rl-mnrhuhly the Province had pro- b', l (so-Tr uncut aiding the towmhips ofAndcr- , gressed. .. I don and Maldm, and the town of Amherst Mr murmur" did not know what the ' 'uurg, m the payment of ill." '.c/i.lv/ny It". hon Inmmher meant by "th: volume of "4 I "fig {1deth by these munrripaliiiy! to the busiu-ss u but he had nvdoubt, he "meted : u , I Lurindnhamtl: "'l JiaiNay. Jie tc/d tlurc" to sci-"ethe inurcsts of his intends in the ' in"??? . I t?" 15173")? in I r.ot been our: .1 at the "rid " Governmcut by the motion. lie (Mr. "(J _ iN . i "it?" y. fawn} It the Munch" I'm"! Is und Catneronruvl been studying: one irctn-La. . m}; * ' II ti! Il Edgy-iii" " oh'theao bw iusvs, a)" I' migration-and he found that the (lovern- 1;»; l,, I , a. I s": 6fI "if? 'l"? it. to I,'.':'..),..".,',),:),. on tu", ment had paid S;52u,0w for 133,000 immi- ', f: It? :1 , tt 10 t," "1 as ll", municipalities. grants duringr the six ycurs l'ney had been -. _ - 'a' io' , I Mr. B-UlVAl' and he. was not sure, UN! in power,or $80,000 hymn: The Government , bi .' I there "its any correspondouer, but if there of Mr. FandCld Maodomld had imported ' an I wasit ,vould be..bt"urrri'..it duvm. H thehor, l 60,000 immigrants at an expenditure of _ I gentleman's motion referred to the Munich I 't"'15.,000, or that Government paid $3 for I I c, I pal Loan Fund, of course that :uhjcct Cumin I each immigrant while the prompt, Govern.. I a ", I could not now W re-opened forcousitiptatiop, I "Wilt; had to [my Sit for each immigrant. He I _ i I Mr. MEREDITH said tho hon. numb: was ready to give the Government credit 1 _ . L who made the mo'iou stated (hit thin-3 for whatever p,eod they had done, but he _ . townships had rot been included in the ventured to any that if there "as on impar. I ( " ' [ Municipul Loan Fund scheme. tint Committee to examine into the volume I F . t L' I Mr. MOWAT said he could not rccollrrt I [ (if butsiruviti done it TYY. be found that the I ' V a , 1 the pesition of the townships,but he hu-l m, , Govcrntuentt had not sewed the interests of , I I doubt they received whatever aid they It we the country. _ ii _ ' entitled to under the resolutions of ram. Mr. FRASER argued that a mere bald I The motion was carried. comparison ofthe cost per head of bringing . ' . .. . . .. , to the country was unfair. The __ , , ' , n immigrants . r M ",ie)1,?r,ll.t,"f..h Itll Ell. , clrcumston0es. of Pl two years won alike; , . l r. T-No.r'tolted for on Ordor' rf t 1- the cotnparivt.'vo inducements offered by I House tor 'Pl'".'? .of t.tll corrcspondtuwe be. this and other countries, and various other tween myyicpalities in the county ofSiinr'oe matters, had to be taken into ac- H, and the yovc'rvunymt relating to the Noitu- count. Twclve or fiitecn years ago immi. F, wasaga river. lie and a large quantity or grants came to this country without _ valuable land. wits injurcd Ita pcrlodnnl the necessity of the Government spending I I ; toveriiow..of. this river. The ditlicmlty could one cent to bring them. The present Gov. ' I i be remedied by cutumy.bar. in Jack's Irnkc, el'nlltz'llt had paid bonuses to emigrants, , . . thereby making a su0iciotly large Outlet and the cost of their carriage, which the , I , for thertver. He hopcd_the (lm'urnmcnt Snudliell Macu'ouald Govermnunt did Lot l would do something for this work. pay. I I P.. Fl'sAS1sHI Ti.) there Was' ttc, objection Mr. MAt".M)i)'t1ALT, (Simone) said it , I to this return, but it was iICllchd that this was tlr. common t'nstoiu of hon. gentlemen i " I work WG-5 T), Otto whiclt the 1'rovinrc opposite and theirfritutds to draw an argu. il I should ttndertake. It would only ', mart from the incrrnse of the expenditure 1. lea/lg/i,' Iel,e,e, lot It"? JW, along th: I or one your over another. lie beltevedtirat r If": an] t"/',,,ei'l','i'l'd SIN" . , t; borne by q the return wilted. tor Would be prepared in , ' I. e 300p]; 1111:: ltSrWdO "cult be but» such a way that it would appear only to the , I itte . d e was ll ":03 lll;llrtrl>nrc:l to re» advantage of the Government. » 7 a men ttttttl) rmrm o i t rot . c m SGE , l']', :'-l' ll-l',' if I. I") le..,, I Mr. ll ARMY said the hon. gentleman [ r LICEl " 5'01]; [3.41 " TIIS IN l',ltA.N'l . I l seemed to think that the returns would be I Mr. LALDLh. moved tor.an Ord '.r. of thr I I " cooked." 'Ihey wo.1.1bo prepared by the r House tor a return of copies of all m .iruo- I l, (it'ptliy-lnnul'4 of the ditfcrettt 1hepaItnionts, l ll tions given by. the uPvyrytyr'.nt, or any Do- , cvcrv one of whom served under the Sand- , I parimeroiul ofticer, to detecliis hunt to the ( full Macdonald Government. . I _ county of Brant. together with all Ct..l'vs'- _ Mr. MACDOL'GALL said up ll'. officers " . 1 pondeuce hotweeti the trovcrnrnsnt and the wen: not competent to prepare the returns _ . Pte.'et.rc,'.',re,'t:'11"/1,r,ir',s, or {1"} of i, "'m, so that they would ham.- to be prepared ir' . _ ' 'girtl', st/5.f,i,t,'l"",' 11'45134'3mr, t|thCounty e,-, the moment chiefs. , . orney o. In , tl . "(if Hugh; rd 0, or burr , . T . . gl r ofiid in the county of Burnt, relating to I A, Mr. J.lyil'u5, ryiaifl, ll" made the I . the enforcement of, or other mum-r upper- . l ,3?" (£2111 "ll"'"""", charge worse. H0 1 '3 tanningr to, the Lhasa Law in any part of I ilitaLCLV Li I _ o t read a return of .310 coltszly. lie Nt<lcrst00d tut, the Lima. ,L' I d wrT affix "Ports, 1.ctuTy, references, t'oiunris-itrr.rrs I " resigned in 3'. Lo l, at; 1?chtet't t: prepared ttt tty Proviranai bi the time t'ur.sd "Mums "cum to Livttu. I cr: ,1an s cparUnent, showing that the " . ' r _ wor _ lad more than doubled what it was in "! ' Mr. 1I.\iu])\ had no do'ilrt thut the '1871, While at the 511110 time tl , lice , people of lirantiord would thank the non. . _ I - it. ycetise I " if I ' _ _ "___, - III i 'n _ - T ,