1 bronchial has Pstris.tru.rA.'retyTu't tral: 'r _ ' G had been, in addition, included " that e- _ , . , "NI, work In the partment sincet Id',1,; is?" to thatofthe PARLIAME , license branch i so was 1 . N . , Igcnml Deptsrtment. may COMMITTEES I . Mr. LAUDER contended that ttlzcri W113 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE. 1 ur,.11ing to justify the incl-case o. 1/.c'tt"fo' -----i-.-.- I 1 mental work. lic argued at some rength o Tonoxro March 2. I . that the increase of the nut 1bcr of Jot.. .1 . V ' . . . 1 . _ shox 7 N .. -iv-d bs. the. sport-l, J'his Committee met this morning, Mr. ters {anvardcd cr 111-." r'/ll,,'el,'i)/ilti'on" of the . (71111111 (Wellington) in the chair. There meats vtc.i".e':1c'...i.o"ora I Ct" " were Uso present Messrs. Crooks, Hardy, i)Ci'eir n'. Iii'.iatry. . Woods, Ferris,: Ross, Meredith, Lauder, '11"? motion WP.tl carried. Williams, 1111111111, Striker, Gibson, Bellan- " THE ONTARIO LlAZryi'TE." tyne, and Wills. _ I Y. r. )Fl'illlthK moved fora return :lmw- 'arl.r. "hunt Ilonxsox, Principal of the I ine "A, "111111111 cost of the 0[/1c111l(.1/:rtle, Agricultural 1-'yllc'gy, gave .evidence WIUII {11211111111111 111111111111 of woxli 1111111: {11"thet1ov- '."1-',r,'y1'tr,t.oa?,uyn 111 the estimatesfor1878 1 .k"rt tls t :111dalw f., 1' the general public,t.ho :11 "1', ",r,'c",1'y/,'.i1"py11syyeay1r/orajiriiiii', 111.11.111, 'rrfB 'v 11 I, sulricri.rrtious. to tho. {5.111117 under the head of " Agricultural ttoritit 1qu,- 11'; t I", ill/L) i'sorie,lttJo, pup. s/c.' Jlsstsplaincdthathe went to the 1.111111. [try,."' "I111 j'))," amount; retained by I 111111~Lg1~ in Annual, 1374, and that before the 111 ("VP-EH", 3111- raturn tormbrace each year i 11111 1.: tin: liar arriVed, the appropriation of "WM"LWYI' /i'r:f:iii,%.:..iv1i." In support: 511311-111 111:1111: maintenance of the College irom 11111), l 'd,' 17-11-11-111 toa gvnural belief,' 1111-11 2311-11 out. (111 sending in his account of mglel':,x,o "I". .I. "a... & Co. MW turhl. fur i-oct. to the Department of Agri. Shyn- T1.311;.111o1 'nl 1 1' tls-tr':':)'.;"':,-' 111111119 it 11111; rsttlynerl with the statement 'li",,'),')',),,. . _ llc.t 11.1111 was no money, as was also that . Q Mr Fir;\sl.'l' col and widows had been ft'i'l-'i,tl1r., Of course, there having been , . , ' . . I . g,,-'.' oath that 1111 sur-h 1111 111'11'111'111l'Y vlhh.io f'h1imyte the tut.. Iakcn "l." ""1 l, 1111 1111111 11»: of the. Itihlitlltlon, it was not sums had 11):": '1 "14.111 that he had been , r11. 11111111111- that Ine appropriation was too Mr. "lid-'1'! (1'1 C",,',)',,,',,,,' " "1oltt'Y had) ~111:111_ 11:11:11, the 115111 orthc 20th of Dc- . infornw . 111 1 , y. fortlusimrcltase ~,-1.1111~1g. 1:~_11,1101--_1'1cto 'lownto and saw been rctaund l') 111.11 111111 1 . t1;1\1'1111111.1 "r"'"".', Nr. Mclxellar, and after- vi" type. l l " li lil 1t th only can) 1111.15» '.!i'i,2j"'iiy:'ir _).1yifi'r:.t,ti'cilboatt tthe r. 1'11. 8-2.1 rep 11-1 r, . p, ,." "s . 1111-1111, "11: 1)tlrau'Wasin 513511111 a he I 1112113 was $7.01") tot. the lit-used titattrtcs, 1111113 but it was too. late to have the C "'hulh'wa's'l:\t"'"'ul1(.i'1hvIl-Utxil)liltivprlnm'llt "up" I11II1111 .lfl..10iqmr the ordinary Mr. 3112111111 h suid t 1.1 10 T tl itl , "oi' 11111 si'll"irrm'rituryieyitimaics. (ccorihig were to Maine fot. not. "Min"; Mb H I" l to Cilt 1111111 f, 11111-111, however, of the Trea- disput" With Httutcr. 1loso. k l o. . .1 IS 1.11111. to trhotu he "as referred by the Com.. Mr. FltAh'l'Lt: 'yr'-r-',csyli.haf "1"."c""' mi:eionrt. of Agriculture, Mr. McKellar, 181;? beitcrtcdiustcrrd ol lti70. the 111111111111 of $5,000 was placed to his The motion as (HUG-111ml was carritU. 'uvdit, 11> Bursar of the Agricultural Qollcge, IVsl'litll'lttN up LitVlSluN (Jotli'ln. at thi. branchof the Bank of Commerce, _ . P.t . "' ort on Lint-11111, and with that amount he paid the Mr. 111111111» ntovvdfor the 1."T t d , ir, h; te... , rt' . .: , . 1. . f Division Courts in county 1-bt.. which hid mulled. 1ynking that the tttripe' 111111 ll. ll _ 1 ietl explained 3301111111111 been placed lit " Lnforesccn and I totisiti during 15.1.. u 11" urine-19' of the L'nproviucd," he did not insert itin his esti- 1 that th,.. report "A: le, 5,13 "In lit, would mates for any of the following years, and it I f,",',')',)',?,',',',',',',.",';,,",,'.? hv. tt ll! " , was not till 1871), when the Public Accounts' 1 "1'l"p"/1h,'/r'y,; 11511 nut know why this 11:11.13}: appeared, that .1113 saw tint, 1'tii'; ' .1 borucht down a, well 511,11110 had not. been provided for. lit " ie 1 reirovi had not "I t tt Ti i1 111 Courts Ircrtstmally to the Treasurvr 1111-1 the Unn- , 11:; "w otlict" "'th on '11,;1m View id missioncr of Agriculture, 11110 l be." "utthe. i tmlcr,s there had b:u'tiapuiTot . _ ovcrdratl S1 111111, but he tnad no 111111111 ' that "tsly?. . "ornmunitatio to either of the Depart-I 'rhvttvrtion TVltu' trartirrd. - 11111118, arid the matter was overlooked. (jungusslux 013 THE PEACE. Previous to the present session, however, i I Mr. GRANGE moved for a return tihorr. he called the attentionnot~ ltlr. Wood, "no I ing the natties of all magistrates at present 'ntppernd to L". both rre:rsurer and Cons I , mi the Commission of the Peace, the date y; 1ilhis]r"tt't ol A;irityltHc,.to the 11111111 1, and t their scveral appointments, the date of their 1111.- 51.01») Ts as placed llt the estimates rot. I kiualitication, and the countms for which 1:115. 1 they are letTertivt ly "et/led; Jehsaiti, Mr. 1311111111 111111-11 that it was quite true at as 'crarubulitiug magtt, ra cs e hat on tne re 111'scntation of the. 'onunis- '/','attoSi":t. it wouldbe as wyll to allow iisrncr of Aural-111111111, Mr. McKelthtr, the the vacant ies which occurred .111 the t om- Treasury Depaiuuent arranged to 'carry tuissiouof the Pure to go uutillcd. the institution through the year 1874 by 'l'hr.nu)tionwas carried. aunnsof dit overdraft on the bank. Be In"; GriNlitlAi, HOSPITALS. "tt:, onlly 1s/,'"1t,iy,,e,, lltvy,yn while Irtt, I .1 . . . ' . - carer. or 1e a 1prmr1a ions re mm or 511-1111155113 I".',"" d . {MIN 1riettalr,,noirhp,t the 1reasttry /'/?a'f/itl'dtl.i and 1131, for the rurr, 'rr 1111: :csthe MIT"? .. "11'ir'),sd1, tit expenses of any public institution beyond rout-1. .Kintrton,, l" TI") Je" ii',ii."l'rtu',"i". providingthe money. The Commissioner ' f/ill".?'?., i.uiti ld."')",.',), '.',,' r 1877 from, of Agriculture and the head of the institu- artt0f'il, ".'1.':""'I'.I"l".' did-(111 of hunt-1111; tion were primarily responsible for seeing ""1" .111111111 " l if)" il l.' 1 [1,1, is resident of that thc; particular item Was provided for. I ,',i,"ri"rrl'c""",', "n", "erupt tc,"))'),,',]",",',?]?,),',)) The Principal, he thought, should have 1"" "ti: 1:1"! If: "it? ', IF:,;I,0 1N'f)'sr'ce/il','.. Salll-d the attention ol the head ot the De. 't'iu,',t::,ii':tr/",/,.ii',1iii.'i:1iC,,; charged to rcsi. Pilfrnf'rut of AL: iculture to the "attain 111-111": 11-5 1'.;:1., "l to non-ree-idents; also wrt m1" 111111111111: th" poritirrit ol' anv funds held by Mr. 11.111131: moved, i'. That Mr. Johnson 1 tlu, 1111'111 1.1-1.1 :. 11111! the county of Mid- 'll")'." be'/ote the Committee. at ilsttext 1 1111' l iru. hospital [111111051'S. Also ampyI 1'f.rti'".:ii1ytlte purpoae of explainitix the 111' 11.1 111111111 .1 111-111.» n the city of Lon. estimates 1111' 1875." ' tiouud thc ti'lllll_ t-l. Mirrllvst.x .witl? 1'15:( Mr. LIH'REDITH moved in amendment, tenure to 5111".""M' 111'" t,lt1t12rr "that the Principal of the Agricultural 1111:" f I,'," 1.1:11111111111 rin' ""1"; " " C l .'lolltce be r111 nested to attend at 9:30 on "A" "WNW l""l olti, '3 of tl"' amounts PHI]? Monday, to be} further examined as to the ' I11 til, Cillf's to thr. 1M "1"t11l1w' 1ot!iive'l.r "counts and working of the said College." 'it:',,"'?."""'-! " 'ttriit t "3 "UH . Mr. Ross moved in amendment, "That I . I ""11" trtiitiou wasrsa,"ricd. ' P such an irregular and unprecedented pro- I 1 THi', JN'l 2.1!»1'1111\ 1NClAl, RUEXILHH. routine as calling a subordinate oilicet. to I 1 MI". HARRIS. tuovcd for a return of explain the estimates for which the head of (""11" of all rccvipls y,ivcn by illdi'l'luifls ofthe Department is responsible, and whose I 'orcvtuio.sation tin-11111115 to the Coumls- duty It is to explain them to the llouse, sinners appointed to Settle the boundary 'shuuhinothe sanctioned bythis Committee." line between titc!',1ov).rtce.sof Upper and l Mr. Ross' amendment was carried, and, "",v.t-'.anad.a, new the i'roviuccs of 1111111111) I alter a motion had been carried requesting and Qaebec, 1n .virtu.corthe Act of 1800 i and I the Cliuirman to prepare a draft report, the thenmncs ofall partics to whom conveyances L'onnuittvc adjourned. were made; and the number of the lots: , 7 _ rr,". , , also Copies of all convt-yanecs, or writings PPsrNTINu C0M1HT1'EE, in nature or. fs".""'.'".'"".-', 3"")th to indi. -. A martin: of the Printing Committee was vidnals by said ConyyissionHs P. urine cf lwld "I limit-past rune o'clock this morning. . sub.section I of s'vctiott 4 01.23 l f, rap. 21, iric/,'i't tCr/o"; Mr. Fraser in the chair; so far as the same may be found lit the De- partment of the Commissioner of Ccown . Lands. I bu, ,, The motion was carried. 'ki ,7 The House adI'ourned at 2:10 p.m. i -----L.., -