and Messrs. Bonner, Creighton, Deroche, i Granue, and O'Dunoghno. Mr. Notman, tho Queen's Printer, was examimd relative to tho payments made on . account of the printing contract between the Ontario Government and the firm of Hunter, Rose, & Co. He stated that he had deprived the cu ntractors of all the "tu" he possibly could. and the only exception was in we case- of the Votes and Proceedings. True, the Bills \u-re paid tor. anew every time they were printed, but there were usually so many alterations to be made (and even those . alterations Were to be set in italics) that it Would scarcely pay the contractors to keep the " matter" standing. The printing accounts for departmental work had been paid monthly at the advanced rates, merely for convenience in keeping the departmental accounts and preparing the estimates ; but adrawback o0ieientiy large to cover the difference between the contract prices at 28 cents per thousand ems for composition and Icrty cents (the advanced rates) on bothl departmental and sessions! printing had been made on the payments for the latter. From January Ist, 1875, till the 1st of May, 18ri, the total increase over the contract prices for departmental printing was $1,564 33 ; parliamentary or sessional trrintmg,'il3,et7 44; Ontario qagette,81,182 18. A sum tmtticiently large to cover these amounts had been retained. The difference between the contract and advanced rates on printing the Revised Statutes was $1,239 09. The Committee then adjourned till Mom, day morning. I -"'"'"""----r